Am I wrong, but doesn't film, rehab, walk thru, = practice?


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Now I'm not of a football background, but do have a lot of experience in sports, playing, coaching and reffereeing, but please correct me if I'm wrong for being blown away that Dallas, as in trouble as it is, is CRAZY for having 2 practices this week?

To me, yes the Bye week is there to get healthy first. Fine. So don't run the guys that are injured, but make darn sure they are at rehab, in the ice tub, and getting massage FOR 13 DAYS!

Next. Does team/group film work not count for something. Especially preparing for a divisional opponent in a CRITICAL game after bye? These guys should be watching so much film of the Commanders that they know what each guy eats for breakfast. Also, how about watching film on all our plays from START of season for each player so that we correct mistakes and learn about our strengths (lets call those plays that work well or fit our players). It's catch up time NOT BREAK TIME!

Then, how about some walk throughs PLEASE. Like 10 of them. 1 hour each. Mental reps. Yes, we don't get physically tougher and improve tackling doing that, but we sure don't line up wrong or get defensive offsides or motion penalties by practicing the play call in slow-mo. Yet these things persist and cost us regularly. Maybe a corner or two can practice lining up 3 yards from a receiver WITHOUT backing up 5 more yards prior to to snap. This would be progress.

Lastly, how about building some teamwork and confidence? Many ex-players and reporters, and ex-coaches are suggesting this isn't a team. This is a group of highly talented individuals. They might have a point. So coaches/owner, force them to become a team. Make them be in each other's faces for 2 weeks. Let them rally by knowing they have to live together, not by telling them to go splinter off and show up twice.

I just don't get it. If I suck at work (lets say I'm a new employee, or doing a new task, or just performed poorly even if in tough circumstances) I know darn sure that taking more time off to relax IS not likely to help NEARLY as much as putting my nose to the grindstone and DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT. This doesn't mean stay up 22 hours and then am tired. It doesn't mean I treat my body as a punching bag. It means study as a team. Communicate. Learn to stop pointing fingers. Do walk-throughs. Study the opponent. Discuss plays that you think will work. Watch film on yourselves to see what went wrong against other teams, so you can correct mistakes. Why do this. BECAUSE IT BUILDS CONFIDENCE. YOU FEEL PREPARED. You aren't bewildered on the field or sideline. You make fewer dumb mistakes. You make fewer BIG mistakes. There is less rust. You are mentally tougher. You communicate better. You are committed and engaged to winning, not taking a break.

I am completely baffled by this. I don't give a crap that this is the way the team has done it or coaches have done it for years. Few teams with as high expectations at this one are at such a crossroads where they are a loss or two away from not even making playoffs. This is the opportunity to turn it around, and no urgency shows. If I was a player on this team I'd try and call a player only meeting and do things myself.

I find this disrespectful to the players first, saying there is no accountability. For me it is more insulting to say, "you did your best" to an elite athlete, than it is to say, "damn, you are a hell of a lot better than this, and should be a winner, here's how I"m gonna help you, but it's gonna take 10 hours a day for next 2 weeks to get us back up that ladder!". It's like with children. Coaches need to provide the leadership and boundaries. Some of these guys are in early 20's, and come from no directional backgrounds, to expect them to find this in themselves, just because chronologically they are "men" doesn't mean anything. Even a guy like Ellis can be motivated. Does he look motivated out there?

Oh well, Rant Over, had to get that out there. But I don't see any reason that letting these guys have time out helps other than freshening the batteries, but compared to what 2 intense weeks of practice, in whatever form it might appear, I don't agree with it.



1st Round Pick
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Wade couldn't do anything right so he just went with what is normal for BYE week standards and you see an idiot write a blog about TWO-A-WEEK practices and the idiots take the bait hook, line, and sinker.

Smartest thing to do is get those guys rested up and ready for the stretch of games that they are about to encounter because we won't get a bye in the 1st round this year.

Especially you FLOZELL!


No Quarter
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idiots? :laugh2:

maybe jerruh should deliver new comfy mattresses to all of our players. don't want them missing their beauty sleep. lets get barbie carpenter to pick out the preferred mattress. do they need facials, manicures and day-spa treatments too?

lets get these guys even more comfy & rested for their golf games in Jan.

CATCH17;2399801 said:
Wade couldn't do anything right so he just went with what is normal for BYE week standards and you see an idiot write a blog about TWO-A-WEEK practices and the idiots take the bait hook, line, and sinker.

Smartest thing to do is get those guys rested up and ready for the stretch of games that they are about to encounter because we won't get a bye in the 1st round this year.

Especially you FLOZELL!


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I respectfully disagree Catch17. You can "rest" guys physically, while training them HARD mentally. Agreed, some need a physical rest (I don't think McQuistan and Free, and Holland, Choice, and many other do, but some do).

This team makes too many MENTAL errors. The schemes need tweaking and guys need to be prepared for changes. The team needs to become tighter too, and rally around one another (they will rally around a Romo return, true).

I just feel that 1 or 2 games will come down to 3 or 4 plays. And this Dallas team seems to be the type that will be the team to make mistakes on those extra 3-4 plays and will lose. I really don't think that this team is likely to make the playoffs the way they are coached/prepared/confident right now.

They do hussle, they do have talent. They need direction. Some of that comes from within and some of that can be taught, but some of that has to come from coaches, who help shape individuals and a team indentity. This team doesn't have one, other than that of confusions right now. Time off won't help that.

The title to my post was not a rhetorical question. I did wonder if they would do plenty of those things I list in addition to "real practice". But if they are away Tuesday, Friday, Sat, Sunday, then how much "extra" can they fit in.

Sometimes mental breaks can help for sure. But I don't think most of what ails this team is bad luck. Other teams survive injuries.

As for Flo, he was blocking out wide with his right arm across his body again against Giants (he did much better against Bucs). His stinger is bothering him again, or that swollen hand that Mickey reported was a problem. Again, why can't you put in Free if Flo can't block because of injury. NO shame in that. I really like Flo and think he is more of a punching bag than Wade is around here. Although his penalties hurt too, but I'll take 1 false start a game with a healthy Flo. Watch his blocks though, he had no strength in left arm again which is critical for a left tackle.



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are you guys serious with this nonsense. Do you think watching film is going to make FLO block someone. These are pro athletes who have been playing this game for a long time. If you can't tackle, block, or run by now you simply can't do it. Its that simple. I'm sure Valley Ranch isn't going to be a ghost town for two weeks. The players that need the treatments will be there and the ones that want to get better will also be around. Do you really think Marion Barber is going to lay on a beach and get out of shape. I don't, I think he'll be working out like usual. This season is going to get saved by the ones that show up on their own, not by the ones that actually take this time off. Maybe Wade knows what he's doing, maybe this is to see who is accountable and who is willing to do whatever it takes. Give the man credit he has been around this for 30 + years.


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LarryCanadian;2399834 said:
I respectfully disagree Catch17. You can "rest" guys physically, while training them HARD mentally. Agreed, some need a physical rest (I don't think McQuistan and Free, and Holland, Choice, and many other do, but some do).

This team makes too many MENTAL errors. The schemes need tweaking and guys need to be prepared for changes. The team needs to become tighter too, and rally around one another (they will rally around a Romo return, true).

I just feel that 1 or 2 games will come down to 3 or 4 plays. And this Dallas team seems to be the type that will be the team to make mistakes on those extra 3-4 plays and will lose. I really don't think that this team is likely to make the playoffs the way they are coached/prepared/confident right now.

They do hussle, they do have talent. They need direction. Some of that comes from within and some of that can be taught, but some of that has to come from coaches, who help shape individuals and a team indentity. This team doesn't have one, other than that of confusions right now. Time off won't help that.

The title to my post was not a rhetorical question. I did wonder if they would do plenty of those things I list in addition to "real practice". But if they are away Tuesday, Friday, Sat, Sunday, then how much "extra" can they fit in.

Sometimes mental breaks can help for sure. But I don't think most of what ails this team is bad luck. Other teams survive injuries.

As for Flo, he was blocking out wide with his right arm across his body again against Giants (he did much better against Bucs). His stinger is bothering him again, or that swollen hand that Mickey reported was a problem. Again, why can't you put in Free if Flo can't block because of injury. NO shame in that. I really like Flo and think he is more of a punching bag than Wade is around here. Although his penalties hurt too, but I'll take 1 false start a game with a healthy Flo. Watch his blocks though, he had no strength in left arm again which is critical for a left tackle.


You're dead on. CATCH17 be nice man. They should be resting and in therapy as well getting mentally ready. I bet the Commanders will be watching at least film for the majority of this week.

The team needs to start thinking about the Skins asap after that horrible whipping we took. We need it behind us and we need to get healthy and focused. Get them in here for therapy, some team building and to get their mind right. Sitting at home isn't going to help them. If it's 1 extra day to give them to see their families I can live with that but only 2 days of practice this week?

Captain Cupcake does it again! 30 years in the league not pissing any players or other coaches off. No wonder he's lasted so long. Jimmy didn't care about who's feelings he hurt, winning was #1 and he'd still be around if he wanted to. As a HC at the very least. Captain Cupcake, nice guy, no meaningful results.

Richmond Cowboy

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I agree with the OP. In addition, I think something different like a team "retreat" without reporters would be of great benfit. How about all the players and coaches go out to a cabin somewhere in the mountains for a few days. Do some trust/team building exercises and maybe some film work. Have a motivational speaker present as well. I think something out of the box may help this team.


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arync;2399891 said:
are you guys serious with this nonsense. Do you think watching film is going to make FLO block someone. These are pro athletes who have been playing this game for a long time. If you can't tackle, block, or run by now you simply can't do it. Its that simple. I'm sure Valley Ranch isn't going to be a ghost town for two weeks. The players that need the treatments will be there and the ones that want to get better will also be around. Do you really think Marion Barber is going to lay on a beach and get out of shape. I don't, I think he'll be working out like usual. This season is going to get saved by the ones that show up on their own, not by the ones that actually take this time off. Maybe Wade knows what he's doing, maybe this is to see who is accountable and who is willing to do whatever it takes. Give the man credit he has been around this for 30 + years.

I'm not worried about Flo or Barber, as I've said in other threads I'm worried about several rookies in the secondary, a 2nd string QB who hasn't taken many snaps with the first team at all, and a new WR still learning the playbook and needing to get in synch with this offense.

I'm worried about double digit penalty totals EVERY SINGLE GAME. I'm worried about opposing players saying our team looks "confused" and commenting on our lack of heart.

I'm worried about absolutely horrible tackling, players giving up on each other, and constant finger pointing when things go wrong.

Getting on the field, even for light work outs that don't fatigue anyone, helps to address at least some of those problems in building fundamentals, synergy and some team camaraderie without much physical stress.

Letting everyone go their merry way to do whatever they want addresses none of those problems.


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What makes you think that they're not going to watch any film or get their rehab and stuff in? Just because they're not on the field every day doesn't mean they're not watching film or anything.

Of course it doesn't mean that they are, either, but since I'm not actually there 24/7 it would be hard for me to know what the players are or are not doing. Unfortunately I wasn't given the ability to know what the Cowboys players do 24/7 365 based on text from an article.


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Richmond Cowboy;2399912 said:
I agree with the OP. In addition, I think something different like a team "retreat" without reporters would be of great benfit. How about all the players and coaches go out to a cabin somewhere in the mountains for a few days. Do some trust/team building exercises and maybe some film work. Have a motivational speaker present as well. I think something out of the box may help this team.

Never work. Jerry'd hire his guy then he'd undercut him in the middle of his speech. And per usual, right on cue as Jerry starts his lip flapping the cameras burst onto the scene. it'd get real ugly.............


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LarryCanadian;2399776 said:
I am completely baffled by this. I don't give a crap that this is the way the team has done it or coaches have done it for years. Few teams with as high expectations at this one are at such a crossroads where they are a loss or two away from not even making playoffs. This is the opportunity to turn it around, and no urgency shows. If I was a player on this team I'd try and call a player only meeting and do things myself.
I vote for Zach Thomas or DeMarcus Ware to do just that. Both are high character guys who don't say much on or off the field, but have demonstrated throughout their mutual careers that their level of play and heart have always put their teams first. Frankly, I wish that the wily old veteran would do it. Thomas came here expecting to compete for a Super Bowl victory and he's seeing his new teammates beginning to allow that opportunity to slip through their fingers. Even though I remember him saying during Hard Knocks that he didn't want to be the 'new guy taking over', he should make his voice heard above all others in my opinion. What could it hurt?