What the last 23 years has done to our fan base


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There was a time when I got nervous for games. I couldn't sleep when night games were on TV, even though I had to get up for work very early (3 am most of the time). I looked forward to the games each weekend with enthusiasm, screamed at the TV when mistakes were made, and was generally in a bad mood for a short time after a loss.

Unfortunately, those feelings have long passed, and I think it started around the time Jerry put JG in place as the OC before Wade was hired. I remember thinking, oh crap, that isn't going to turn out good. And it didn't.

With each passing season I have reached a point where I don't care if I miss a game or not, and I have no trouble sleeping through night games. I watched maybe 3 or 4 games all the way through this year, including the playoff games (missed both of them), and don't feel like I missed anything.

Some members here might accuse me of no longer being a fan, but that isn't the case. I'm simply beyond tired of the Jerry and JG circus, and there isn't anything more to my issues.

Jerry, in my opinion, has failed to show that he is truly interested in fielding a winning team. He keeps retaining a coach he KNOWS isn't going to get the job done, and now has promoted a QB coach with 1 year of coaching experience to the OC position. Is that what you do if you really have your mind on the big prize? Part of me says its merely the next scapegoat to be held accountable for next seasons failures. I could be wrong, but I doubt it. I do like Kitna as the QB coach. At least he had an NFL career, as opposed to the new OC who had what, 3 of 4 years riding the bench as a backup with no actual in game experience?

This, in a nutshell, is my problem with the franchise. I'm not a troll, I don't hate the team or its players, but have big issues with management, from the HC to the top. Its past time for Jerry to step up and make the difficult decisions and get the franchise back on the right track. Recent personnel moves suggest he's still on his mission to do things his way, with little to no regard for whats best for the franchise.

And why the bar has been lowered . It’s silly to retain those lofty expectations. Especially when our ownership isn’t trying to meet them. It’s still more about Jerry Jones than the Dallas Cowboys.


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I dont complain about the last 23 years. Since JJ has seen the light in the FA era and let SJ have more control we have been headed in the right direction. Nothing against Romo but even stability at the QB position has helped how I feel about the direction we are going in. I truly believe if Romo had not missed over 2 seasons of games due to injury we would have won a bowl. But kudos for drafting Dak so weve benn very good the last 3 seasons.


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I feel like the Cowboys are turning a corner but we really wont have a deep playoff run with Garrett coaching. He's had way too many chances and has been outcoached in nearly every win or go home game (including week 17s 2011-2013)

Regarding the fanbase turning on each other, I've seen that first hand up at a cowboys bar in Chicago. Finger pointing and name calling since everyone is so starved for any playoff success. Not a good look.


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It’s really time for the Super Bowl or Bust mentality to end. We aren’t that franchise any longer.

We don’t even have an owner who’s doing everything within his power to win a championship. Why would we have those expectations anymore?

I don’t see the younger fans I know this generation as fixated on winning Super Bowls like the last 2 generations are. They’re just enjoying it for what it is not as focused on the negativity my generation is. That’s ancient history to them. They weren’t even born during the 90’s. They are wide eyed and bushy tail rooting the current team on. It’s actually quite refreshing.


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(Yet This...

For the third straight year, Forbes has listed the Dallas Cowboys as the most valuable professional sports franchise in the world.

This year, the organization’s estimated worth comes in at $4.8 billion.

Owner Jerry Jones’ team has the highest revenue ($840 million) and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization ($350 million) of all 32 NFL franchises, per the report from Forbes.


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I dont complain about the last 23 years. Since JJ has seen the light in the FA era and let SJ have more control we have been headed in the right direction. Nothing against Romo but even stability at the QB position has helped how I feel about the direction we are going in. I truly believe if Romo had not missed over 2 seasons of games due to injury we would have won a bowl. But kudos for drafting Dak so weve benn very good the last 3 seasons.
What “light” has Jerry seen? The light of more $ signs? I would like to think he gets it more than the past but why should we believe that? I’m not trying to be difficult or opposite your views, I’m just curious what makes you feel better about Jerry?


What's it going to be then, eh?
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It’s really time for the Super Bowl or Bust mentality to end. We aren’t that franchise any longer.

We don’t even have an owner who’s doing everything within his power to win a championship. Why would we have those expectations anymore?

I don’t see the younger fans I know this generation as fixated on winning Super Bowls like the last 2 generations are. They’re just enjoying it for what it is not as focused on the negativity my generation is. That’s ancient history to them. They weren’t even born during the 90’s. They are wide eyed and bushy tail rooting the current team on. It’s actually quite refreshing.
A young fan actually can look at the Garrett years and see "success".

That just goes with the era of participation trophies and credit for effort.


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A young fan actually can look at the Garrett years and see "success".

That just goes with the era of participation trophies and credit for effort.
Jerry is a “participation trophy” kind of GM. Especially since he makes truck loads of cash for not accomplishing much. Plus he has a lifetime contract as a GM. He’s literally the only GM in the league who purchased his position. The only qualification needed was the check he wrote.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Jerry is a “participation trophy” kind of GM. Especially since he makes truck loads of cash for not accomplishing much. Plus he has a lifetime contract as a GM. He’s literally the only GM in the league who purchased his position. The only qualification needed was the check he wrote.
Yeah, well, as much as I hate to say it, at least he bought it with money he earned.

There are a still a good chunk of silver spoon owners who inherited it from their fathers.

Much like Stephen will when his father kicks the bucket.


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First of all...not everything about the last 23 years is bad. In fact, the last several years this organization has greatly improved in drafting and talent acquisition, and this FO has clearly learned from its numerous previous mistakes in cap and roster management. Three of the last five seasons have yielded division titles and two wild card wins. That’s....well not great. But it could have been worse.

However...the last 23 years has been tough for most Cowboys fans. Three wild card wins. No conference championship games, no SBs. Especially tough for the long time fans who remember what it meant to have the realistic confidence your team would have a shot at winning it all.

Some perspective for either young fans or those who have forgotten:
  • The Cowboys played in 5 of the first 13 SBs, and played in 8 of the first 30 SBs.
  • The Cowboys have played in zero of the last 23 SBs.
  • In the 29 years of the Tex Schramm/Tom Landry era, the Cowboys won 20 playoff games. In the 30 seasons of the Jerry Jones era, the Cowboys have won 15 playoff games, 12 of them in the first 7 seasons.
  • In the 26 seasons from 1970-1995, the Cowboys played in 13 NFC Championship games. In the 23 seasons since, ZERO.
So what does a 23 year drought do to a fan base who has been disappointed year after year? What happens to the expectations and dreams those fans? Here are a few things I see:
  • We lower expectations. Most long time fans just lowered the bar we used to have. If we make the playoffs, great, but if not, it’s not a shock. It a way to soften the disappointment.
  • We long for real leadership at the top- especially at HC since we all know Jerry has a lifetime commitment to playing fantasy football. It’s why we believe in every rumor that Sean Payton is coming here or some other top HC talent. Because we desperately want some quality at the top.
  • We get used to accepting excuses- Jerry even makes excuses. Remember when he called a loss a “moral victory”? He has to be the only GM in the league that can do that. This isn’t little league or middle school sports where learning things like the fundamentals, teamwork and sportsmanship are more important than winning. I’m still amazed at the excuses our fan base throws out for losses, especially in the playoffs.
  • We blame the refs or the NFL for our losses- Most fans don’t want to hear this, but one symptom of continual disappointment is to blame others outside the team. It’s understandable in Dallas because our leader hold neither himself nor his nepotistic family members accountable for failure. Nothing changes at the top so fans start blaming people outside the team.
  • We rip each other- I’m amazed at how much some Cowboys fans rip other Cowboys fans for not drinking the Kool aid or not being cheerleaders for the team in all circumstances. I’ve noticed the fan bases of teams that have had some recent success are more accepting of dissent than those who get used to losing or mediocrity. My bro in law lives in Denver and is a broncos fan. They won a SB a few years ago and their fan base is not as critical
There are surely more “symptoms” that are associated with 23 straight years of poor bottom line performance.

What can we do?
  • Stick together- allow anyone who’s a Cowboys fan to be a fan any way they want.
  • Blame Jerry, not each other- none of us is to blame for the last 23 years. The guy who purchased his position as GM is to blame.
  • Keep hope/ditch the kool aid- I hate what’s happened to us but I still have hope. Despite the 76 yo clown in charge we do have some talent. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. And we should all be united to boo the image of Jerral Wayne Jones every time his surgically altered face is in public. Don’t buy what he is selling.

Nice post, Hazey! While I agree wholeheartedly, I’d also add that Cowboy fans are labeled ‘Kool Aid Drinkers’ by other Cowboy fans just because they prefer to discuss, then move on, to actually ENJOY the whole thing...


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Yeah, well, as much as I hate to say it, at least he bought it with money he earned.

There are a still a good chunk of silver spoon owners who inherited it from their fathers.

Much like Stephen will when his father kicks the bucket.
I respect Jerry’s business acumen. I just find it odd that in one of the most competitive and highly respected sports leagues that an Arkansas slant driller can purchase a lifetime GM position. There’s a reason Jerry and Mike Brown are the only owners stupid enough to do that.


Cowboys Diehard
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Hopes and expectations dwindle in the eyes of the fan base when futility and mediocrity continue to repeat over a period of decades. Fans gradually become increasingly impatient and critical in the wake of so many years of disillusionment over the failure of a football franchise to deliver the goods.
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Red Dragon

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I used to get up at 2 AM or 4 AM to follow Cowboys games (when I still lived a dozen time zones away.)

Nowadays I often don't even follow the game much at all.