Dak is not getting the credit he deserves


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Here me out before clicking reply and calling me "delusional" or "stupid" or any of the other things said to everyone trying to be positive on here.

There have only been 12 different 5000 yard passing seasons, a mark Dak barely missed. He did however put up the 21st highest yard total in league history and only gets hate for it.

He gets a lot of hate around here for "garbage time" stats. I disagree with this notion.

Dak got a lot of garbage time stats, yes. I contend that this is true for every QB, even those 5k seasons. You cant tell me that every one of Manning's record 5477 yards was meaningful. Every year, every QB has garbage time stats and good stats in losing games. It's always true.

But no one discredits Bree's multiple 5k yard campaigns, even though much of it came in the form of blow outs in garbage time, for example.

Basically, this board wants to give no credit to Dak for his stats and I think that's dumb. Garbage time or not, he earned those yards, and thats why he has them. People are just angry that his stats happened in an 8-8 season, as though Dak is to blame for a useless special teams and an underachieving defense. If we had won 10 games, suddenly everyone's perception would be more kind.

There is a small but loud group here that dosent like Dak They have made bold statements in the past criticizing Daks ability to throw over 200 yrds or throw TD passes even though we were winning games . They said he dinked and dunked and couldnt throw the ball down the field . Dak worked hard in the off season to improve his game and proved he could do all these things to the point he could have broke the franchise record .of passing yrds

Any of the normal measuring sticks that the logical football world uses to measure QB skill this group claims are useless LOLOL

So now there mission is to minimize his progress because he proved them wrong again . They will only look at the parts of the game that support their agenda . They dont care about ST, leading the league in drops , missed FGs all to the point of getting the coach fired . There mission is to make it Daks fault and the only information they will bring to the forum is in that vein .

Its very easy to see as you read their 2 line posts They are agenda driven and Gridiron challenged as they can not process all the information that comes from a game leading to the final result only the information that supports their agenda .
Real Cowboy fans see Daks progress and his desire to improve Dont let this groups negativity ruin the experience of watching Dak mature into a great QB . Ignore them the future is looking brighter with a coach capable of taking his game and this team to an even higher level


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No one outside of Dallas think he's top 5 or top 10. For people to keep comparing Dak to Brees, Rodgers, etc. is an insult to all of them.

Dak has never carried this team, that's the difference between him and a bunch of guys in the NFL. Wilson, Brees, Rodgers, Brady, Cam, Big Ben, Mahomes, Flacco, Rivers, Ryan all carry their team when call to do so, not Dak.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
There is a small but loud group here that dosent like Dak They have made bold statements in the past criticizing Daks ability to throw over 200 yrds or throw TD passes even though we were winning games . They said he dinked and dunked and couldnt throw the ball down the field . Dak worked hard in the off season to improve his game and proved he could do all these things to the point he could have broke the franchise record .of passing yrds

Any of the normal measuring sticks that the logical football world uses to measure QB skill this group claims are useless LOLOL

So now there mission is to minimize his progress because he proved them wrong again . They will only look at the parts of the game that support their agenda . They dont care about ST, leading the league in drops , missed FGs all to the point of getting the coach fired . There mission is to make it Daks fault and the only information they will bring to the forum is in that vein .

Its very easy to see as you read their 2 line posts They are agenda driven and Gridiron challenged as they can not process all the information that comes from a game leading to the final result only the information that supports their agenda .
Real Cowboy fans see Daks progress and his desire to improve Dont let this groups negativity ruin the experience of watching Dak mature into a great QB . Ignore them the future is looking brighter with a coach capable of taking his game and this team to an even higher level

Real Cowboy fans see Daks progress and his desire to improve Dont let this groups negativity ruin the experience of watching Dak mature into a great QB . Ignore them the future is looking brighter with a coach capable of taking his game and this team to an even higher level[/QUOTE]

RIGHT.......Well being you and your Dak-Employees have put an inept QB above the Star and the only thing that matters to you is Dak and it leaves one to wonder where exactly your loyalties lie?
Cause its not with the Star!!!!
Now how does one excuse this abnormal behavior? Supporting such an inept and the most important player who can only excel when playing DOG teams and defenses.
Sell crazy somewhere else and ya folk has eyes and you and your Dak-Employees no matter how much you sell sell sell Dak, in the end, a lot of our fans are not sold on Dak as neither is Jerry who is unwilling to date to give him an extended deal.
Now here's a secret as only Dak can shut us up and due to his inept play on the field the screams are getting louder!!
GL man and why don't you start a DAKZONE site and post there the greatness of Dak!!!


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Last year - Dak can’t throw for 200 yards.
This year - Dak has garbage time stats.

This coming from people who always find a way to diminish any positive for Dak and highlight every negative.

Just consider the source. Dak finished 1 yard shy of Romo’s 2012 season. A season in which Romo racked up a ton of garbage time stats. I don’t recall the people complaining about garbage time stats that year, even from the Romo haters.

He also did it while making a whopping $2 million.

Blah blah Romo something something Romo

Oh, and don't forget about Romo

What, you ask, does this have to do with Dak?

Answer:. Nothing. But just for good measure, I'll add one more Romo


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Here me out before clicking reply and calling me "delusional" or "stupid" or any of the other things said to everyone trying to be positive on here.

There have only been 12 different 5000 yard passing seasons, a mark Dak barely missed. He did however put up the 21st highest yard total in league history and only gets hate for it.

He gets a lot of hate around here for "garbage time" stats. I disagree with this notion.

Dak got a lot of garbage time stats, yes. I contend that this is true for every QB, even those 5k seasons. You cant tell me that every one of Manning's record 5477 yards was meaningful. Every year, every QB has garbage time stats and good stats in losing games. It's always true.

But no one discredits Bree's multiple 5k yard campaigns, even though much of it came in the form of blow outs in garbage time, for example.

Basically, this board wants to give no credit to Dak for his stats and I think that's dumb. Garbage time or not, he earned those yards, and thats why he has them. People are just angry that his stats happened in an 8-8 season, as though Dak is to blame for a useless special teams and an underachieving defense. If we had won 10 games, suddenly everyone's perception would be more kind.


I’m not sure those other 5k seasons had a lot of garbage stats

How many of those 5k seasons resulted in 8-8 record for the team?

I would expect a LOT if those were winning and playoff seasons so ‘garbage stats’ are much less likely

Dak’s 5k has a lot of garbage stats because the team is way way behind (because Dak has a tendency to start slow) and then we were throwing a lot and Dak was not able to get them over the hump


Go Seahawks!!!
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Blah blah Romo something something Romo

Oh, and don't forget about Romo

What, you ask, does this have to do with Dak?

Answer:. Nothing. But just for good measure, I'll add one more Romo
Because every dumb reason you Romo-loving morons can come up with to hate Dak for I can apply it to your hero and since you like to be a-holes with anything related to Dak, I like to return the favor! You’re welcome!!

Now, what about those garbage time stats? Want to do some subtraction?


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I’m not sure those other 5k seasons had a lot of garbage stats

How many of those 5k seasons resulted in 8-8 record for the team?

I would expect a LOT if those were winning and playoff seasons so ‘garbage stats’ are much less likely

Dak’s 5k has a lot of garbage stats because the team is way way behind (because Dak has a tendency to start slow) and then we were throwing a lot and Dak was not able to get them over the hump

Well you're only considering garbage time as losing games. Garbage time also includes the 80 yard drive in the 4th when you're already up 20. Manning, Brees, Mahomes... theyve all put up lots of stats in their 5k seasons that effectively didnt matter because the game was in hand already.

Id wager that no one has a 5k season where all 5k yards actually mattered.

Also Dak cant get special teams or defense over the hump no matter how well he throws. Two of three phases **** the bed all season long and that's hard to counter.


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I used to want to win another Superbowl just so I didn't have to listen to other team's fans. Now I want another Superbowl so that I don't have to listen to our own fans.

Dak improved this year. He looks much improved. He had a couple of games that were just not good. Overall though, I thought he looked like a winner. YPA is good. Completion percentage is good. Interceptions remain low despite throwing downfield a lot more. He's got good command of the field when he's out there. Anyone who can't see the improvement in Dak's game is willfully ignorant.

All that said, I'd be a LOT happier with him if he took a team-friendly deal. Even a team-friendly deal makes him a multi-millionaire many, many times over. I don't care who the QB is, a bad QB contract can handcuff a team. I think it's short sighted to ask for a high-percentage of the team salary cap. I'd support it if we had an owner that was trying not to spend all of his cap every year. But that's not the case. Jerry spends everything he can. I've grown to like Dak, but even if he grows into a perennial top 5 QB, he will costs us games by demanding a salary cap killer contract.

I liked Romo. A lot. But, he eventually goes down in Cowboys history as never having won a Superbowl. It wasn't all his fault, but it doesn't matter. It's still true. Dak has some say in how his career will go. He absolutely has to keep improving. As soon as he stops improving, he starts to decline. Same for every player. Continuing to improve is number 1. Number 1-A: he also needs to make sure his contract allows Jerry and Stephen the room to build a competitive team around him.


"We Are Penn State"
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Dak will probably get a big contract too. I strongly suspect that will not end the conversation.
You know what's troubling dooms? I came across an article yesterday where it lists the top 8 highest paid quarterbacks.

Guess whose on that list? Hint, he's NEVER completed a full season, played in only one postseason game, didn't even complete the first quarter of that postseason game due to injury AND has a Superbowl Championship on his resume?!

Yes, Wentz came in as #5 highest paid quarterback in the league. If this were Dak, I as a fan, would definitely have something to complain about. But fortunately for us fans who know what we have in our quarterback, respect the man that will bring us home a championship. And the chances are even higher with the new coaching staff.

Some of our fanbase are absolutely the epitome of disgrace & embarrassment calling themselves a fan of our Dallas Cowboys.
I hope Dak knocks it out of the park with his up coming contract only to make the haters more jealous and miserable. :laugh:


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Last year - Dak can’t throw for 200 yards.
This year - Dak has garbage time stats.

This coming from people who always find a way to diminish any positive for Dak and highlight every negative.

Just consider the source. Dak finished 1 yard shy of Romo’s 2012 season. A season in which Romo racked up a ton of garbage time stats. I don’t recall the people complaining about garbage time stats that year, even from the Romo haters.

He also did it while making a whopping $2 million.
Ypu don’t recall because that was 8 seasons ago and you have no proof. Ole I remember guy but don’t show your work aka proof. Y’all Dak canibals are the worst.


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of course people won’t mention Winston as much here as Dak - after all, this is a Dallas Cowboy site. But Winston also threw 30 INTs and had a very low QB rating, which has been a common theme through his career I don’t think the OP was attempting to say no other stat besides yardage matters.

Dak finished 10th for quarterback rating. That encompasses a lot of stats other than yards and I think its a fair assessment of where Dak stood among QB's last year.

What I find is funny is that I don't see many people here who disagree with ranking Dak in that range. Some may have him a little higher. Others a little lower but his place among QB's isn't really a point of contention. The arguments are:
- Is that good enough?
- Is that worth $35m+ per year?


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You know what's sad?

All of the anti-Dakers and their daily Dak bashing comments aren't going to mean a thing when Dak gets his new big contract with the Cowboys very soon. All of this hate for what? To ultimately be so wrong about Dak? Sad.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't force the horse to drink.
So getting a big $ contract from Jerry, the QB whisperer means what, Dak is great?????? This is the kind of nonsense that is posted here that makes one cringe, We all know Jerry doesn't know squat about judging QB Talent and that should scare anyone. The only thing sad about Dak's new contract is being saddled with a average QB thanks to another brilliant Jerry move. The only hope is Jerry signs him to the non exclusive tag and go from there but I do not believe that will happen because Jerry has hyped Dak to no end and just can't admit he was wrong yet again..
Do you Remember? This is the guy you trust to pick a QB, enough said on your football IQ.
“This quarterback Weeden can drive the ball down field. He's a thing of beauty on throwing a football. His passing motion and his arm,
frankly, you won't see a more gifted passer, power, accuracy, the entire aspect of it “

“If we had picked Manziel, he'd guarantee our relevance for 10 years.”

.Jones said he was still stewing about not snagging Lynch. "I was still mad about it," Jones said. "Actually thought we had it done."
Dallas also attempted to trade up to get Connor Cook

Cowboys flipped a third-round pick in 2005 for Henson to play quarterback for the team in 2004. He played a grand total of one game

On Dak- "I really do. I think he's more like [Tom] Brady."


Captain Catfish
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It's because of the lack of team success. Who cares how well you do if we're 8-8. We can be 8-8 without you. But every quarterback needs a supporting cast and good coaching staff to succeed. I don't care who you are.

I waffle back and forth with Dak. He's better than Tannehill, is he not? Titans are in the AFC Championship game with a discount version of the Cowboys offense. Coaching matters. I would not be surprised if Dak kills it with this new coaching staff. But not because he plays any better, but because the team has new direction and plays better D and special teams. But that's how it works in the NFL. You're judged a lot of the time based on team success. Situations beyond your control.
Is Dak better than Tannehil?
Is Henry better than Zeke?
etc.. the theory can be argued till the end of time, or at least until first year contracts expire.
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When I was a kid watching football in the 1970's and beyond, I do not ever recall anyone ever justifying a QB's worth because of how many yards he put up in a year? Same thing in the 1980's. In fact, the guys who were known for putting up big yardage, never won anything.

I think video games like Madden & fantasy football has ruined football forever. Idiot fans now just look at stats to determine who is better. By their metrics, Roger Staubach and Troy Aikman sucked and Danny White, Tony Romo and now Dak are football gods. (little g on purpose)
I wish I had posted this! You nailed it with this one. It could not have been said better!


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He looks good when he has 10 seconds to throw and that occurs usually when playing Dog teams like the Giants, Skins, etc.

Dude has more flaws than a Lemon used car from accuracy to footwork-pocket awr.
I mean just watching him play gives you a headache or the urge to grab that bottle of Wild Turkey asap.
Pray that Jerry has stomached his mistake and will use Big Mike to rid this inept cancer from our team![/QUOTE

We can only hope!


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OOps,, my bad,, was distracted while typing,,, but you know what I meant.
Thanks, and I corrected my error

Hey! Put that back. Now my post looks dopey. Actually it still kind of fits. But yeah, I knew what you meant.


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People on this board need to wake up!
Just look at the games this year and stats dont tell the whole story.
Saints- 4 quarters of football and 0 tds
Packers- Dak throws first td with 2 min left in 3rd quarter. Cowboys are down 30-3
Jets- Dak runs for his first td of game with 43 sec left in the 4th quarter
Patriots- 4 quarters of football and 0 tds
Bills- Dak has TD to open the game and end the game and goes 2.5 quarters with nothing. Cowboys are down 26 - 7
Bears- Early TD and then not TDs for 2nd and 3rd quarter Cowboys are down 24-7
Eagles- 4 quarters of football 0 tds with the division on the line
The Dak homers hate these stats. You won’t hear from one of them on this post.


Captain Catfish
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Hey! Put that back. Now my post looks dopey. Actually it still kind of fits. But yeah, I knew what you meant.
Sorry friend,, whats done is done!
If you hadn't have responded my edit time would have lapsed, so there.