A Cowboy fan’s dream


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It’s ok for a fan to dream...right?

So what if in the coming offseason and all through the draft, training camp, preseason and the entire 2020 regular season and playoffs, the Jones boys just stopped talking in public? They still show up for work every day and stay engaged, sign the checks, etc., but from an appropriate distance (like all the teams that have won the last 24 Super Bowls) and with no TV or radio appearances.

We would all love it if the only talking heads for the next 12 months were Mike McCarthy and maybe Will McClay. What a refreshing change that would be! Think of all the garbage we would no longer have to put up with on a regular basis:
  • No more Jerry in his pretend coaching gear at training camp literally talking absolute nonsense for a solid hour while every reporter in sight tries hard to pretend he’s not crazy.
  • No more Stephen or Jerry radio shows (yes plural) where they tell us almost nothing of real value and consistently undermine their head coach.
  • No more post game drivel from the only GM in the league who thinks it’s appropriate to hold a press conference to talk about the game before checking in with his head coach. There’s a reason the good GMs don’t do that- It’s stupid.
  • No more impromptu press conferences from Jerry at the draft or TC. In fact, how about Jerry isn’t even at training camp? What a concept.
  • No more Jerry breaking the “Guinness Book of World Records” on how many times someone can say “Uh” in a press conference! LOL! Because he follows a gag order!
Yes, I know most responses to this will be “that will never happen”, or “he’s the owner- he can do whatever he wants.” Yada, yada.

Well I’m a long suffering fan still dreaming of the day my favorite team since 1964 will once again hoist a Lombardi. If that dream isn’t crazy, then maybe dreaming of a day when the Jones boys realize they are the biggest problem this team has isn’t so crazy either.


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IDK man Jerry talking about gloryholes was one of the top highlights for this team over the last decade.
Yes, that was funny. But wouldn’t you trade that for no Jerry speak at all if it helped the team? We can always go back and laugh at the millions of stupid quotes the Jones boys have left us. Like “gloryholes” and “secret sauce” and “lower than a snakes belly”...There’s a great reason why the GMs winning Super Bowls don’t do that.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It’s ok for a fan to dream...right?

So what if in the coming offseason and all through the draft, training camp, preseason and the entire 2020 regular season and playoffs, the Jones boys just stopped talking in public? They still show up for work every day and stay engaged, sign the checks, etc., but from an appropriate distance (like all the teams that have won the last 24 Super Bowls) and with no TV or radio appearances.

We would all love it if the only talking heads for the next 12 months were Mike McCarthy and maybe Will McClay. What a refreshing change that would be! Think of all the garbage we would no longer have to put up with on a regular basis:
  • No more Jerry in his pretend coaching gear at training camp literally talking absolute nonsense for a solid hour while every reporter in sight tries hard to pretend he’s not crazy.
  • No more Stephen or Jerry radio shows (yes plural) where they tell us almost nothing of real value and consistently undermine their head coach.
  • No more post game drivel from the only GM in the league who thinks it’s appropriate to hold a press conference to talk about the game before checking in with his head coach. There’s a reason the good GMs don’t do that- It’s stupid.
  • No more impromptu press conferences from Jerry at the draft or TC. In fact, how about Jerry isn’t even at training camp? What a concept.
  • No more Jerry breaking the “Guinness Book of World Records” on how many times someone can say “Uh” in a press conference! LOL! Because he follows a gag order!
Yes, I know most responses to this will be “that will never happen”, or “he’s the owner- he can do whatever he wants.” Yada, yada.

Well I’m a long suffering fan still dreaming of the day my favorite team since 1964 will once again hoist a Lombardi. If that dream isn’t crazy, then maybe dreaming of a day when the Jones boys realize they are the biggest problem this team has isn’t so crazy either.
Yup. Amazing lack of spotlight appearances lately. Somebody pinch me.


How 'Bout Dem Cowboys
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Wish in one hand piss in the other

you know how the rest goes


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So, here you go, and I'm sure I'll be blasted for this. My dream is we trade Dak and our first round pick for the first pick of the draft. I believe Joe Burrow is worth at least this. Why would Cincinnati do this? They probably won't, but they will get a pretty good QB and a first round pick. It's probably not enough, but that's my dream. I realize there will be difficulty since he's played through his rookie contract, but if there's a way, I'd love to see the Cowboys try.

Why would I trade Dak? He's good, but I do not believe he's great. And, the refusal to not take 30 million annual salary chaps me to no end. He has not played like a top 5 QB when games really mattered, but wants to be paid like a top tier winner. Sorry, but I find this difficult to support. With Dak, stats don't seem to tell the whole story.

That's my dream, as farfetched as it may just be.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Yup. Amazing lack of spotlight appearances lately. Somebody pinch me.

Well, it is the time of year when the Cowboys and their fans are watching other teams fight for a championship.

They'll get back Jerry when there's no more actual football to discuss.


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I would accept Jerry talking all he wants in exchange for stepping down as GM and vesting all authority in a GM she stepping completely away in foot all operations.


Well-Known Member
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It’s ok for a fan to dream...right?

So what if in the coming offseason and all through the draft, training camp, preseason and the entire 2020 regular season and playoffs, the Jones boys just stopped talking in public? They still show up for work every day and stay engaged, sign the checks, etc., but from an appropriate distance (like all the teams that have won the last 24 Super Bowls) and with no TV or radio appearances.

We would all love it if the only talking heads for the next 12 months were Mike McCarthy and maybe Will McClay. What a refreshing change that would be! Think of all the garbage we would no longer have to put up with on a regular basis:
  • No more Jerry in his pretend coaching gear at training camp literally talking absolute nonsense for a solid hour while every reporter in sight tries hard to pretend he’s not crazy.
  • No more Stephen or Jerry radio shows (yes plural) where they tell us almost nothing of real value and consistently undermine their head coach.
  • No more post game drivel from the only GM in the league who thinks it’s appropriate to hold a press conference to talk about the game before checking in with his head coach. There’s a reason the good GMs don’t do that- It’s stupid.
  • No more impromptu press conferences from Jerry at the draft or TC. In fact, how about Jerry isn’t even at training camp? What a concept.
  • No more Jerry breaking the “Guinness Book of World Records” on how many times someone can say “Uh” in a press conference! LOL! Because he follows a gag order!
Yes, I know most responses to this will be “that will never happen”, or “he’s the owner- he can do whatever he wants.” Yada, yada.

Well I’m a long suffering fan still dreaming of the day my favorite team since 1964 will once again hoist a Lombardi. If that dream isn’t crazy, then maybe dreaming of a day when the Jones boys realize they are the biggest problem this team has isn’t so crazy either.

You hate the Cowboys ownership. Got it.

Do you long for the good old days of Clint Murchison? Murchison was a weird dude and wouldn’t survive one year as an NFL owner in the Internet age. They would have ran him off. Significant mob ties, gambling on NFL games, running off with G Brandt’s wife. The list goes on.

But, nostalgia is intoxicating

All I can say is thank God for Tex




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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You hate the Cowboys ownership. Got it.

Do you long for the good old days of Clint Murchison? Murchison was a weird dude and wouldn’t survive one year as an NFL owner in the Internet age. They would have ran him off. Significant mob ties, gambling on NFL games, running off with G Brandt’s wife. The list goes on.

But, nostalgia is intoxicating

All I can say is thank God for Tex


Actually you’re wrong- I don’t hate Jerry or his family. I just think the results they’ve given us the last 24 years speak for themselves.

I believe Jerry is a good man who loves his family. I respect that. But it doesn’t make him a good owner or GM.


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I don't think silencing the Jones boys will accomplish anything other than entertain those that don't like them. The owner and GM speaking about the team should be something of interest to fans. If not then have the self discipline to not listen.


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I’m convinced the complete infatuation many have with what Jerry does is a defense mechanism for fans to excuse the lack of success over the last 25 years. 95% of the things he does that annoy people have NO IMPACT WHATSOEVER ON WINNING. And especially now that so much of the personnel decision making is in the hands of McClay and Stephen he has even less of an impact with regards to on field success.

It’s so much easier to say “If Jerry would just shut up we’d win a title” than to take the time to dissect the real reasons for failure.


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Actually you’re wrong- I don’t hate Jerry or his family. I just think the results they’ve given us the last 24 years speak for themselves.

I believe Jerry is a good man who loves his family. I respect that. But it doesn’t make him a good owner or GM.

I hear you and sympathize with some of your frustrations about Jerry the GM.

i too have my concerns about the job he’s done as GM. There have been many decisions that I disagree with.

But, as an owner, the man is incredible. One of the greatest to ever be part of the NFL. A true innovator when it comes to revenue generation and building franchise value. He was the prime mover of the NFL going to Fox which vaulted the league’s status to the richest in sport. His ad marketing strategies set the blueprint for other owners and the league. He, more than anyone, has shown his fellow owners how to make money and elevate the NFL to the level of media, cultural and financial domination that we see today.

What he has done as an owner is going to be legendary when the book is closed. He could likely go down a the greatest owner in NFL history

When it comes to his actions with the Cowboys as owner of the team, that’s also pretty incredible don’t you think? What do we ask of owners? Number one is spend money. Spend lots of it. Jerry has never shirked from sinking hundreds of millions into the team. The stadium, the Star, training camp. No expense is too high and quality is always excellent. Only the absolute best will do for our players, coaches and football people.

The one area where his owner responsibilities could be questioned would be head coaching decisions. That line is really blurred here as to whether that’s on the GM or Owner side of things. Typically coaching hires and fires are done by the GM but with the owners buy-in and approval.

Personally, I never had a problem with the firing of Landry. It had to happen. I also felt that the Jimmy/Jerry split had plenty of blame for both of them. Letting Garrett hang around as long as he did was a mistake so if that’s an owner failing, then I’m ok with that.

Anyway, knock him for his work as a GM. Much of that criticism is well deserved. But, if you are able to separate your feelings about the two roles, I think you might see things a bit differently about the ownership side of things
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Jerry doesnt see it that way.

He thinks that his hands on ways and his mouth are an asset to the team.

If a guy like MM turns things around, itll be in spite of Jerry. I don't have high hopes.

This COULD get way worse and its possible a lot of us older folks could have seen the last of any type of real success from this team.

All because of one delusional egomaniac.


Well-Known Member
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IDK man Jerry talking about gloryholes was one of the top highlights for this team over the last decade.
My favorite quote from drunken Jerry is when he talked about Dak stuff arming a defender and said, " he's the daddy".


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