We've waited for many years to see the Cowboys build the right way


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In college, I actually wrote a several page paper on being a pessimist so there’s that.
Ironically, my parents are both very positive people so I can’t blame it on DNA. How long have you been a Cowboys fan? Do you blame me for being pessimistic?

This franchise has sucked hind teet for over two decades and you can’t understand why I’m not so positive about the future after Jerry over paid for the most expendable position on the field, over paid for a LB to prove a point and our two best defensemen walk because of the players/positions I just mentioned. We did finally sign two guys past their prime for the interior though and Jerry has everyone on the hook once again. It’s actually very comical hw gullible and naive some fans are. Jerry is the modern day P.T Barnum.

:lmao2::lmao2:Well I guess I was right on the mark there wasn't I? Looks like you're still putting the finishing touches to that "pessimist" college paper. LOL
In answer to your question, I've been watching Cowboys since before the Ice Bowl. I'm well aware of their 20 some year dry spell, and do I blame you for being somewhat pessimistic due to the past? No.
But what's past is past, that doesn't mean you can't give credit where credit is due. Don't let that pessimistic attitude prevent you from giving credit where it's due.
They've brought in a real HC for a change, but you can't fill every single position with top quality players in 1 season. You know that.
If we get a good draft this year, I expect to see the Cowboys look a lot better than they did last year. That's a start.

And just because we're not all lifelong pessimists like you doesn't make us all "gullible and naïve" as you so arrogantly put it. Some of us out here have been around the horn a few times as well.


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IMO they built the right way a few years back when they went 12-4 only to be squandered when they gave Rogers the ball back. That to me was the turning point.


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:lmao2::lmao2:Well I guess I was right on the mark there wasn't I? Looks like you're still putting the finishing touches to that "pessimist" college paper. LOL
In answer to your question, I've been watching Cowboys since before the Ice Bowl. I'm well aware of their 20 some year dry spell, and do I blame you for being somewhat pessimistic due to the past? No.
But what's past is past, that doesn't mean you can't give credit where credit is due. Don't let that pessimistic attitude prevent you from giving credit where it's due.
They've brought in a real HC for a change, but you can't fill every single position with top quality players in 1 season. You know that.
If we get a good draft this year, I expect to see the Cowboys look a lot better than they did last year. That's a start.

And just because we're not all lifelong pessimists like you doesn't make us all "gullible and naïve" as you so arrogantly put it. Some of us out here have been around the horn a few times as well.
Get this...I majored in history in college.

What credit is due? They let their two best defensive players leave and signed a couple of aging vets and people are ecstatic. They addressed one problem while left a glaring need at another.


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I can't say that I'm not excited to see how this Cowboys' squad shapes up. Finally having a real head coach, and finally putting some beef on the defensive line, the Cowboys seem to be doing a repeat of something they did in 1989;
Modeling the team in the mold of the San Francisco 49'ers- and maybe even the Seahawks.
This year's squad looks as if they will be built to overpower any team they come in contact with on both sides of the ball for the first time in many years. And that's how you build a football team.
I still have my reservations at quarterback; I don't know that Dak won't let us down when it's time for him to lead.
But what they are doing is looking like they are finally serious about playing some football.
And, maybe they'll even add a fullback before it's over. Maybe not.
But this is the first time I've seen them really build as if they knew what they were doing in a long time.
I wonder who is going to get blamed if we go 8-8 or 9-7 next season? The players or coaches.....oh wait, Both. Maybe Jerry, Stephen, or all of the above? Should be interesting on these forums to say the least.


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Get this...I majored in history in college.

What credit is due? They let their two best defensive players leave and signed a couple of aging vets and people are ecstatic. They addressed one problem while left a glaring need at another.

Yeah you're right aria, we're doomed. Last year we went 8-8, this year it'll be 0-16. We're doooomed!
There's no point in the Cowboys even playing this year without Byron Jones! And then they let Quinn go! What NFL team has ever lost 2 players and still showed up for the following season? There's no sense in even showing up for the draft.
We're done for.
BTW, you mentioned we "left a glaring need at one position", That's because we're going to play a 10 man defense this year instead of 11. :D
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They're building better but not in a win now mode like they claim. 07 14 17 18 19 were the best all around teams. Especially 17 18 19.


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I believe
I believe that Jerry taking a pause on Dak's contract was to give Mike and staff a chance to review all of the tape and they decided hes worth keeping .

the problems at the end of last year are correctable.
This is like 1990 some believed, some didn't, but by the end of the season everyone believed.


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IMO they built the right way a few years back when they went 12-4 only to be squandered when they gave Rogers the ball back. That to me was the turning point.
The 2015 team was the strongest team I had seen since 1992, but was derailed by incompetent leadership. When Romo went down the decision to scale back the offense rather than trust Brandon Weeden was incompetence on a major scale.
The 2016 team was almost as good, but were derailed by Dak's tendency to choke. He choked in the first half vs the Packers, revealing the same tendencies he had shown in college.
But this year it is a different feel. Rather than seeing the incompetence that has ruled the past, it just seems as if the Cowboys have finally got down to business and are serious about winning.
The great O-line was wasted, but maybe real coaching can make up for what's been lost.
When I say that the Cowboys are building correctly, I mean that this time it looks as if they finally may rise above the weak links in coaching and management of 2015-2016 that sunk the team's hopes.
I still think they are making a mistake by keeping Dak, but I don't think McCarthy will allow Dak to derail success.


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Get this...I majored in history in college.

What credit is due? They let their two best defensive players leave and signed a couple of aging vets and people are ecstatic. They addressed one problem while left a glaring need at another.

Quinn is not better than Lawrence. BJones ok. But he never made game changing plays.


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You don't have to declare anything. The fact is, we've installed a real HC for a change, and they're starting to build the team with the kind of players they should've been doing all along, like putting some beef on that DL. While the Cowboys are trying to build for the future, you're still suffering in the past.
I agree with part of this! But I wouldnt call adding older DTs building for the future. They are players that I wish Dallas valued years ago and are like fill ins for the players Dallas lost. Just have to hope they have decent seasons. If Dallas wants to build for the future they need to nail this draft with defensive players in the early rounds. But what I can see happening is they have filled a few holes on defense so now they target offense line in the first round.


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What is going to have more effect on this team then the loss or gain of any one player is how this team as a whole feels about the coaching staff

If this locker room feels like this coaching staff gives them a legitimate chance to win and contend they will play hard and it will show . This team had zero faith in Garrett at the end and refused except for a couple players to sacrifice their bodies or jeopardize their carriers .

The Eagles game was proof positive of this . This team had given up on Garrett dropped balls ,fumbles nobody caring about being in on the biggest plays of the game with the season on the line . This team was so fed up with Garrett they just wanted the season over Garrett gone and to escape with their health .

Conversely the Eagles locker room had full faith in their Coaching staff down to the last PRACTICE SQUAD PLAYER. They left it all out on the field and finished their season as far as they could go with what they had to work with .

We have not had a coaching staff that was able to make a team better in a long time . We have been constantly relying on having to compile an overload of MISGUIDED talent in hope it will overcome a coaching staff made up of friends and family instead of proven NFL Talent .

Things are a little different now and Im excited to see how it plays out .


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Yeah you're right aria, we're doomed. Last year we went 8-8, this year it'll be 0-16. We're doooomed!
There's no point in the Cowboys even playing this year without Byron Jones! And then they let Quinn go! What NFL team has ever lost 2 players and still showed up for the following season? There's no sense in even showing up for the draft.
We're done for.
BTW, you mentioned we "left a glaring need at one position", That's because we're going to play a 10 man defense this year instead of 11. :D
So you finally get it! Surprising it took over TWENTY years of mediocrity and failure for you to figure it out, what took so long?


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Yeah, I said to my buddy after the 1995 Super Bowl, “I don’t care if it takes us 25 years to get back to this thing. We just gotta do it right.”


Cowboys Diehard
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Seems like a busy burst of FA signings compared to what we've normally seen at this time of year. Obviously, with the crazy number of players that we lost in free agency, such vet FA signings were certainly called for. I've enthusiastically welcomed those that we've acquired, especially so, since they've been of a higher quality than what we've seen in the past. It appears that the arrival of Mike McCarthy and his staff may have influenced it. I like that idea. It's a welcomed something that has long been a missing treat within the Cowboys offseason.
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The fact that Jerry has devalued coaching for so long fans got used to it . Sorry but it is just not normal for players to regress after they get here , Look no farther than our young talented LB tandem then go all the way back to Terence Newman who is probably still playing somewhere in the NFL but was getting hurdled here LOL.

Players see a soft coach with a bad plan who is unable to ever elevate the team and in a very short time everyone is making business decisions TO SOME DEGREE !!! This trickles down to underachievement and losses .

It is impossible to properly evaluate talent UNDER POOR COACHING . There are many talented guys who are not willing to risk the remainder of their careers for a guy with a bad plan and a team with a poor culture


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1st, no they are not. They added 2 relatively cheap vet DT’s.

2nd, going back to 80’s football is dumb and won’t work.

Glad to see the D line being addressed and the end of play the run on the way to the QB. Now lets see if the DB's continue to leave WR's open for easy completions with a keep your man in front of you and they will make a mistake philosophy...