My Thoughts. What i see as the problem


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Like everybody else the problem is this team cant stop anybody. So duh, the problem is defense, but why?

Ill go to the other side of the ball, and you see they are basically running the same offense as last yr. McCarthy didnt change one thing IMO. Maybe the blocking scheme in some ways but that too is pretty much the same. And Dallas has the #1 offense in the NFL.

But on the other side, Nolan changed everything about the defense with no OTAs and minicamps and only half of a traning camp. With no preseason games aswell. Not to mention They were gonna have 2 new DTs a New DE and new CB and S. So you have a new defensive scheme with half your projected starters being new. I think this is basically what Jaylon was kinda pointing at when he made that make it simple comment. We see the Colts taking this simple approach too and their defense is on fire. Keep it simple and just execute fundamentals and youll have success.

Add into the factor of MM stubbornly thinking this team is ok with what they got instead of dipping into FA for a S and a LB and maybe a DT. S is the biggest weakness by far IMO. Thompson has given up so many TDs. When there are guys like ET, Reid and Jefferson are out there, as is Randall amd Bethea.

At LBer i think the team is waiting for Lee. should be back maybe next week or the week after.

DT is pretty thin for quality. Somebody just needs to step up. I think Nolan just needs to blitz more. But a S is needed to be able to cover ground. Thompson, Worley arent the answer.

Good write up...but don't know what to think about it....its like all phases of the defense are a mess....were do you start


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To summarize ......nolan is a idiot !! he lacks common sense.
the best thing to do here this year, is look at the players you have and design a defense for THEM !
Instead he wants to run his defense, and is plugging round pegs into square holes, and it shows, fire him and get someone
with some common sense.


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Well I’d start with benching Jaylon it offers nothing on defense.

I have 2 complaints about the offense:

1. We don’t go to tempo until we are down big, and I think this team thrives when it’s in tempo.

2. We are still predictable running on first down.


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with no turnovers we could be 4-0.
That's like saying "if not for that blown coverage they wouldn't have scored". You can't just wish those away. They are part of the game. And sometimes the turnovers are a result of the opponent's scheme or play. Other times they are miscues or miscommunication by your own team.


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That’s exactly what we were sick of. We can’t have it both ways. The main problem is we haven’t been able to get a lead so the Dline can’t T off on the QB. I think that’s the plan anyway. When the other team leads they have balance and our D can’t stop that. We get up big, the other team has to pass and the pass rushers can go after it.
We can't T off on anything as long as our middle can't stop the run nor get a drop of pressure on passing downs. This middle of the D is just awful. We have no power threat, no talent in the middle. Next game, just focus on the middle of the D line. THEY NEVER WIN.


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Ken Hamlin.

My issue with him is that when the league was embracing spread concepts and becoming even more super pass-happy, the Cowboys approach to secondary play was to put two box safeties back there. The Cowboys think going against the trend is somehow clever. Just as we did with two kickers, with one being a "kickoff specialist" the year after the league moved the KO up 5 yards. Same deal for trying to utilize a smaller, gap-shooting nose tackle in a 3-4 (La'Roi Glover, Jay Ratliff, etc). We try too hard to be unconventional and pretend it's innovation.
I don’t think the FO is trying to be unconventional . They simple don’t have a plan and are reacting to what ever went wrong the prior year.


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We can't T off on anything as long as our middle can't stop the run nor get a drop of pressure on passing downs. This middle of the D is just awful. We have no power threat, no talent in the middle. Next game, just focus on the middle of the D line. THEY NEVER WIN.

Hence my post. That’s the point.....I think their plan was to get up big and than Aldon, Dlaw, Griff, and Gregory to run NASCAR package and kill the QB. That D can’t plat against a balanced attack. They might be good at that, we don’t even know as that hasn’t happened yet. We haven’t had that chance as the O has turned the football over so much getting behind.


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I think it's very possible that the defensive players don't want to play in Nolan's scheme. So instead of trying to make it work they have quit thinking it will force Nolan to go back to a base 4-3. Players like that don't need to be on the team but can't change that this year. I almost guarentee that McCarthy will be replacing these guys as soon as he can.

Before anybody tells me that's not possible just look at last season when they quit on Garrett. Or the year they quit on Wade and after starting 1-7 finished the season 5-3.


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I thought we were sick of the keep it simple and beat your man approach of the last ten years

We are. We need some better schemes, and more aggressive players who know how to "do their job". KISS, BBDB, vanilla...not going to work, not as a philosophy, unless you actually have superior players. Of course that ain't this defense.

So the coaches need to coach 'em up, and come up with some clever cover and blitz schemes. Nolan's trying, at time, but MAN, if he didn't piss me off on that 4th quarter Seattle drive when they were down by 1, when Nolan basically played BBDB and let Wilson march down the field, with utterly NO resistance, NO schemes. Just safe crap. :mad:


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Ken Hamlin.

My issue with him is that when the league was embracing spread concepts and becoming even more super pass-happy, the Cowboys approach to secondary play was to put two box safeties back there. The Cowboys think going against the trend is somehow clever. Just as we did with two kickers, with one being a "kickoff specialist" the year after the league moved the KO up 5 yards. Same deal for trying to utilize a smaller, gap-shooting nose tackle in a 3-4 (La'Roi Glover, Jay Ratliff, etc). We try too hard to be unconventional and pretend it's innovation.
Then they followed that up by drafting a man corner (Claiborne) and giving 50M to another man corner in free agency (Carr) and forcing them to play in a zone scheme.

Now years later, they're attempting to convert their 130M dollar hand-in-the ground DE to a stand-up end. The defensive personnel and the scheme never seem to be in lockstep with this franchise because the clowns running the organization are completely clueless when it comes to that side of the ball.


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With a better coaching hire we could be 3-1.

With a real GM we could have been to a Super Bowl in the last 25 years.

This has been my chief gripe for a long time: the reluctance of the Jones family to hire a well respected, proven, football savvy and knowledgeable General Manager. Our fan base is tired of seeing team after team after team get to a NFC championship game while we sit and watch.


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This Front Office is in a perpetual cycle of trying to validate their previous decisions.

Stubborn, Inept, and no Accountability. A horrible combination for football personnel decisions and even worse for the Cowboys fans.

This is the main problem with this team. The GM and his son doesn't have a clue on how to run a football team. They justify their decisions by keeping the crap that they made on the team.


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Show me a successful team with three first round picks invested at wide receiver and another one at running back.


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There is so much wrong with the defense right now that it may take a while to sort out how to fix it. Or it may get a lot better quickly with a few tweaks.


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Like everybody else the problem is this team cant stop anybody. So duh, the problem is defense, but why?

Ill go to the other side of the ball, and you see they are basically running the same offense as last yr. McCarthy didnt change one thing IMO. Maybe the blocking scheme in some ways but that too is pretty much the same. And Dallas has the #1 offense in the NFL.

But on the other side, Nolan changed everything about the defense with no OTAs and minicamps and only half of a traning camp. With no preseason games aswell. Not to mention They were gonna have 2 new DTs a New DE and new CB and S. So you have a new defensive scheme with half your projected starters being new. I think this is basically what Jaylon was kinda pointing at when he made that make it simple comment. We see the Colts taking this simple approach too and their defense is on fire. Keep it simple and just execute fundamentals and youll have success.

Add into the factor of MM stubbornly thinking this team is ok with what they got instead of dipping into FA for a S and a LB and maybe a DT. S is the biggest weakness by far IMO. Thompson has given up so many TDs. When there are guys like ET, Reid and Jefferson are out there, as is Randall amd Bethea.

At LBer i think the team is waiting for Lee. should be back maybe next week or the week after.

DT is pretty thin for quality. Somebody just needs to step up. I think Nolan just needs to blitz more. But a S is needed to be able to cover ground. Thompson, Worley arent the answer.

Yes sir, the team is definitely waiting for General Lee to come back and lead this defense. Its a shame an aging oft injured LB is our last best chance, but it is what it is.

For whatever reason, maybe confusion more than anything, these players aren't buying in to Nolans defense.

It shows with a lackadaisical effort. Some of the film shows there is absolutely nothing to be confused about, just hustle. We've got a lot quit on this defense right now.


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Like everybody else the problem is this team cant stop anybody. So duh, the problem is defense, but why?

Ill go to the other side of the ball, and you see they are basically running the same offense as last yr. McCarthy didnt change one thing IMO. Maybe the blocking scheme in some ways but that too is pretty much the same. And Dallas has the #1 offense in the NFL.

But on the other side, Nolan changed everything about the defense with no OTAs and minicamps and only half of a traning camp. With no preseason games aswell. Not to mention They were gonna have 2 new DTs a New DE and new CB and S. So you have a new defensive scheme with half your projected starters being new. I think this is basically what Jaylon was kinda pointing at when he made that make it simple comment. We see the Colts taking this simple approach too and their defense is on fire. Keep it simple and just execute fundamentals and youll have success.

Add into the factor of MM stubbornly thinking this team is ok with what they got instead of dipping into FA for a S and a LB and maybe a DT. S is the biggest weakness by far IMO. Thompson has given up so many TDs. When there are guys like ET, Reid and Jefferson are out there, as is Randall amd Bethea.

At LBer i think the team is waiting for Lee. should be back maybe next week or the week after.

DT is pretty thin for quality. Somebody just needs to step up. I think Nolan just needs to blitz more. But a S is needed to be able to cover ground. Thompson, Worley arent the answer.

Good post OP! MM probably should have pulled back some, maybe all the defensive scheme changes once he knew CV10 was going his offseason programs. He may have had a chance w/o so many new starters but a new scheme, no time to implement, new players waay too much


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Yes sir, the team is definitely waiting for General Lee to come back and lead this defense. Its a shame an aging oft injured LB is our last best chance, but it is what it is.

For whatever reason, maybe confusion more than anything, these players aren't buying in to Nolans defense.

It shows with a lackadaisical effort. Some of the film shows there is absolutely nothing to be confused about, just hustle. We've got a lot quit on this defense right now.

I'm not sure about this.......just me but what I see is way too much thinking out there and it's robbing them of their speed and/or quickness. It's why we've seen so many big passing ( Seahawks) AND running (Browns) plays. To me, there's a lot more confusion than quit.
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Good write up...but don't know what to think about it....its like all phases of the defense are a mess....were do you start

You cant blitz because you need lbers to help the S on the under routes. You need the blitz to help out with the lack of DT penetration that will free up the passrush from the edge. S is a huge problem for this team.