McCarthy is not a good coach


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Two situations yesterday prove that the game has passed him by. The first when we sored a touchdown and the score was 20-15. Getting one point is meaningless making it 20-16. Every book says you go for two. McCarthy told Jones he had adopted current use of analytics. Ha, he went for the extra point. He is a knucklehead.

2nd. He did not challenge the dropped pass when it was so obvious that it had hit the ground. They scored a field goal after that.

Lastly, he says that he authorized his special team coach to call a fake punt whenever he feels like it. that again is just plain dumb and it cost us early in the season.

Get him out!!


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How much money would DAL lose if they fired McCarthy today? I don’t know the specifics to his contract.


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sorry to packer fan who said he stinks u were right

only 4 more year of mike then it is time for kellen to take over

the future is bright for cowboys



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Knee jerk reaction.

MM deserves 3 years to get this team right.


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Two situations yesterday prove that the game has passed him by. The first when we sored a touchdown and the score was 20-15. Getting one point is meaningless making it 20-16. Every book says you go for two. McCarthy told Jones he had adopted current use of analytics. Ha, he went for the extra point. He is a knucklehead.

2nd. He did not challenge the dropped pass when it was so obvious that it had hit the ground. They scored a field goal after that.

Lastly, he says that he authorized his special team coach to call a fake punt whenever he feels like it. that again is just plain dumb and it cost us early in the season.

Get him out!!
he is a horrible in-game coach


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So fire the guy based on those 2 items?
They would have not overturned that pass play, and everyone knows it. Look at who and where we were playing. The refs established right away, on direction from Mara, who they were siding with.
Challenging it would not have mattered.
And kicking the extra point was the right thing to do at that time. Just because one does not agree with it, should get him fired? well, ok then.

I am disappointed in a lot of MM's decisions this year. But he is not going to be fired, so why do fans insist upon bringing it up other then to vent I guess.

Now fire Nolan, I am on board with that.


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I think McCarthy is a clown and he's just as stubborn as Garrett was when it comes to doubling down on his mistakes and comedic miscues.

But 20-16 doesn't mean a lot to me. You had several possessions after that to win with the season on the line. Your QB looked awful and took goofy sacks all game. Then threw a desperation heave at the end zone on third down after your stud WR drops a key pass.

In regard to the no challenge. That's on the guys McCarthy has upstairs too. Visiting coaches get poor looks at stuff like that. Not like Giants stadium personnel were proudly showing that on the big screen there like Troy was on the broadcast. Sure it's one that he would like to have back though. We still had a chance to win and didn't.


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Two situations yesterday prove that the game has passed him by. The first when we sored a touchdown and the score was 20-15. Getting one point is meaningless making it 20-16. Every book says you go for two. McCarthy told Jones he had adopted current use of analytics. Ha, he went for the extra point. He is a knucklehead.

2nd. He did not challenge the dropped pass when it was so obvious that it had hit the ground. They scored a field goal after that.

Lastly, he says that he authorized his special team coach to call a fake punt whenever he feels like it. that again is just plain dumb and it cost us early in the season.

Get him out!!
He’s not a bad coach either.



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When the only requirement to coach this team is that you will not question the GMs decision then expect this to happen. I’d say McCarthy was pretty much the only choice.


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How much money would DAL lose if they fired McCarthy today? I don’t know the specifics to his contract.
Doesn’t matter. It’d be $$ well-spent, unlike that used to hire his worthless ***.


Taco Engineer
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It's fairly simple to criticize decisions after they didn't work. It is worth discussion if we had more info on the situation. I know things look bad, but I've seen an improvement of adjustments and game planning as the season progressed. We just got out matched and the players didn't execute well at all. There were so many mistakes made it makes me wonder how the game was even close.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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How much money would DAL lose if they fired McCarthy today? I don’t know the specifics to his contract.
Jerry Jones would be out-of-pocket but his franchise would not. Coaching salaries do not count against the team's salary cap. Plus, Jones is a multi-billionaire and would not be concerned about the hit for cutting McCarthy.


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I honestly didn't see a lot of difference with sideline in game management between him and Garrett.


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So if he has a full offseason is he less of a in game moron?

If you want to give him macro excuses then fine. I think that's fair.

On the micro level there is no excuses for the crap we saw this season.

Im not saying he doesn't deserve criticism because he does. The game planning and adjustments improved as the season progressed. We cant be like the old Browns and fire a coach after 1 season. Good luck getting anyone worth a damn to come here if that is the case.


Regular Joe....
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I was against the hire.

This was another smart football decision applauded by most.

Safe.. Conservative.. Smart... and mediocre.. The secret sauce.. The Cowboy way..

This is it. the time to scream loudly was before he was hired. He's not getting fired after one year and what's more, it would be bad for the team, IMO, to do so. Never liked him but people should have stood up and screamed about it a year ago, rather then now.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Two situations yesterday prove that the game has passed him by. The first when we sored a touchdown and the score was 20-15. Getting one point is meaningless making it 20-16. Every book says you go for two. McCarthy told Jones he had adopted current use of analytics. Ha, he went for the extra point. He is a knucklehead.

2nd. He did not challenge the dropped pass when it was so obvious that it had hit the ground. They scored a field goal after that.

Lastly, he says that he authorized his special team coach to call a fake punt whenever he feels like it. that again is just plain dumb and it cost us early in the season.

Get him out!!

It wasn't his finest hour, but considering the adversity this team faced — losing basically its offense when most of the starting line was injured and Dak went down — I think this season just allows those who said he was a bad hire to crow that they were right about it without taking into account the circumstances.

I don't think he's a bad coach, but even though he took a Green Bay team to the Super Bowl and won it, he might not that different from Garrett, just fortunate to have a Hall of Fame QB with the Packers. With what this team went through, I think the jury is still out on that and we should give him another year to show improvement. My conditions would be that the team has to make the playoffs and win at least one playoff game. If not, we move on.