A fun hypothetical


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This is a JUST FOR FUN discussion. I don't think this will happen, I'm not suggesting this will happen, I'm simply throwing it out for your thoughts.

When Drew Henson arrived in Dallas some of us, me perhaps at the front of the line, had hopes that he could be the franchise guy to follow Aikman. I was personally very doubtful of an undrafted free agent's ability to be the guy we had been searching for for years. (Tony Romo) Well, I have no problem admitting I was wrong on both counts. Henson was not a franchise guy, and Romo has proven to be a very good NFL Quarterback. (Thank you!)

But now I come with my hypothetical. Drew Henson was the 3rd QB for Detroit this past weekend. I personally believe that even if it is by the slightest of margins, based on raw ability alone, he is better than Brad Johnson or Brooks Bollinger have been.

If we could have Drew Henson return to Dallas as a backup QB, either as a 2nd or even as a 3rd, would you be for it? Do you think Henson would be able to do it? How do you think Cowboys fans would respond?

Your thoughts.


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Let me also add, just for the record, I think our backup should have been Chris Simms when he was available. But I digress. I still want to hear your thoughts on the scenario I threw out.


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Flozell Adams should be our 2nd QB with Willie Blade as the emergency QB


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"In an embarrassing moment for Lions fans, Dan Orlovsky runs out to the field to play quarterback."


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superpunk;2413181 said:
"In an embarrassing moment for Lions fans, Dan Orlovsky runs out to the field to play quarterback."

I've never seen a QB run out of the back of the endzone the way that guy did. Man. That is when you have hit rock bottom.


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rcaldw;2413160 said:
This is a JUST FOR FUN discussion. I don't think this will happen, I'm not suggesting this will happen, I'm simply throwing it out for your thoughts.

When Drew Henson arrived in Dallas some of us, me perhaps at the front of the line, had hopes that he could be the franchise guy to follow Aikman. I was personally very doubtful of an undrafted free agent's ability to be the guy we had been searching for for years. (Tony Romo) Well, I have no problem admitting I was wrong on both counts. Henson was not a franchise guy, and Romo has proven to be a very good NFL Quarterback. (Thank you!)

But now I come with my hypothetical. Drew Henson was the 3rd QB for Detroit this past weekend. I personally believe that even if it is by the slightest of margins, based on raw ability alone, he is better than Brad Johnson or Brooks Bollinger have been.

If we could have Drew Henson return to Dallas as a backup QB, either as a 2nd or even as a 3rd, would you be for it? Do you think Henson would be able to do it? How do you think Cowboys fans would respond?

Your thoughts.

I am right there with you about Henson. Being a Michigan fan, I had to be a homer for Henson, I guess, blinding me to obvious, that he wasn't the guy who played at Michigan.

Having said that, I don't think Henson can even be a BAckup at this point, unless his machanics are drastically changed. Babe was right on him at first, although Admittedly I rediculed Babe for saying he didn't think Henson would mount to anything.

Henson, just is not going to cut it. But then if he sticks to Lions Roster and plays in Pre-season next season, with machanics drastically changed, he is just a lost cause. Its not his ability to read defense, but his accuracy that a big time question mark, which is due to his Machanics, which makes the ball come out funny and kinda making it hard for WRs to catch the ball. Like Jaws says, Accuracy is most underrated aspect of an QB.


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As a 3rd stringer with no risk, maybe, but you're likely taking up a roster spot for a QB that has more hope of developing than Henson. For some reason, it doesn't seem he'll go much further than how he looked in his NFL Europe stint for us, which was somewhat decent but not much more than that.

QB roster for '09:

Tony Romo- starter
Aaron Brooks- back-up
Drew Henson- emergency QB



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RCowboyFan;2413196 said:
I am right there with you about Henson. Being a Michigan fan, I had to be a homer for Henson, I guess, blinding me to obvious, that he wasn't the guy who played at Michigan.

Having said that, I don't think Henson can even be a BAckup at this point, unless his machanics are drastically changed. Babe was right on him at first, although Admittedly I rediculed Babe for saying he didn't think Henson would mount to anything.

Henson, just is not going to cut it. But then if he sticks to Lions Roster and plays in Pre-season next season, with machanics drastically changed, he is just a lost cause. Its not his ability to read defense, but his accuracy that a big time question mark, which is due to his Machanics, which makes the ball come out funny and kinda making it hard for WRs to catch the ball. Like Jaws says, Accuracy is most underrated aspect of an QB.

You know what is strange about Henson though? And I wish someone could explain this for me. Every time I've seen the guy given a chance to play a little bit, even when he wasn't great, he was rarely awful. I mean the small snippet we saw in Dallas, he played well, briefly, in Baltimore. And then I think even his harshest critics would have had to admit that Parcells had him on a very short leash in his Thanksgiving day start.

Then he goes to NFL Europe and I watched every game he played in that league. He actually played pretty well there.

I mean, just the few brief moments when they actually got him onto the field I honestly think there are guys playing in the league right now that he could do as well as they could.

Is this guy just awful on the practice field? Is he bad in the locker room? Does he grate on coaches?

I mean is there something more here? He obviously has athletic ability that should at least allow him to be a #3 somewhere and he can't even seem to land that. And he is still only 28 years old at the moment.


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ugh. I don't know. I'd probably take him over Brad but then I'd take a bag of chips and a soda over Brad right now.


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rcaldw;2413210 said:
You know what is strange about Henson though? And I wish someone could explain this for me. Every time I've seen the guy given a chance to play a little bit, even when he wasn't great, he was rarely awful. I mean the small snippet we saw in Dallas, he played well, briefly, in Baltimore. And then I think even his harshest critics would have had to admit that Parcells had him on a very short leash in his Thanksgiving day start.

Then he goes to NFL Europe and I watched every game he played in that league. He actually played pretty well there.

I mean, just the few brief moments when they actually got him onto the field I honestly think there are guys playing in the league right now that he could do as well as they could.

Is this guy just awful on the practice field? Is he bad in the locker room? Does he grate on coaches?

I mean is there something more here? He obviously has athletic ability that should at least allow him to be a #3 somewhere and he can't even seem to land that. And he is still only 28 years old at the moment.

All I've ever heard regarding his attitude is that it is exemplary and he is extremely coachable, so I don't think that's an issue.

I pretty much agree with your assessment of his overall play and had even brought up his NFL Europe stint in my previous post in this thread, except that we differ on your opinion of how he looked against the Bears that Thanksgiving game. That's one contest where he looked pretty bad.


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I do not ever mind trying to develop a QB. I didn't mind the risk we took in signing Ryan Leaf. I don't mind trying to revive a failing career like a Jim Plunkett. I was going to say Drew Bledsoe, but Plunkett is a better example.

All I want are viable options besides. If we are going to have a Brad Johnson as a PAT or FG holder, at the very least have a Chris Simms, Brian Griese, or Byron Leftwich who have won at the NFL level waiting in the wings.

I am fine with them bringing back a promising player like Henson as long as he is not the fallback. If he develops into a solid backup or a starter like Romo did then you are ahead of the game.

What I don't like are 2 gambles behind the starter. Which is what we have now.

So I wouldn't car eif he came back as long as he was not being looked at as the backup QB until he earns it. If he does, great. If all he ever does is work to try and develop I have no problem with that.

For example, Glenn Carano. I never saw him as a liability. He was trying to develop. If he had and we ended up trading him away the team benefits and I am happy. We got something for Steve Walsh and Gary Hogeboom. We didn't for Carano, yet I consider him a successful 3rd QB behind Staubach and White.

As long as Henson was here trying his best to develop into an asset I would have no issue with it. I don't expect it to ever happen.


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Hostile;2413259 said:
I do not ever mind trying to develop a QB. I didn't mind the risk we took in signing Ryan Leaf. I don't mind trying to revive a failing career like a Jim Plunkett. I was going to say Drew Bledsoe, but Plunkett is a better example.

All I want are viable options besides. If we are going to have a Brad Johnson as a PAT or FG holder, at the very least have a Chris Simms, Brian Griese, or Byron Leftwich who have won at the NFL level waiting in the wings.

I am fine with them bringing back a promising player like Henson as long as he is not the fallback. If he develops into a solid backup or a starter like Romo did then you are ahead of the game.

What I don't like are 2 gambles behind the starter. Which is what we have now.

So I wouldn't car eif he came back as long as he was not being looked at as the backup QB until he earns it. If he does, great. If all he ever does is work to try and develop I have no problem with that.

For example, Glenn Carano. I never saw him as a liability. He was trying to develop. If he had and we ended up trading him away the team benefits and I am happy. We got something for Steve Walsh and Gary Hogeboom. We didn't for Carano, yet I consider him a successful 3rd QB behind Staubach and White.

As long as Henson was here trying his best to develop into an asset I would have no issue with it. I don't expect it to ever happen.

I think you said it very well Hos, and I agree.