Twitter: Allen Hurns says the wideouts did their job to get separation


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Linehan had guys open all day.

Beasley said this, too.

A mutiny is brewing.

Well if the little guys are gonna mutiny against the big guys on the line, aka the o-line, they had better be able to run really fast or start scarfin down chips, cola, chilli dogs and ding dongs like today


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Wow. Surprised none of the other 31 teams in the league share your perspective.

Dez got older and his elite physical skills no longer overcame his mediocre route running. It is really just that simple
Except when you factor in Dakota then your analysis becomes riddled with holes and not so simple


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Well, to be fair the receivers, the line, the coaching are all being unfairly blamed by many. I'm not saying no criticism is warranted. I'm saying they did their jobs well enough to win that game.

If Dak is the great leader he is made out to be he does the right thing and takes the heat off his teammates.

Maybe he has and I haven't seen it?

Has he?


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In this case their is actual video footage of them being open, so you can go ahead and kill your little narrative.

They had a chip on their shoulder last week and look at how that worked. This fanbase has become that loser fanbase that gets pumped up over words and hype videos.
Personally I don’t give up on my team after a one game sample size has nothing to do with words or hype videos. I am assuming the team is pissed at there own performance since I assume they are hearing it everywhere . Far to many over reactions on this board or for that matter any football board over 1 game. I would be curious to see how some on this board handle real life hardships when stress levels rise because things don’t go right ! I would really like to hope things are handled better then they seem to handle a cowboys loss ! At least give it till a quarter of the season is gone before you jump to doom and gloom


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Except when you factor in Dakota then your analysis becomes riddled with holes and not so simple

Again. There's not a team out there that doesn't have the tape. You think your evaluation outweighs the objective facts?


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Dak’s got to quit thinking and just ******* play football. I believe in him and think he will.
I hear that when the guy is coming open let it rip . Cant wait till he is all the way open then run 3or 4 yrds towards him and then throw it .

After watching the game over he has to get a look at more of the field there were times when there were guys wide open but he was locked on in the other direction .
I believe in Dak too and think he will get squared away . Cant help believe this whole offense would have greatly benefited by playing together in preseason as much as possible . Garrett gave this first game away by not letting these guys play together like the defense had the opportunity to do


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after looking at the all 22. He is right. The wr's were getting open. I think if dak had better blocking he would of felt more comfortable just sitting back and throwing. 52 needs to be replaced in the starting line-up. He needs to spend the year getting stronger and playing with better technique. QB's hate pressure right in there face so pressure from the guards are no bueno. 52 allowed quick pressure almost all game.


Fattening up
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Hey Idgit buddy, since you're in a 'laying odds' kinds mood
What odds are you 'laying' for (your hero) Garrett winning a SB as a HC in the next 2 years?
He'll have been a HC 10 years then

I remember you guys and and a self described cowboy historian telling us Garrett should be given a 10 year contract because he would win multiple SBs:flagwave:

What are the odds for any competitive team winning the Superbowl in any given year? I'm not sure myself, but find those, take them, and then double it since you asked about two seasons.

I can't vouch for your memory, and I'm one person and so not actually plural anyway, but I don't believe I'd go out on a limb and guarantee multiple Superbowls. That doesn't sound like me at all. It sounds like you confusing yourself some more. But if you have a link, I'd be happy to take a look. I maybe just forgot.


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I saw this trainwreck coming all offseason and said so here. It's just gonna get worse so buckle up.

Lets just hope real changes are made in the off-season


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Wr's seem to be saying "it wasn't our fault". Dak needs to get his butt in gear. Overthinking leads to the glitch.