Broaddus to Stephen Jones: "If you love Dak so much why doesn't he have a deal?"


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One can call him stingy or greedy. But most of those same people would do the exact same thing in their job. If you feel you are just as good at your profession as others in the same field. You’re going to want to get paid what you feel is fair. Granted, a normal profession might be the difference of a few thousands of dollars a year in salary. Or maybe even a few dollars in hourly salary. But professional athletes aren’t in normal professions. Though from a percentage of pay. That extra millions of dollars might be on the same level as a few thousand or even a few extra bucks an hour for a working class guy.

Cant fault him for trying to get as much as he can. There’s plenty of $$$ to go around. The owners certainly don’t take less than they feel they can get. Why should a player?

In the end he and the team are going to have to decide how much is enough to satisfy him and still have enough to keep a good team around him. Time, specifically this next season, will tell if his decision or Stephen/ Jerry’s is the right one.


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The big uncertainty is how much the cap will go up or down.

Why don't they scale his contract to a percentage of the cap? If they're worried about an expanded roster, scale it by that too.

It's not rocket science to write a contract that tracks whatever uncertain quantities are holding up a deal. There will still be room for disagreement, but taking uncertainty of the future out of that disagreement should help narrow it.


Regular Joe....
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Yeah, there is no wrong or right on this, per say. I mean, Dak is a Cowboy and Jerry is the Owner of our team. At some point, Stephen is going to fill that role, so I mean, it's all kinda same, same.......

I want Dak to do well and I want the team to be solid, cap wise, so what does that leave us right? Honestly, I suspect that the separation of France and Dak is a big part of this. I don't get the feeling that Jerry or Stephen ever really loved France. There is a lot of history there, the entire Romo thing was all a France deal and lets face it, Tony made out on those deals and the team took it in the shorts with very little to show for it. I think the team was ready to play hard ball with Dak because they flat didn't like the way France did business. Now, that's just my feeling on things, I have nothing to support that opinion other then the teams willingness to share much info and seemingly be much more open to negotiating since France has seemingly left the picture.



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I thought it was a really good answer. Yes he could have walked in there and handed Dak a blank check but that is not how this works. I don't agree with paying Dak the kinda of money we are discussing here but if they want him to be the QB, so be it. If Dak wants to be here and if the Jones' want him here, they will get a deal done.

America's Cowboy

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Dak is getting paid less this year than these Top 6 highest paid/year QBs, yet Dak put up better passing numbers last year than all of them. And that's because the Cowboys WRs led the NFL in dropped passes. LOL

With this better group of WRs, TEs, RBs and coaches, don't be surprised if Dak surpasses the 5K passing with 30+ TDs mark this season (if the season doesn't get cut short). By season's end, Dak is going to demand $39+ mil/year, and he's going to have the #s to support such a demand.

We'll soon find out by season's end how much Jerry and Stephen truly want to keep Dak or blow this team apart by starting brand new with an unproven or much lesser other QB.

Get ready, Dak haters. You just might get what you want. If that happens, get ready to reap what you've sown. Ugh.


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Only if he leads this team to a Superbowl, if he can't, and this team ends up 8-8 pr worse, that deal is gone and Dallas may be looking for another starting QB!
Look man, this is just dumb. The kinda dumb that is frustrating because literally NO ONE is that dumb naturally.
You gotta work hard to achieve that level.

Dak is getting franchised or signed long term the long-term offer will have to start close to the 40m per Watson just got.
Watson has a playoff record of 1-2 same as Dak.

If Dak wins the SB and SB MVP he will get 45m per year.
If he has another top 10 statistical year and they miss the playoffs he's still going to command 37-38M.

17 QBs make 25M per year or more. 1 QB can win a Super Bowl.