Why "they're" picking the Niners


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I see a lot of concern over the media, talking heads and anyone else picking against the Cowboys. I do not get it because they will actually settle this on the field tomorrow so why should we care what anyone else thinks?

This is the perfect matchup for many of these ex coaches and players because they're just human. Think they do not get tired of the "must discuss" Dallas Cowboys all the time? To them, the tail is wagging the dog. Some begin to hate the Cowboys because they dislike being forced to talk about them more than any other team.

I mean, c'mon, ask yourself this. The defending champions Tampa Bay Buccaneers, do they get discussed nearly as much as the Cowboys? Did Tom Brady, the QB that has thrown for more TD's and yards than any other this season, get discussed as much as Dak Prescott's slump? He is having a MVP season and gets more coverage in a Subway commercial. Think that doesn't wear on those ordered to talk about Dak and the Boys? It sure as hell would wear on me and I'd take my shots when I could. Like now.

This isn't a football team; it is its own reality show complete with the obligatory shot of the owner in every game and it doesn't matter where that game is played. He is the only owner in history that gets that.

The team is a poster child for marketing and promotion but that does not sit well with the ex footballers that are still about the game and not the show business game.

So, on one hand you have the forever hyped glitz and glamour Dallas Cowboys with stars a plenty and on the other this blue collar rabble from the land of wine and cheese perceived to be the old Packers or Steelers, so much tougher of body and mind than the Hollywood Dallas Cowboys.

This is a gift to them, it is two polar opposites, or at least they're trying to make it seem that way and the Bay Area Bullies are coming to teach the softer Cowboys a lesson in tough football. Ridiculous.

But they forget one thing, the uniform does not make the player. Inside those Cowboys uniforms are men just as tough as the tough guy Niners. They hit with the same authority and resolve and once that first kickoff starts sailing through the air, it is no longer about any of this chatter, and much from people we've never heard of before, it is a football game.

I don't care who they pick, I don't care who you pick or even who I pick. Tomorrow we return to the playoffs. The playoffs I took for granted for so many years as a right because we were the Cowboys. I bought in too.

The most interesting part of all of this is that the Cowboys aren't being called out as a team, their manhood is being questioned. Football is a tough man's game and to insinuate one man is not tough enough to beat the other, he lacks that most necessary ingredient required of a professional football player is absurd. A player cannot help it if another is bigger, faster, stronger or just more talented than he is, but he can match toughness.

This isn't the old Cowboys-Niners rivalry; this is the old Cowboys-Steelers rivalry of the 70's when blue collar steel mill grit played against Hollywood glitz and glamour. And toughness did not defeat those Cowboys, a couple of plays did.

If the Cowboys lose this, it will not be because they were not tough enough. They will be every bit as tough as the Niners. It will all come down to which team makes the plays when they need them the most.

And while this is about the media talking heads, two of the Niners tough guys, Bosa and Kittle, have talked and that can be a mistake. Players expect that from the media but tend to take it personally when coming from a player. I think Shanahan would have preferred them to be tough guys that don't talk.

This game is like the weather, everyone talks about it but no one does anything about it. Except those players wearing your colors will do something about it in less than 30 hours. They've been called out and not just by the media. They will respond.

Tomorrow the toughest team in the playoffs emerges much to the dismay of the talking heads. This just isn't a game, it is the first step and these men will be asking "who's next"?


Beyond tired of Jerry
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The 21st century Cowboys, unfortunately, have a history of playoff flops. Until they make a legitimate title run - see, get back to the NFCCG - that perception will remain.

Of course Dallas fans don't want to hear it, and we dislike the media. Winning in January and February would change all of that. It's time to change the narrative.

Otherwise, "same old Cowboys" will be the refrain.


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Who is "we"? Some of these players have never played in a playoff game wearing the Cowboys uniform.

This is not the 2016 or 2018 team, it is the 2021 one and it is different from those other teams.
It's kinda like coming from a family with a reputation.

Maybe you're not like the rest of the family, but because you share their name you're automatically judged.

If you want to get rid of that stigma then give people a reason to no longer think that way. It's not going to happen because you whine "I'm not like them!". Talk is cheap. Prove it.


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Picking has nothing to do with playing as we have seen countless times and some of these "pickers' actually have losing records. They pick because they are paid to pick.

Paid pickers generally are looking for upsets to drum up controversy or the "surprise, I told you so" segments. I am just saying for this game, its fair.


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The 21st century Cowboys, unfortunately, have a history of playoff flops. Until they make a legitimate title run - see, get back to the NFCCG - that perception will remain.

Of course Dallas fans don't want to hear it, and we dislike the media. Winning in January and February would change all of that. It's time to change the narrative.

Otherwise, "same old Cowboys" will be the refrain.
Agree, that will be the case if they lose.

Jake, I do not recall a game with this much chatter about "toughness" before. The heads might have thought it before but they didn't make that the difference. They used to use the word "finesse" as the synonym for toughness. And Landry hated that word.

The Dallas players haven't been called out as players, they've been called out as men. Think they like their family and friends hearing this dribble? They have added incentive to shut them up.
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It's kinda like coming from a family with a reputation.

Maybe you're not like the rest of the family, but because you share their name you're automatically judged.

If you want to get rid of that stigma then give people a reason to no longer think that way. It's not going to happen because you whine "I'm not like them!". Talk is cheap. Prove it.
Bolded, exactly my point. Have we heard any responses from the Cowboys about this toughness question? They begin speaking at 3:30 tomorrow.


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Unfortunately not all Cowboy fans are able or choose not to be more unbiased or objective. It’s just not in their DNA. Much like pampering your own child.

They don’t want to hear anything that doesn’t support our team or that might not paint a favorable spin.

The hype heading into the game is meaningless except to the media which I’ve avoided all week not turning on ESPN or NFL Network but I do follow the local media and print which have stuck more to this seasons results, current trends and the specific matchups and concerns which are valid.


Well-Known Member
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It's kinda like coming from a family with a reputation.

Maybe you're not like the rest of the family, but because you share their name you're automatically judged.

If you want to get rid of that stigma then give people a reason to no longer think that way. It's not going to happen because you whine "I'm not like them!". Talk is cheap. Prove it.

Quality post


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They are picking the niners because they are a dang good team who has gone something like 7-2 to end the season.

They have a highly ranked offense and defense. They have a handful of really talented players and a good head coach.

I'm picking Dallas, because they are my team, and we have just as much talent if not more. We also have good coaches.

This is a set up to be a dog fight. If we can get a lead and force them away from their comfort zone we can win in dominant fashion. If we are forced to play their game it's gonna be a brawl. If the oline and QB fail us it'll be a long day.


Well-Known Member
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Who is "we"? Some of these players have never played in a playoff game wearing the Cowboys uniform.

This is not the 2016 or 2018 team, it is the 2021 one and it is different from those other teams.

Hey, there are games this year, like Denver, where this team has come up small. And they lost to most of the decent teams they played this year.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It's kinda like coming from a family with a reputation.

Maybe you're not like the rest of the family, but because you share their name you're automatically judged.

If you want to get rid of that stigma then give people a reason to no longer think that way. It's not going to happen because you whine "I'm not like them!". Talk is cheap. Prove it.

Yeah it is time to go do it on the field. Don't lay an egg as in the past.
Speaking of talk, there has been nothing from the Cowboys this week as to talk or bulletin board material. Unless you take what Micah say about Lions don't get bullied. But he said it in a cool way.

As for SF, Nick Bosa talked some crap about Tyron and Le'al, but nothing really too outlandish.
All been fairly quiet.
It has been the media and SF fans talking crap more so than anyone else. Giving Dallas no respect at all. And yes they deserve some respect.
Most Dallas fans, as we seen posted on here are about the same as usual. Some feel good, some feel like we suck, as usual. Many in between.
Right now, I have no feeling about this game, good or bad, but slightly more good. Once I see the crowd, that may change. :laugh: Hoping at least 80 -20 Dallas fans.


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Can this team make a good quarterback look bad? Check

Can this offense attack and be successful against any defense? Check

Does this Head Coach have his own extensive history of playoff successes? Check

Has this team forged a team unity and insights on how to challenge just such games now? Check

For this game, does homefield advantage mean anything? Check

Now, is this still a football with all inherent demands? You bet...

You just go and win, Cowboys...and put your own story to the front!