Has the owner/GM changed his thinking?


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Only a complete moron would talk about a best puppet.

Thats what you fail to grasp. Lol

Have you ever heard anyone talk about a best puppet?

No one defends puppets or “best puppets”.

Give it up already.
Again, all you have done is attempt to discredit the messenger cause you don’t like the message.

However you haven’t provided any data comparisons that dispute Garrett’s tenure and record wasn’t one of the best Cowboys puppets this era in our dysfunctional organization.

It was a great angle to defend Garrett and still stands and illustrates the lack of overall success we’ve had this era that Garrett represents one of the best stretches this era.


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Those were the only games that we managed to score above 20 points after we lost Dak. The Bengals & Philly (in full tank mode) were the only 2 teams we held below 20 points all season long.
No doubt our defense was the culprit in our 6-10 season along with key injuries on offense. But the bigger point was our offense was able to put up some big points in a few games without Dak that led to victory.


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Jerry is an embarrassment, Garrett was an embarrassment and you are an embarrassment as a fan.

"Garrett was my shining light and the greatest puppet ever"!!!!

I chose to look for anything I could root for in a dark era in Cowboys history with one puppet after another in our dysfunctional organization.

And Garrett’s connection with our gloried past of HC’s provided such. If you can’t grasp that angle then I can’t help you. Despite his coaching gaffs and lack of overall success his record stands up against several other puppets we had this era. And why I called him our greatest puppet.


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No doubt our defense was the culprit in our 6-10 season along with key injuries on offense. But the bigger point was our offense was able to put up some big points in a few games without Dak that led to victory.

When we’re not fighting over the subject of the Jerk In Charge, I must acknowledge that you often hit the nail on the head.


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When we’re not fighting over the subject of the Jerk In Charge, I must acknowledge that you often hit the nail on the head.
My vitriolic attacks on our Jerk in Charge often do as well. They reflect much of the local vibe I align with.

Remember while he owns our most popular and beloved franchise in our state he’s the most hated sports figure. No one Cowboy fans and locals hate more than him. It’s a love/hate relationship all rolled up into one.


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I can never get past the basics of hiring an offensive minded, 2 decades plus SB winning coach whose history is as the playcaller and then neutering him over Jerry's Garrett Part II project.

And then to confirm this, McC publicly states last year that he has to be careful not to step on Moore's toes cuz it's Moore's offense additionally left me scratching my head.
If it's solely Moore's offense, Quinn's defense and Fassel's Spec Teams then...

Oh, he's Jerry's "walk around coach".

I think CouchCoach previously referred to this as Jerry having a comfort level with coaches. Meaning he could boss them around, lol.

But like this OP implies and which I agree with, I think Jerry's comfort level ties more into winning now this time around.


I agree. They tried to cover that up by implying it was McCarthy's choice, but I don't believe that for a minute. That was Jerry's doing. Moore is Jerry's pet project just like Garrett was.


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I agree. They tried to cover that up by implying it was McCarthy's choice, but I don't believe that for a minute. That was Jerry's doing. Moore is Jerry's pet project just like Garrett was.
Of course. And that doesn’t mean Mikey didn’t like Moore. Fans were just desperate to believe an experienced HC hiring meant our owner was stepping back.

There was two keys in finding Garrett’s successor. He needed a proven track record and being on board with Dak and Moore. Mikey checked all the boxes for Jethro. In return , Jehro allowed him to name the rest of his coaches.
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Think about how ridiculous it was bringing in an offensive minded Head Coach who’d have to get familiar with Moores offense. Mikey was basically off hands on the offense. Bizarre for a OC/HC type.

I think some fans expected McCarthy to bring a new flair to the offense. He even acknowledged early on that he was totally unfamiliar with offense.

That didn’t seem odd to other fans? That a 1 year OC retained so much control over the offense. They didn’t think this was our owners meddling. C’mon man.


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My vitriolic attacks on our Jerk in Charge often do as well. They reflect much of the local vibe I align with.

Remember while he owns our most popular and beloved franchise in our state he’s the most hated sports figure. No one Cowboy fans and locals hate more than him. It’s a love/hate relationship all rolled up into one.

The millions of hilariously meaningless bandwagon idiots residing outside Your Local Bubble still cling to the crazy notion that injury, circumstance and opponent competence play a slightly larger role than the simple “Jerry is Evil” notion.

I suggest we drop this topic. It’s a road to nowhere...


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You've made several mistakes. First, if all the coaches are fired, which has never happened in Dallas, that would include McCarthy and then McCarthy convinces Jones to rehire Moore as the head coach. Why would that make McCarthy happy Moore came back as head coach and why would Jone then listen to McCarthy? The next mistake you made is before McCarthy was a head coach, he was either a QB coach or offensive coordinator so why would McCarthy think he had a shot at either the defensive coordinator's job or head coach when he was never a DC? The third mistake is at one time there were personal service contracts in the NFL until they bared them and now all contracts have to be to the team and not the owner. That's three mistakes with your assumptions.
Yeah, but who's counting?


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The millions of hilariously meaningless bandwagon idiots residing outside Your Local Bubble still cling to the crazy notion that injury, circumstance and opponent competence play a slightly larger role than the simple “Jerry is Evil” notion.

I suggest we drop this topic. It’s a road to nowhere...
You confuse holding our owner responsible for the overall lack of success for this entire era as the sole blame. We understand there are several contributing factors you refer to. But there’s been one constant throughout and where the Buck stops.

Most of all it’s about how he conducts himself and the role he takes in it. It doesn’t mean he hadn’t made some good decisions as well. Obviously he has or we’d be 1-15 every year.


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I think many are too hard on Booger about Garrett.

This path was set when they signed him and be became friends with the son and daughter and Aikman predicted Garrett was so football smart, he would be a NFL HC someday soon. We could have all written that script.

Garrett had a lot of light shining on him because of his Dad and his perceived cerebral part of the game. He also had a lot of interest early on from BAL, DET and ATL, There is no question about it, Jason Garrett was a rising star in the NFL. He was not hired for what he was but for what he could become.

Hiring Garrett should not be held against Booger and if you want to consider how long he kept him, what about the 2014, 2016 and 2018 seasons? He won the East, could anyone fault Booger for thinking that maybe Garrett was coming into his own? And he had the best record in the NFC in 2016 with a rookie 4th round QB.

I was not a Garrett fan but I do get what Booger saw and wanted in him. He saw his Tom Landry and a man that could be with the organization for the rest of his life. Make no mistake about it, ask Tex Schramm his crowning achievement and he would not hesitate, Tom Landry. Especially when the local media was second guessing the hire and he responded with a new 10 year contract, the rest was history but look at that history. His first trophy after 11 years and the next one 6 years later and none after that. 29 years and 2 trophies.

I really can't fault Booger for Garrett, he became like family, his wife was best friends with Booger's daughter, and he wanted so badly for him to arrive. I think not renewing his contract is the single hardest thing Booger has had to do and I think he still feels it. True, he was too close to it for a GM and saw mostly what he wanted to see but didn't 2014, 2016 and 2018 give him all the reasons he needed?

When does one give up on family?
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The millions of hilariously meaningless bandwagon idiots residing outside Your Local Bubble still cling to the crazy notion that injury, circumstance and opponent competence play a slightly larger role than the simple “Jerry is Evil” notion.

I suggest we drop this topic. It’s a road to nowhere...
Good idea but let me chime in here about out of market fans, especially those in NY, PA and DC. I can speak from experience having lived in Dallas, had season tickets and lived in Harrisburg for 3 years, the first 3 years of Booger's ownership and the time of Buddy Ball in Philly.

I did not have true appreciation for out of market fans until I endured that. In market fans have a built in excuse for being a fan but to choose this team over your own indigenous one is unforgiven by those fans. They are seen as traitors by some.

So, ranking fans according to their proximity to where the team plays is wrong and if one has never lived in enemy territory, they really have no basis for their statements. And if one thinks attending an away game in enemy territory gives you an understanding of what it's like to be a fan there, you are wrong.


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You confuse holding our owner responsible for the overall lack of success for this entire era as the sole blame. We understand there are several contributing factors you refer to. But there’s been one constant throughout and where the Buck stops.

Most of all it’s about how he conducts himself and the role he takes in it. It doesn’t mean he hadn’t made some good decisions as well. Obviously he has or we’d be 1-15 every year.

The league has become so different over the last couple of decades. It’s more of a year to year league every year. The exception was New England—the perfect storm. The GOAT QB and the GOAT HC devised a great system all at the same time, in a division with three super weak teams. Win win win.

While Jerry’s primarily responsible for our 25 year SB drought, he’s also responsible for what, 14 or 15 playoff appearances, 3 Super Bowls and the most valuable franchise? Besides, wasn’t he largely responsible for improving the NFL brand? Don’t get me wrong, I want him gone too, but isn’t that better than most? And even if you don’t agree, couldn’t it be far worse? And does it help ANYTHING to stress over it?

Hope restores.


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I chose to look for anything I could root for in a dark era in Cowboys history with one puppet after another in our dysfunctional organization.

And Garrett’s connection with our gloried past of HC’s provided such. If you can’t grasp that angle then I can’t help you. Despite his coaching gaffs and lack of overall success his record stands up against several other puppets we had this era. And why I called him our greatest puppet.

Garrett provided nothing but embarrassment for anyone like you that thought he was doing a great job. LOL

The dumb reasons you make up for supporting him are inconsequential. Coincidentally, making up some dumb excuse that you thought he was "the best puppet ever" and "your shinning light" means nothing.

You defended a clown coach like Garrett. END OF STORY!!


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I've seen several comments about the owner not making coaching changes and using the 10 years with Garrett as the reasoning but is it just the opposite? He waited for it to come and it never did. His patience went unrewarded.

Has the fact that he's not getting any younger and a year closer to checking out every year affected his thinking about time and how much there is left to see another SB?

Some feel McC is safe but they pulled the trigger on Nolan after one year and now have two succession candidates on the staff and who thinks the owner won't pull a Garrett move with Kellen Moore?

I really do think we are seeing a new sense of urgency, an awareness of the clock that we've not seen before from him and I do not think that bodes well for McC. He needs a kickstart to this season or we could see the second HC replaced during the season.

The fans are impatient and last season was more embarrassing than a lot of losing seasons. So, the owner is impatient too.

And what do you think the players think? Who brought Nolan in last season and who allowed the defense to get turned inside out? Think there might also be some impatient players?

I think McC has a ticket on the 3:10 to Yuma that he is unaware of and if he starts off 1-3, that train pulls into the station and if he goes to 2-6, his ticket gets punched. I know, some feel not unless he's lost the team. At 2-5 or 6, he's lost the team and management. No GM pays a QB this much and assembles this O to go 2-5 or 6.

The other NFL owners have been getting more itchy trigger fingers with HC's every season and now I think this owner has joined their ranks.

McC better win or pack it in.

Stephen Jones is making those decisions now.

SJ is the reason Garrett is gone.

SJ has pushed out the other influences on Jerry and has it setup such that everyone reports through him. This makes SJ the sole source of info going to Jerry about football operations.

Garrett was the last employee with direct access to Jerry without SJ in the middle.

The other family members are supportive of having SJ in charge of football operations and that helps influence Jerry in that regard.

SJ likely pointed out to Jerry that Nolan was not utilizing Randy Gregory.

It is not proven that SJ is better at winning than Jerry but SJ is definitely making all decisions on football operations now.

Fans that love to hate Jerry refuse to admit that Jerry has stepped back from running football operations but even the media now often reference SJ as making the decisions; although only verbally, not in print.

You won't see legit local reporters reference it in print because they'll don't want to get on bad terms with Jerry or Stephen. Jerry is never going to publically admit to it and is unlikely to ever relinquish the GM title. Jerry probably has it in his Will that he keeps the GM title into perpetuity.

SJ and Will McClay have always wanted to hire Dan Quinn. They both love the Seattle defense. They told Kiffin/Marinelli when they were hired that they wanted to run the Seattle style defense.

They made Kris Richard the co-DC in 2018 and 2019 bit determined that he was not good at working with other coaches which made him a no-go to become the full time DC. SJ wanted McCarthy to hire his own staff anyway.

Mike Nolan was not the preferred choice but by the time McCarthy was hired none of their other options were available. They hired George Edwards as Senior defensive coach because they were not sold on Nolan to handle everything.

They had to convince Quinn to take the job because he had other offer as a DC. Quinn requested a committment to defense in the draft and the ability to sign his guys in free agency.

Quinn says his number one mistake in Atlanta was getting spread too thin. He was too much into the defensive coaching details to also be the Head Coach. Many coaches over the years have been great coordinators but not good as Head Coaches...Wade Phillips...


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Stephen Jones is making those decisions now.

SJ is the reason Garrett is gone.

SJ has pushed out the other influences on Jerry and has it setup such that everyone reports through him. This makes SJ the sole source of info going to Jerry about football operations.

Garrett was the last employee with direct access to Jerry without SJ in the middle.

The other family members are supportive of having SJ in charge of football operations and that helps influence Jerry in that regard.

SJ likely pointed out to Jerry that Nolan was not utilizing Randy Gregory.

It is not proven that SJ is better at winning than Jerry but SJ is definitely making all decisions on football operations now.

Fans that love to hate Jerry refuse to admit that Jerry has stepped back from running football operations but even the media now often reference SJ as making the decisions; although only verbally, not in print.

You won't see legit local reporters reference it in print because they'll don't want to get on bad terms with Jerry or Stephen. Jerry is never going to publically admit to it and is unlikely to ever relinquish the GM title. Jerry probably has it in his Will that he keeps the GM title into perpetuity.

SJ and Will McClay have always wanted to hire Dan Quinn. They both love the Seattle defense. They told Kiffin/Marinelli when they were hired that they wanted to run the Seattle style defense.

They made Kris Richard the co-DC in 2018 and 2019 bit determined that he was not good at working with other coaches which made him a no-go to become the full time DC. SJ wanted McCarthy to hire his own staff anyway.

Mike Nolan was not the preferred choice but by the time McCarthy was hired none of their other options were available. They hired George Edwards as Senior defensive coach because they were not sold on Nolan to handle everything.

They had to convince Quinn to take the job because he had other offer as a DC. Quinn requested a committment to defense in the draft and the ability to sign his guys in free agency.

Quinn says his number one mistake in Atlanta was getting spread too thin. He was too much into the defensive coaching details to also be the Head Coach. Many coaches over the years have been great coordinators but not good as Head Coaches...Wade Phillips...
A lot of assuming and speculation in that post.

The largest assumption some make is SJ will be any better than JJ.


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Only a complete moron would talk about a best puppet.

Thats what you fail to grasp. Lol

Have you ever heard anyone talk about a best puppet?

No one defends puppets or “best puppets”.

Give it up already.

Many people say Kermit was the best puppet ever.