Report: NFL could push for 18-game schedule in labor talks


Cowboys Diehard
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Why shouldn’t the owners, or the MFL be greedy? Isn’t that kind of what business is? Nobody is forcing these players to play. Nobody is forcing them to accept scholarships and get educations and then move to the next level. That is completely their choice.

If and when the owners see fit to make changes that threaten the health and well being of the players, in my mind, it's wrongly done. Player play because they want to earn a living, just like most of us. Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything they don't want to. All of us do what we feel we have to do to survive in the manner that we see fit.

Nevertheless, there are times when many employers would see fit to take advantage of that need in preference of padding their own extremely considerable wealth. It's something that some of them would prefer to do, regardless of the consequences that the employees feel obliged to accept, simply to stay employed. This is why unions ever came into existence.

I'm certain that the next contract between the owners and the players union will be arrived at with the mutual consent of both sides. Only then will it be resolved to the satisfaction of both sides. That, my friend, is what honest negotiation is all about. Compromises are usually arrived at before all is said and done. There's no good guy nor bad guy when contract negotiations are completed in the best interest of both sides.
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Well-Known Member
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Just get it done.. screw the preseason. What a waste!


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Not sure this will fly with players and frankly I don't blame them. Why should they agree to two additional games when they can get paid the same money for 16 games. Concessions on the marijuana policy won't cut it either coz I'm sure players with say hell I don't smoke so why should agree to that. Just me, but the only way I see players agreeing this is new money from an additional percentage of revenues.


Report: NFL could push for 18-game schedule in labor talks
Posted by Charean Williams on May 29, 2019, 6:54 PM EDT
The NFL could seek an 18-game regular season or an expanded playoff field in a new labor deal, Mark Maske of the Washington Post reports. In return, Maske says, many owners are willing to offer players concessions to the commissioner’s disciplinary authority and to the marijuana policy.

Maske quoted a high-ranking official with one NFL team saying “some owners . . . would like to expand the season” to 18 games but added it’s not clear “if there is much support from the players on that.”

No to 18 games ....over-kill......


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Are they going to expand roster limits?
I believe they would have to be really serious about going through with it before they start talking roster limits.

But it would be a necessity if so. You could make a case right now that the 53-man rosters are not adequate for 16 games to maintain quality play and competitiveness.


Franchise Tagged
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I believe they would have to be really serious about going through with it before they start talking roster limits.

But it would be a necessity if so. You could make a case right now that the 53-man rosters are not adequate for 16 games to maintain quality play and competitiveness.
I wonder which group are the ones against roster sizes, the players or the owners? Are the owners against it because it would potentially mean more benefits, pensions, etc to have to be responsible for? I can't imagine that it would mean more in salaries because the cap would not change and teams would still have to manage the increase in players with the same pool of money. I could see the players against it because despite the health benefits, cap dollars are spread a little thinner.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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I wonder which group are the ones against roster sizes, the players or the owners?

I would go with the owners. They don't want higher payrolls for sure and they are very used to keeping rosters restricted in size and specialty, often to younger cheaper players that just play bit roles.

The fact that there has been virtually no change to roster size since 1992 tells me a lot.

And don't tell me it is about competitive balance. All it takes is one rash of injuries and teams are forced to IR players just to field a team capable of taking the field, especially on short weeks. That hurts and does not help the competitive balance.

They have been against roster expansion for a very long time and it is doubtful the NFLPA would object to more jobs.

Are the owners against it because it would potentially mean more benefits, pensions, etc to have to be responsible for? I can't imagine that it would mean more in salaries because the cap would not change and teams would still have to manage the increase in players with the same pool of money. I could see the players against it because despite the health benefits, cap dollars are spread a little thinner.
More players equals more liability on all fronts.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
How are the owners going to make that work? That's an increase ion 12.5% of the games and the players are not going for less than that. Now they have 2 home games of those 20 games off the clock with game checks which means their profit line on those pretend games in better than regular season games. The whole scam was set up to charge full price for the pretend games and have a greatly reduced expense line.

The undeniable truth to me is that no one wants these pretend games but the owners because of the easy money and the real reason for this is to gig the TV nets for more money and if they can get them to go up to cover the difference, they might pull it off and you can bet they've been working that angle.

As far as expanding the rosters, they can't find 32 quality players at any position, that's just giving more humps jobs. Does going from 16 to 18 really improve the product or guarantee that more backups get to play in the playoffs?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I would go with the owners. They don't want higher payrolls for sure and they are very used to keeping rosters restricted in size and specialty, often to younger cheaper players that just play bit roles.

The fact that there has been virtually no change to roster size since 1992 tells me a lot.

And don't tell me it is about competitive balance. All it takes is one rash of injuries and teams are forced to IR players just to field a team capable of taking the field, especially on short weeks. That hurts and does not help the competitive balance.

They have been against roster expansion for a very long time and it is doubtful the NFLPA would object to more jobs.

More players equals more liability on all fronts.

I think the owners will be going all out to get these 18 games a season, and will likely give the players virtually everything else they want to get it.

This is the one big one they want.

And I expect that while the teams play 18 games, players won't. They will have 16 game weeks and 2 rest weeks.


Taco Engineer
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Shortening or eliminating preseason games is just dumb.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Shortening or eliminating preseason games is just dumb.

Yes, they're so valuable that teams rest their starters for most of them.

Teams can accomplish as much with controlled scrimmages as they do with these fake games.


Taco Engineer
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Yes, they're so valuable that teams rest their starters for most of them.

Teams can accomplish as much with controlled scrimmages as they do with these fake games.
It's really not for established starters, it's to build your roster and examine the younger/new players. I agree, controlled scrimmages would do the same, but what's the difference?
Teams need all the time they can get. I get they "seem" meaningless to fans and aren't entertaining, but they're essential just as training camp practice is. And fans watch them too, lol.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It's really not for established starters, it's to build your roster and examine the younger/new players. I agree, controlled scrimmages would do the same, but what's the difference?
Teams need all the time they can get. I get they "seem" meaningless to fans and aren't entertaining, but they're essential just as training camp practice is. And fans watch them too, lol.

Would you sub out two preseason games that don't count for two games that would?

I think it's an easy answer.


Red, White and Brew...
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Players are gonna be mush by the end of 18 games. $ sucks.


Taco Engineer
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Would you sub out two preseason games that don't count for two games that would?

I think it's an easy answer.
I'd watch 52 games a year if I could, I love the game. But things would need to be adjusted with scenario. So, I still think preseason or scrimmages are more important than they get credit for. Just my opinion.
Another thing is all of the recorded statistics and records would all change again. Not that it really matters, but still.