Amazing stat from yesterday in a Tweet


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And yet somehow I don't find this shocking. There is nothing that could surprise me about this team anymore, except making a deep playoff run.
Many of us are conditioned to when something good happens, we look around for that other shoe to drop and it is often not a match for the first shoe, all scuffed up and the laces are missing.


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Wow. That locker room has to be teetering on the verge of chaos right now. And the architect of all this- our GM “til death do us part” will be conducting “business as usual” on his weekly radio show tomorrow and onward.
Well, unlike Mike Leach calling his players a bunch of fat, entitled, lazy players, Booger will have nothing but glowing comments to make about the players he has selected. And that's what it's all about, it is always about him.


Regular Joe....
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With the way this team is constructed and managed, that would not be surprising. I wonder if all the big money that got thrown around in the off season and capitulating to a player holding out with 2 years left could have had any locker room effect?

I honestly don't know what it is Coach but somethings going on. It will come out soon enough but it might be as simple as blood in the water. I mean, I watched this team the last time a HC was fired. This team literally smelled which way the wind blew and they jumped ship on Wade Phillips. I saw that myself. Maybe that's what's happening now, I don't know. Soon enough, we will know what's up. Stuff like this doesn't stay secret for long.


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I honestly don't know what it is Coach but somethings going on. It will come out soon enough but it might be as simple as blood in the water. I mean, I watched this team the last time a HC was fired. This team literally smelled which way the wind blew and they jumped ship on Wade Phillips. I saw that myself. Maybe that's what's happening now, I don't know. Soon enough, we will know what's up. Stuff like this doesn't stay secret for long.
There's so much chaos, it's hard to see it any other way at this point. Our D is a complete clusterfudge, and the O simply can't do anything w/ any consistency.


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that’s not an ‘amazing stat’ for a Garrett coached team

we have achieved much greater depths since he has been here

Another forum has an official list of Garrett blunders. An actual official list of just the absolute most bizarre longshot circumstantial losses all happening under Garrett's watch. It was a lengthy and telling list that was impossible to ignore.

You open it thinking it's just a hyperbolic rant of leftist extremism but then once youre in you realize it's raw constructed data of how specific losses have taken place against all odds with Garrett as coach. You might think no more than a couple. Maybe a handful. Nope, it was well into double digits.

Giving new meaning to Finding Ways to Lose. is the forum and the list is up to date and truly compelling evidence of the sub standard performance Garrett gave/gives as coach.
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
that’s not an ‘amazing stat’ for a Garrett coached team

we have achieved much greater depths since he has been here
lol, so 1 game out of the 142 Garrett has coached makes it an ordinary thing for a Garrett coached team? Hell, it has happened 0.7% of the games he has coached!


Regular Joe....
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There's so much chaos, it's hard to see it any other way at this point. Our D is a complete clusterfudge, and the O simply can't do anything w/ any consistency.

Well, I think we all know, or at least we should know that Offense and Defense are not separate entities. I mean, you see teams that invest in Offense heavily and kinda ignore the defense but even those teams, they are powerless to avoid the dependencies of one to the other. Because of this, I am not surprised that both sides of the ball are failing but what I am surprised at is the seemingly familiar position we find ourselves in, on a seemingly weekly basis. Full acknowledgement, I was unable to watch the game yestereday (as you may already know) was not televised locally. Instead, I got the craptastic Broncos.

Because of this, I was unable to watch the game so I am only seeing bits and pieces but it sounds like a lot of the same kinds of issues we've seen for several weeks now. The difference is the way the players seem to have acted and the continued flat effort by the team in the first half. Something is happening there IMO.


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There's so much chaos, it's hard to see it any other way at this point. Our D is a complete clusterfudge, and the O simply can't do anything w/ any consistency.
And look at the sideline, there's your clue. Does that look like a bunch of guys that want to be playing together?

I remember a HC, I believe it was Marv Levy, one of the most brilliant men to ever coach, one time making the comment "football players are simple". He saw the reaction and explained that he didn't mean that as a negative but was referring to how a football team is constructed and led. From the early days they enter the game, it is really very simple, "just do your job" is what he was saying. Don't complicate it beyond the game. Don't take them out of their comfort zone.

I have this theory, and have had it for some time, that Booger's need for exposure and the Cowboys being the most media friendly and covered team in sports history comes with a price for the team. As long as it's good, everybody's happy but let it get like Phillips' team and these guys just want it to go away. The media will exact it's price with nonstop rumor and innuendo because it's easy coverage. It's no longer about football, it is reality TV's sports representative.

Look at what just happened to Doug Pederson and his comment about "we will win and be in the lead in the East". He didn't have to backtrack because he's the Eagles but because he's coming to play the Cowboys.

Here's what I don't get. If I wasn't a fan, I could give two craps about the Dallas Cowboys. They're not compelling, interesting and other than the stupid things he says, they're not entertaining. They're boring and the best they can do is some HotBoyz nonsense from an overpaid player? This truly is a reality show when it comes to substance. There's really nothing there.


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lol, so 1 game out of the 142 Garrett has coached makes it an ordinary thing for a Garrett coached team? Hell, it has happened 0.7% of the games he has coached!

You might check the running list on to see that this low percentage you quoted isn't such a rare occurrence as you think when it comes to Garrett and overwhelming longshot odds on how to lose a game


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I feel like we always break these weird stats. We find a way to lose and choke.


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Well, I think we all know, or at least we should know that Offense and Defense are not separate entities. I mean, you see teams that invest in Offense heavily and kinda ignore the defense but even those teams, they are powerless to avoid the dependencies of one to the other. Because of this, I am not surprised that both sides of the ball are failing but what I am surprised at is the seemingly familiar position we find ourselves in, on a seemingly weekly basis. Full acknowledgement, I was unable to watch the game yestereday (as you may already know) was not televised locally. Instead, I got the craptastic Broncos.

Because of this, I was unable to watch the game so I am only seeing bits and pieces but it sounds like a lot of the same kinds of issues we've seen for several weeks now. The difference is the way the players seem to have acted and the continued flat effort by the team in the first half. Something is happening there IMO.

Wonder if Martinelli was quietly demoted by the Jones or Garrett and didn't like it. Just me, but something has happened to this D that basically have the same starters from the top 10 ranked unit last year. Something Richard said last week that struck me as odd. While addressing the D running game issues, he made a point to say we'll address these issues with the players as young men. As if to imply there may have been some communication/respect issues. We all know Martinelli's style/communication is anything but smooth/soft and maybe that's started wearing on the younger players.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You might check the running list on to see that this low percentage you quoted isn't such a rare occurrence as you think when it comes to Garrett and overwhelming longshot odds on how to lose a game
If the OP's numbers are right, this particular longshot is uncommon. If looking at other circumstances, I seriously doubt the Cowboys are routinely inventing ways to lose games that have never occurred throughout the 100 year history of the league. Some part of the fanbase likes to think problems the Cowboys have are unique to the entire league, and now it seems some think Cowboy problems are unique to the history of the NFL. That's really kind of silly for people to think. The one unique problem the Cowboys have today is having the owner and GM as the same person, but even that isn't unique to the history of the NFL.

So you know, I'm not saying this to prop up Garrett. If it had been up to me he would have been replaced a few years back.


Regular Joe....
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Wonder if Martinelli was quietly demoted by the Jones or Garrett and didn't like it. Just me, but something has happened to this D that basically have the same starters from the top 10 ranked unit last year. Something Richard said last week that struck me as odd. While addressing the D running game issues, he made a point to say we'll address these issues with the players as young men. As if to imply there may have been some communication/respect issues. We all know Martinelli's style/communication is anything but smooth/soft and maybe that's started wearing on the younger players.

I don't see this as a Marinelli thing, specifically. I see this as more of a recent thing. Defensively, I think we are seeing teams scheme us towards what they have seen against the Rams last year and more recently with GB etc. Now, I didn't see yesterdays game so I am not certain what happened there but, the amount of points given up was not terrible. I'm guessing that probably had more to do with Offensive execution and turnovers. Again, don't know for sure but that's what I'm guessing. More to the point, I think Richard is now calling the game so I'm not sure it's Marinelli who would be responsible?

Offensively, it's night and day from the first three games. I mean, I know that we are talking three of the worst teams in the league, I get that but, the actual offensive play calling has changed radically. We aren't spreading the ball around much. We aren't doing the things we were previously, in terms of how the game is being called. I understand that score can often dictate that kind of thing but getting down early, as we have these past several weeks should lend itself more towards opening up the offense and not limiting it, in terms of how we are calling a game. IDK.


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It still amazes after all these years some fans still are either surprised or dumbfounded by our situation. And it takes losing to bring it all out cause 3-0 certainly didn’t. Winning division didn’t .

Where are all these fans who said Jerry wasn’t involved. Stephens taking over. We are building something special for years to come???? Where are these people??Some are here...


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Maybe we simply aren’t as good of a team as was advertised ?

Maybe the injuries are enough to cause the tailspin?

Maybe Dak does need all the supporting cast ?

Maybe our defense wasn’t as good as we thought ?

Maybe Moore wasn’t the answer?


Chris in Arizona
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According to a tweet by NFL Network producer Bobby Belt about yesterday’s loss to the Jets:

NFL teams are 90-1 since 1991 when they win time of possession, total yards, turnovers, pick up 25 first downs, and convert at least 10 or more 3rd down attempts.

Dallas' loss to the Jets on Sunday is the one loss.”

Ouch. The Cowboys somehow find a way to lose.

I think Garrett holds all the records for finding ways to lose games that no other coach has before. I'm not kidding either.


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That’s a great comment. And one too many fans don’t understand. A team is not just talent. It’s organizational culture in its entirety.
It was enough last year to win a playoff game . What’s changed?