Akers FG...... :bang2:
Teague31 Defender of the Star Messages 18,221 Reaction score 22,839 Nov 14, 2005 #2 next week is the true test- hanson is my fantasy kicker... i have the ultimate curse when it comes to fantasy football so something has to give.
next week is the true test- hanson is my fantasy kicker... i have the ultimate curse when it comes to fantasy football so something has to give.
big dog cowboy THE BIG DOG Staff member Messages 101,867 Reaction score 112,827 Nov 14, 2005 #3 Akers is now officially 2 for 2. What a shock.
SA_Gunslinger Official CZ Ea-girls hater Messages 4,788 Reaction score 0 Nov 14, 2005 #4 yea....4 missed fg's against us in the last 3 years. ridiculous.