Twitter: Allen Hurns says the wideouts did their job to get separation


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After watching the game over a couple more times there were times the WRs were not getting open but there were also times when they were wide open and Dak did not see them or got the ball out way too late .

Dak was very tentative about pulling the trigger at times and would actually stare the WR down and run towards him before throwing .

IMO this offense needed all the preseason game playing time they could get . How Garrett saw it any other way is beyond me . I definitely don't see our offense coming close to winning in practice against our D so this should have sent up a Red flag .

Garrett wasted the first game of the season and who knows if they are close to having the timing down yet . There were a lot of open guys and yards to be had but Dak has to have the confidence to let the ball go. That confidence should have come in preseason developing chemistry with his new WRs not in game 1


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13,535 was Murphy's Law taking place. When receivers manage to get open, Dak was running for life. When they didn't, Dak was pressing to find someone. It's all in the small details, as they say.


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I stand by saying that Dak made Dez look bad and when Dez does pkay again, with a decent QB, hes gonna put up some numbers.

Wow. Surprised none of the other 31 teams in the league share your perspective.

Dez got older and his elite physical skills no longer overcame his mediocre route running. It is really just that simple


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What the hell...its week 2 and these dudes
It seems as if the Cowboys' locker room has already started to point fingers at everyone but themselves. To be more specific, wide receiver Allen Hurns made it clear he doesn't want the WRs to take the blame for Sunday's embarrassment.

The offense produced eight points in their season debut and did not look like a Cowboys team we have been accustomed to over the last few years, especially with the emergence of running back Ezekiel Elliott.

Agree 100% - what the hell is going on? Its only week 2 and the freaking new guy who has done literally nothing for us is basically calling out the QB, OL, etc (hard to not take these as shots against Dak)...Beasley threw out the look at the tape line....could you imagine if in week 2 Dez said something like that? ESPN would melt, this board would explode and somehow all the coaches / FO would still skate...


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As much as I dislike the offensive scheme, it was not the scheme or playcalling that lost that game. It was poor OL play and Dak’s inaccuracy that lost that game. Hurns is correct. WRs were open enough for more plays to be made but the ball never made it to them due to Dak not having enough time or simply making bad throws. It probably would still have been an ugly win but the defense did its part to give the offense a chance to win the game. Dak simply didn’t make enough goods throws for whatever reason you want believe.


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He’s not saying anything that’s not true. Dak needs to pick it up big time f we are to be successful

That’s the bottom line and everyone knows it


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There was open WRs last year. Nothing has changed, and why would it, got the same crew minus Dez n Witt. Recipe for diaster.


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Come on now, LP. Many, including Troy Aikman, Dennis Thurman and several in the media said they didn't see the receivers getting much separation or open that much.
i feel ya bro. Fist bump.

On the real, there's a lot of blame to passed around. I mainly post stuff that I believe people would have fun discussing. Every once in awhile I'll post something that I'm passionate about and I'll usually indicate it by using 3 dancing guy emojis



Cowboys Diehard
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Everyone involved in the offensive effort should be intent upon doing better, whether others are to blame or not. Declaring yourself exempt from blame is the quickest way possible to ensure failure in the future. Let's hope someone assuming leadership on the Cowboys team warns Hurns and anyone else denying responsibility to be strongly advised against doing so. The preservation of team chemistry should strictly demand more self discipline than to deflect responsibility. Playing the blame game is always self defeating.
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Well-Known Member
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Wow. Surprised none of the other 31 teams in the league share your perspective.

Dez got older and his elite physical skills no longer overcame his mediocre route running. It is really just that simple
Yeah I other teams gave him an offer. Lol