Twitter: All that Power Has Gone to Moore's Head


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
We can all see it as we please. I'll suggest he's happy being our OC and just doing the best he can!:thumbup:
You’re one of those wacko nut cases that scoffs at things like tradition and a way of life built on the blood, sweat and tears of Cowboy fans who have spent decades supporting something bigger than themselves, aren’t you? You think you can come in here with your subversive ideas and undermine all that, don’t you? Well, I’m here to tell you a truth that you need to hear, and that may save you from yourself if you will listen. And that truth is that reality and common sense have no place on this website, or in the world at large, and if you continue to cling to those kinds of crazy notions you are setting yourself up for a life of misery. The real world doesn’t work that way buddy, and the sooner you figure that out the better off you will be.


Cowboys Diehard
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You’re one of those wacko nut cases that scoffs at things like tradition and a way of life built on the blood, sweat and tears of Cowboy fans who have spent decades supporting something bigger than themselves, aren’t you? You think you can come in here with your subversive ideas and undermine all that, don’t you? Well, I’m here to tell you a truth that you need to hear, and that may save you from yourself if you will listen. And that truth is that reality and common sense have no place on this website, or in the world at large, and if you continue to cling to those kinds of crazy notions you are setting yourself up for a life of misery. The real world doesn’t work that way buddy, and the sooner you figure that out the better off you will be.

Yes, I'm a very naughty guy who has the gall to state his honest opinions. I should be drawn and quartered, no doubt. From now on, I'll stop spouting reality and common sense and concentrate more on lies, fantasies, innuendoes and subversive BS. I think I see the light now. Thanks, counselor. o_O


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Yes, I'm a very naughty guy who has the gall to state his honest opinions. I should be drawn and quartered, no doubt. From now on, I'll stop spouting reality and common sense and concentrate more on lies, innuendoes and subversive BS. I think I see the light now. Thanks, counselor.
I’m always here to steer the misguided down the right path


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Power going to Moore's head? Have you watched this kid? He is highly highly unlikely to be affected by power. Just not that type of person. I'd say you are misreading his personality badly.
noone on this site will ever be happy they predict failure therefore they NEED it to be RIGHT.. first to Vanilla , they say He will be JG puppet, nothing will change but when hes starts experimenting in practices , hes gone to far with creativity.. FN Trolls



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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
noone on this site will ever be happy they predict failure therefore they NEED it to be RIGHT.. first to Vanilla , they say He will be JG puppet, nothing will change but when hes starts experimenting in practices , hes gone to far with creativity.. FN Trolls

I think this thread was supposed to be lighthearted- not to be taken seriously


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I think this thread was supposed to be lighthearted- not to be taken seriously
still it never fails like the Zeke losing weight now hes on drugs..thats not funny AT ALL..dude is nothing but a home grown DC STUD Elite RB who wants to get paid and deservingly so.. believe it or not hes the Cowboys Offensive center and without him regardless of Success of RBBC it wont be BETTER it will a show in the way defenses play when3 down back can block, run anywhere, truck LBs, leap over safetys, and catch the ball, noone knows whats coming an defenses have to GAME PLAN zeke cheat ..I promise thats not happening with RBBC each RB has role, roles become predictable and more times then not you end up relying on your QB and passing game more as defensed dare you to throw and cheat safetys out in coverage vs down to stop zeke, seen that poop show..


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
still it never fails like the Zeke losing weight now hes on drugs..thats not funny AT ALL..dude is nothing but a home grown DC STUD Elite RB who wants to get paid and deservingly so.. believe it or not hes the Cowboys Offensive center and without him regardless of Success of RBBC it wont be BETTER it will a show in the way defenses play when3 down back can block, run anywhere, truck LBs, leap over safetys, and catch the ball, noone knows whats coming an defenses have to GAME PLAN zeke cheat ..I promise thats not happening with RBBC each RB has role, roles become predictable and more times then not you end up relying on your QB and passing game more as defensed dare you to throw and cheat safetys out in coverage vs down to stop zeke, seen that poop show..
This isn’t the thread about Zeke being fat.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
its falls in li e with other threads that seem to FIND reasons to flame players and coaches declare busts talk bout weight etc etc
I understand what you are saying, and I get irritated by that kind of thing too. But I don’t think that’s what this was. I think it was an attempt at humor and an effort to have a lighthearted thread.


Cowboys Diehard
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Reminds me of my days as a Jr. High coach. Make it fun.

Quite a few players that have been released from the Cowboys have commented about that being a problem for the Cowboys. When one or two do so, it's fairly easy to dismiss. When it becomes a common theme, it's probably a good time to sit up and take notice.

Making practice and games more fun for the players could be a step in the right direction. If Kellen is able to help bring that about, so much the better. I'm all for giving it a try! Could minimizing any excess pressure be a positive factor for us? Hopefully, we'll learn more and correct it, if need be! :)
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Cowboys Diehard
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I'm honestly surprised Dak isn't holding out. Dangerous for him to play without a new deal.

I'm remaining hopeful that this will be corrected very soon.

It's a good time to be concerned, not time to panic.

If Dak can remain patient, so can we.

This is why he's leader! ;)
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Last Man Standing
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This stuff is fun to see. Hope they use it now and then when the games count.

There is an awesome play that they ran a few times in real games at Boise State where they motion an offensive lineman out and use the tight end as the 5th lineman. Even though the tackle is out wide, he’s not eligible and the tight end is.

What ends up happening is a corner covers the offensive lineman who isn’t eligible and the tight end (who appears to be an offensive tackle) streaks forward uncovered.

Both times they ran the play and Boise State it was inside the 10 yard line.

The play was highlighted in Jon Gruden’s quarterback camp with Kellen Moore and he laughs his butt off while showing the play.

In short, we’re going to see a lot of creativity this year. This just shows that Garrett is indeed letting Moore out these plays into the playbook. Whether he allows him to call the plays on game day is another story altogether. I hope he does.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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I think so unless we are actually unpredictable enough to run multiple plays from these silly looking formations.

If not then its like the Wildcat. As soon as the NFL coaches got the wildcat they ruined it by never letting the RB throw the ball so it went from something wild and unpredictable to something predictable and ineffective.
*,,,er,,,back it up on outta' the line of fire there ,Brougham!
as I'm fairly certain our #44 Newhouse winged a Superbowl T.D. to that tight end legend #89 DuPree,,,back in the ancient days of lore/ legendo_O

* bro,I'd recently refreshed my memory, by reading about it, just today while revisiting the ol' #89's compiled Cowboys on field endeavors:starspin: