CFZ Let's be honest about the results in the playoffs


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The best teams have moved on and while that doesn't make us feel better about this loss, the Niners were the better team playing in what was one of the best homefield hostile environments the Cowboys have enjoyed in some time.

They outplayed the Cowboys, just as every other team booted from the playoffs suffered, they got beat because the other team played better and is a better team. A smarter team.

The Raiders and the Cowboys saw their mistakes follow them into the playoffs and give an advantage to the Bengals and Niners. Neither is good enough to overcome self-inflicted wounds and make up the yardage that penalties cost them.

And with the Cowboys, it was the same perps in the playoffs as the regular season making the same mistakes.

As I listened to Romo do his best game I've heard, he could no longer hide the pain of watching a team just keep shooting themselves. Mistakes, and several of them just stupid and lazy, proved to be the destroyer of homefield advantage.

I see the anger toward the refs for the end of that game and that is misplaced. Every QB that plays the game knows the protocol for getting the ball into play. Especially in crunch time.

Here is what I take away from this game. My pleasure at them playing to get right in Philly was gone when I saw how they started this game. And if the Niners defense hadn't lost two crucial players, I do not think the score is that close.

When you watched that game, and be honest with yourself here and put the fan aside, did you not feel their QB, RB, WR's and OL wanted this game more than the Cowboys? Did you not feel they were better coached and prepared for the playoffs?

And one more observation that has bothered me this entire season and it fits right into some of the feelings here. Did you get the feeling that McCarthy's ire was misplaced toward the officials and not the perps? The OL that led the league in penalties, Williams, does so again in the playoffs yet McCarthy seemed more upset at the officials. This is like enabling behavior from children. Williams got a timeout for this earlier in the season and learned nothing.

As I watched Gregory smiling after getting caught twice in ridiculous offsides, one lining up offsides, I wondered how Tom Landry or Jimmy Johnson or Bill Parcells would have handled that?


1st Round Pick
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I’m not angry at officials.

Im angry about what I expected the most and that is if we get behind in a game for Dak to just stall out over and over as our season dwindles away.

No matter how much I argued with some of you and knew I was right I still wish I was wrong about Dak. I’m sick to my stomach today but what the offense and Dak did is what I expect.


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The niners definitely played as if their season was on the line. The Cowboys played as if they deserved something rather than needing to take something.

This excuse laden, entitled culture once again produced court exhibits for all its fans that it is a Charmin-soft organization when sandpaper is required.

The definition of insanity comes to mind.


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Great post @CouchCoach.

Teams that commit tons of penalties during the regular season don't often magically stop committing penalties in the post-season. I think those penalties cost them the game today and we kinda knew they weren't going to skip through the post-season without the penalties rearing their ugly head.


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i don't know that the 9ers were the better team over the course of the season.
but they were when it mattered.
once again our stars come up short in a big game.
coaches change...but the players remain.
and the big game results stay the same.
we need to move on from more than just jaylon smith.


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Dak sux. Zeke sux. Fat Mike sux. Williams sux. CD has the dropsies since he entered the league. Randy was high. Dlaw was avg. Dline cant stop the run. Any questions?
Very concise.


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This teams sloppiness and lack of discipline and personal accountability across the board is ONLY thing that caused this loss....officials and really even the 49ers had nothing to do with yesterday’s clown show


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SF was better prepared, better coached. Dallas has more talent and loses at home as favorites.
The bad coaching, horrific QB play and the bad calls all come back to Jerry Jones, imo.

The man and the franchise is cursed. The least he could have done was put JJ in the ROH at half


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We were bad but it was one of the worst possible matchups for our defense. We were lucky to hold them to 23 points. Our offense just sucked and I am not really surprised due to a myriad of factors including Moore, Dak and the Oline. That's just the facts!


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It's an unpopular opinion, but this team needs an overhaul. We're basically an undisciplined team with average talent. Fire all the coaches you want. Until we build a tough team that plays smart, we'll not play with the big boys.

The Jones boys won't ever go through a few lean years to build a solid team. They'd rather be relevant with average and blame refs and coaching for their lack of success on the field. Having a lot of empty seats in their gaudy temple just wouldn't do.


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Michael Irvin just said that the Cowboys stars just didn’t show up… opinion is that they did show up but their talent level in the NFCEast is overblown against weak opponents and playing a season with the 2nd easiest schedule in the NFL…….or in short, they aren’t as good as their regular season numbers say they are.


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This team excels in playing Russian roulette with a semiautomatic.....

Risen Star

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We're the most talented team in the league. We were just unlucky.

Flukes happen.


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Michael Irvin just said that the Cowboys stars just didn’t show up… opinion is that they did show up but their talent level in the NFCEast is overblown against weak opponents and playing a season with the 2nd easiest schedule in the NFL…….or in short, they aren’t as good as their regular season numbers say they are.

The GM overrates the talent, causing him to overpay and hamstring the team going forward. It only gets worse from here. We get a first place schedule next year, which means GB and Arizona. Good luck.


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For many weeks here, myself and plenty of other people, would come to the board after one of those "winning ugly" wins, like the Saints game or the 1st WFT game, and talk about things we saw that we wanted to get better. We would be relentlessly mocked and put down for not being proper cheerleaders; "a win is a win you haters" would be a phrase or variations of that we would get.

Well I would rather be wrong now but I was not. You are NOT what your record says. I have always thought that phrase was simplistic nonsense. I had to block two people here after all that. I wonder what they say now.

The Cowboys had a great year creating turnovers, but let's face it, turnovers partially come from happenstance. It's a funny shaped ball, it bounces funny, it goes all sorts of places when it is tipped. You cant rely on getting 4 picks every game. Games are won with blocking and tackling, and throwing, running and catching. All season long I've been thinking this is another 1 and out team. Again, I so wish that wasn't the case. I would take a win and some berating from the cheerleaders any day over this.