Twitter: 50% Cowboys fans expected in Superdome


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Very good point. What I should have said was that I have a difficult time seeing that many tickets available, period. For the crowd to be 50% pro-Cowboys, you'd have to figure somewhere around 80% of all tickets are up for sale (I'm assuming that a lot of Saints fans would be looking for tickets, too). I mean, I may be totally off base in my thinking and it may turn out that way, but that would be very surprising to me.
Seems that the same thing was being said about last year's playoff game in LA, and there were some Cowboys fans there, but there was nowhere near the 50% that was being projected before that game.
Back to my original question, though...if online ticket sales don't require a "loyalty oath" to either team, how do they project with accuracy how many fans of a particular team will attend a particular game? That's kind of what puzzles me. Seems they would have to conduct a survey of some sort, and even if they did, I highly doubt the survey would be scientifically sound.

When you buy a ticket online, you pay with a credit card and give an address. Zip codes can be tracked and run through computer models to predict the makeup of the crowd. That’s not hard to understand. It may not be totally accurate but that projection seems to point to most available tickets being snatched up by people who live in Texas and assumed to be Cowboy fans.


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I'm on a,plane right now leaving o akland headed to game, and there are a lot of cowboys fans. Most expensive game is an understatement. Look on stub hub for this game, then look at next week against bucks. Tickets are more than double. This is nothing new


Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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It is based off of online ticket sales and sales data. These companies have an incredible amount of data to tap into. Everything from where tickets were being bought, who is buying hotel rooms, making restaurant reservations and flights. They can tie it back to what other games those individuals have gone to in the past as well. They tap into all kind of things and have incredible algorithms to process this data. The amount of data mining they can do is staggering. In the article it states that they have predicted these kind of things before, and those algorithms are always updated to make more accurate predictions from what they have learned in other predictions/outcomes.
Thanks. Your explanation makes a lot of sense. I should have realized that pretty much everything we do these days is being tracked and processed for marketing purposes.


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I think I got a little long winded on this topic. All I was really trying to figure out is how anybody determines that a certain percentage of a fan base will be at a given game. There are probably ways to figure it out and I was just curious as to how they figure it out.

Probably from where the tickets were ordered from, I think most sites want a phone number for contact purposes for the buyers so they can tell if people from Texas, for instance, are ordering the tickets.

But like you, don't really know, guess we'll be able to see Sunday!

If anybody here actually goes to the game please let us know...


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I was in Indy for the game last year. At least half the stadium was full of Dallas fans. Not surprised-especially with the team winning.


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I'm' thinking about making a last minute trip down there....


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Where do these projections come from? How the heck does anybody know how many Cowboys fans will be there? Personally, I have a hard time figuring how that rabid fan base is going to sell their tix to the enemy...just doesn't make sense. NO isn't a dumpster fire of an organization/team like the team from Washington (where there were a LOT of Cowboys fans in attendance). I hope there are a ton of friendly fans there, but I just can't see the stadium being 50/50.

I go to a lot of games all over, and there are always a ton of cowboys fans. The rams game last year? 30% my arse. That stadium was AT LEAST 65% cowboys fans.


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Probably from where the tickets were ordered from, I think most sites want a phone number for contact purposes for the buyers so they can tell if people from Texas, for instance, are ordering the tickets.

But like you, don't really know, guess we'll be able to see Sunday!

If anybody here actually goes to the game please let us know...

You don't think stubhub doesn't know I purchase tix to several cowboys Games a year? they know which team im rooting for


Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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I go to a lot of games all over, and there are always a ton of cowboys fans. The rams game last year? 30% my arse. That stadium was AT LEAST 65% cowboys fans.
Since you were there, I believe you. It sure didn't look that way on TV, though. I know Dallas has a ton of fans in California (and everywhere else), so it's certainly possible. In fact, I'd say much more possible in LA because I don't think they've built a loyal following, yet.


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it was insane..... it was the most Cowboys fans I have ever seen at an "Away game." Ill try to find a pic in the next day or so. On the train going to the game.... ALL cowboys fans. The stadium walking in, which was ridiculously packed, all cowboys fans. It was absolutely nuts. So when I see these claims of 30% Cowboys fans ta that game..... I laugh, because that is absurd..... maybe 30% of all of socal is Cowboys fans??? ok, I can live with that one. lol

I have been to Chicago, Green Bay, Seattle, SF, LA, Oakland, Tampa, New Orleans, Cleveland, Philly, NY, Minnesota, San Diego, and of Course AT&T, and I think the top 2 experiences is New Orleans and Seattle..... just amazing venues to watch a game. The city isnt half bad either:)

Biggest Dumps, without a doubt is Oakland and LA.


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How would they know? Online ticket sales don't require a statement of loyalty to either team.

I can't figure that out either unless they somehow have a way of tracing those purchases back to texas and that still could include Saints fans as many have relocated to various residents since Katrina.
but no matter what state,.. what team cowboys are playing ...and where the stadium is .. Cowboys fans flat out show up !! .. in blue waaaves around the world !

the other teams that tend to travel pretty damn good is Bears, Steelers and Green Bay,... but being my bias speaking, no fan base is the equal of Cowboys fans around the country and around the world,imo.



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I am not surprised. My father In-Law is a season ticket holder for the Titans. In the past he has sold the Dallas tickets (4 total) and it would almost pay for the season. So chances are there are a lot of Saints season ticket holders doing the same thing.


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it was insane..... it was the most Cowboys fans I have ever seen at an "Away game." Ill try to find a pic in the next day or so. On the train going to the game.... ALL cowboys fans. The stadium walking in, which was ridiculously packed, all cowboys fans. It was absolutely nuts. So when I see these claims of 30% Cowboys fans ta that game..... I laugh, because that is absurd..... maybe 30% of all of socal is Cowboys fans??? ok, I can live with that one. lol

I have been to Chicago, Green Bay, Seattle, SF, LA, Oakland, Tampa, New Orleans, Cleveland, Philly, NY, Minnesota, San Diego, and of Course AT&T, and I think the top 2 experiences is New Orleans and Seattle..... just amazing venues to watch a game. The city isnt half bad either:)

Biggest Dumps, without a doubt is Oakland and LA.
I was at the Rams games. Outside of the stadium it was 80-20 Cowboys fans and I'm not even exaggerating. I've never seen anything like that tailgating scene.

When we got inside it was more 55-45 Cowboys fans. My brother kept cracking up about all the artificial noise they were pumping in to help out the Rams fans.


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I dont buy it but it could happen but if they are going by Zip codes on CC doesnt mean its a NO fan or Vice versa, too close of bordering state to know for sure..


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Saints fans will FAR outnumber Cowboys fans and it won't even be close
the only 2 venues ive been to where 25% or more of stadium WAS NOT filled with Cowboys fans was Green Bay and SEattle. Wouldnt surprise me a bit to see 40-50 % of stadium be Cowboys fans.


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That’s phenomenal if true. It’s nice change of pace considering the past years we barely had home games at home.