It's Linehans base offense, defenses take away the short stuff, and force us to hold the ball. We did not run this offense for the first half of the season, but we've been morphing back to it every week. Did it not look like the same team that played last year? Every QB failed in this offense last year, and please don't give me the Romo won three out of four games, well so did Dak. Linehan was forced to adapt his offense, and we looked awesome for the first part of the season, but where are the screens, miss- direction, sweeps, slants, Beasely using his uncanny skills to shake defenders, and get open quickly? No we are back to predictable runs, forcing the ball to Dez, and not using Witten who is unstoppable 10 yds over the middle. This is where Garrett needs to drag Linehan into his office and lock Jerry out. How can you gain 100 yds in the first half and lose a game? Unbelievable.