Has Dak Peaked?


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You are not be honest with yourself, and missing the point because of that.

Trolling the trolls is still trolling. Some might argue the hypocritical aspect of it takes it up a notch from standard trolling.

Then there is the aspect of... who are you to define when someone is trolling? Simply being adamant about a specific opinion in a repetitive manner might be annoying but it doesn't necessarily make it trolling. I personally don't view @MountaineerCowboy as a troll regardless of whether I agree with him or not. Who is the real troll? The person who states an unpopular opinion, or the person who responds to that by attacking the character and integrity of the holder of that opinion?

Then there is the question of motive. If you, @TheMarathonContinues and @CowboysFaninHouston simply didn't respond.... then this exchange doesn't exist. You guys perpetuate the very thing you condemn. Essentially creating the monster which you can then slay using your virtuous ego.

Have you ever seen a troll slayer shut down a troll? Yea.... me either. In the end the troll gets satisfaction from successfully getting a rise out of the slayer, and the slayer gets some satisfaction from the false perception that they are saving the forum from the evil troll. It is entirely self serving on both sides, and of no benefit to the forum at large.

So yea.... I stand by my original comment.
Very well said.

Dak's play on the field is the only thing that can change my opinion on him. His crew that believes he walks on water cannot. I'm a show me, don't tell me type.

They could ignore me if they wanted, but they simply cannot quit me.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
"They?" It's quite the bunch you've lumped everyone in. I think the vast majority are in the middle, they just don't find it reasonable to trash one player nonstop. It was the same with Romo. He got trashed for smiling and how he wore his hat, lol.
I agree. The vast majority is in the middle.

Interesting that you object to my wording. I dont see you object to overgeneralizations and false accusations like dak hater.

I am glad we agree on something. Are you worried?.:p


Taco Engineer
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Poster: "I don't believe Dak is a great QB"

You: "You're a Dak hating troll"

Pretty much that.
Complete BS as usual. Not only can you not have a legit discussion, but you make more lies up. It's weird because you never learn.
The real irony is telling people that fans here "can't quit you." Yet, unprovoked you can't help yourself but to respond with more nonsense.
And this is AFTER you threatened you "were a click away."
Who can't quit? :facepalm::huh::lmao2::dance:


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Complete BS as usual. Not only can you not have a legit discussion, but you make more lies up. It's weird because you never learn.
The real irony is telling people that fans here "can't quit you." Yet, unprovoked you can't help yourself but to respond with more nonsense.
And this is AFTER you threatened you "were a click away."
Who can't quit? :facepalm::huh::lmao2::dance:
It's hard to take you serious when you use all those emotes.

But anyways, you asked a question and I provided an answer, maybe it was unprovoked, but the way you responded tells me that I was correct and you're upset about that.


Taco Engineer
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It's hard to take you serious when you use all those emotes.

But anyways, you asked a question and I provided an answer, maybe it was unprovoked, but the way you responded tells me that I was correct and you're upset about that.
All talk - no walk. Take your ball and go home dude.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
So....we couldnt just celebrate our agreement, eh? Just have to keep going with confrontation ?

You want me to give you an example of something i said i DONT see you do?

I think you should take a break.


Taco Engineer
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Watching the Cowboys win Super Bowl XXVII in person at the Rose Bowl. Nothing beats sitting in a stadium watching your team win a championship, especially in dominating fashion.
I can't even imagine what that was like. I live near Buffalo so it still stings their fanbase to talk about it. Even though going to 4 SBs in a row is quite an accomplishment.

However, I did get to see Dallas beat them in OT in 2007. I ate crap all game long, if you remember Romo had a boatload of turnovers....


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Nothing will matter until the next time he has the ball in his hands at the end of a playoff game with a chance to win. I just hope he doesn't do another pee pee in his 40 million dollar diaper.