Owner's pay the players 6 billion per year

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Jerryworld generates about $800MM in revenue every year. The profit from that is all Jerry.

Speaking for me, I pay to see the players, so I don't begrudge paying them as long as the product on the field remains stellar.


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yah, at the end of the day the owners need to protect themselves from themselves.

The players have a union, why cant the owner have one? Players can collude but owners cant? Double standard.

Owners need to force the players to do it however they have to. Break the union like they have done in the past.
The owners want the overall price fixing which the Cap represents. That’s the mechanism to protect them from themselves.


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Jerryworld generates about $800MM in revenue every year. The profit from that is all Jerry.

Speaking for me, I pay to see the players, so I don't begrudge paying them as long as the product on the field remains stellar.
Of course but for most the product doesn’t drive the revenue as it did in the past.

Every team in the NFL makes money. Jerry just has the biggest stadium and why he generates the most. Commanders and Giants usually in top 5 most years cause, they have larger stadiums.


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The owners want the overall price fixing which the Cap represents. That’s the mechanism to protect them from themselves.

Need more protections. Players shouldn't be making 20 to 40 million per year to throw a pig skins and run around.

Maybe the NFL and players union should agree to give 20% of all revenues to help certain causes.


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Need more protections. Players shouldn't be making 20 to 40 million per year to throw a pig skins and run around.

Maybe the NFL and players union should agree to give 20% of all revenues to help certain causes.
The NFL is a very charitable entity.

I’m not sure why we hold such resentment for Athletes?

We don’t appear to have as much issue for a lead actor to make 25-30 million a film. Or an artist to make 50-100 million on a tour.


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The NFL is a very charitable entity.

I’m not sure why we hold such resentment for Athletes?

We don’t appear to have as much issue for a lead actor to make 25-30 million a film. Or an artist to make 50-100 million on a tour.

Its jealousy. Watching a guy that probably couldn't earn more than 30k per year if he was in the real world get 30 million is hard to swallow for some. Personally I didn't have an issue but now its just getting way out of control.

Guys like QB's should not be hoarding 20% of the entire salary cap. It should be spread around to other guys.


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Its jealousy. Watching a guy that probably couldn't earn more than 30k per year if he was in the real world get 30 million is hard to swallow for some. Personally I didn't have an issue but now its just getting way out of control.

Guys like QB's should not be hoarding 20% of the entire salary cap. It should be spread around to other guys.

you are a lunatic.


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Its jealousy. Watching a guy that probably couldn't earn more than 30k per year if he was in the real world get 30 million is hard to swallow for some. Personally I didn't have an issue but now its just getting way out of control.

Guys like QB's should not be hoarding 20% of the entire salary cap. It should be spread around to other guys.
I’m not one of those guys. No amount of money gets me out there. I’m a sidelines or booth kind of guy.

I think the lead actor in a film , front man in band or in this case QB on a team deserves the most if they can get it. Remember not all QB can get it .

And there’s many teams like with Dak last 4 years making basically min wage on his Rookie contract. I think about 80 % of the league makes only about a million a year.

Now when my uncle played was entirely different. 10,000 a year first contract. 1,000 signing bonus in 1961.


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I really don’t care how much the owners or players get. It’s all a big pyramid scam anyway. Fans at the bottom. Players in the middle and owners on top. As long as I’m entertained who cares what they make.


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I long for the days where players had Incentive to play well, win and represent their teams and cities more than the all mighty dollar.
We can go back to those days. Just turn off the TV.

When I begun watching it was one dollar to get in. Football was a part time job. Some athletes decided not to play professionally cause not enough money in it.

This is the culmination of what the fans wanted and created. The owners and the league just obliged.


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with few exceptions, most teams are owned by billionaires who purchased those teams with money they made running other businesses long before they owned nfl teams. owning an nfl franchise could be considered the ultimate ego toy. many people own lambo's and ferraris, but only 32 can own nfl teams.


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Most NFL owners have their wealth tied up in stocks or equity in companies they own. Not to get too off-track, but this zombie stock market we have is doing very well. Those guys aren't much worse off after this pandemic than they were before.

So I think they absolutely have the money to run this season without any pain, and IMO, it just comes down to the cost of doing business. These guys didn't buy pro football teams to become rich, to use @cern 's turn of phrase, they bought them as ego toys. It's like how we peons might buy a Mustang as a mid life crisis ego toy - some times that Mustang might go out of alignment or wear out its tires, and cost us a bunch to repair, but we're OK with that. We didn't buy them to make money.


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Jerryworld generates about $800MM in revenue every year. The profit from that is all Jerry.

Speaking for me, I pay to see the players, so I don't begrudge paying them as long as the product on the field remains stellar.

So you're been unhappy for a long long time?
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