Another game... another interception!


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I just got back from Dallas and well.. my first time EVER to see the Cowboys loose live at Texas Stadium. I guess it is part of life.

Anyhow... I cannot deny the fact that I wondered not if but BUT WHEN was Tony Romo going to trow an INT. Call it coincidense, caall it whatever, but who here gets the feeling that he will throw and int in possibly EVERY game of the remaining season?

Is this the QB we want?
Are you guys worried or are we just buying into the drama?

I personally am starting to think Tony is not what we thought he was....


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Tony will be just fine. He's the favre type. He will throw you picks. He will make plays for you. Here soon we have to start looking at the coaching staff and the decisions they are making.


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I am a big supporter of Tony Romo, but there is someting that seems just not right.

The Commanders game was a total mess. Nothing seemed to work.
I guess all the hype and the huge expectations makes every detail much even worse.


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Darkhound;2302957 said:

I just got back from Dallas and well.. my first time EVER to see the Cowboys loose live at Texas Stadium. I guess it is part of life.

Anyhow... I cannot deny the fact that I wondered not if but BUT WHEN was Tony Romo going to trow an INT. Call it coincidense, caall it whatever, but who here gets the feeling that he will throw and int in possibly EVERY game of the remaining season?

Is this the QB we want?
Are you guys worried or are we just buying into the drama?

I personally am starting to think Tony is not what we thought he was....

Your correct...he isn't what I thought he was either...he's far better than I could have hoped for. Nearly 300 yards a game this year, almost a 100 QB rating, tied for most TDs in the NFC, leading a team that’s putting up roughly 30 a game, tough as nails, great team player, so yeah he stinks...maybe we could call up culpepper he would be way better...and one pic a game would be 16 for the year...that’s 3 less than last season...that would be tragic if a QB showed improvement from a year ago.


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Sarcastic but good comments.
If he hadnt thrown that pic..... we would have won the game (most likely) 23-24


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Darkhound;2302957 said:

I just got back from Dallas and well.. my first time EVER to see the Cowboys loose live at Texas Stadium. I guess it is part of life.

Anyhow... I cannot deny the fact that I wondered not if but BUT WHEN was Tony Romo going to trow an INT. Call it coincidense, caall it whatever, but who here gets the feeling that he will throw and int in possibly EVERY game of the remaining season?

Is this the QB we want?
Are you guys worried or are we just buying into the drama?

I personally am starting to think Tony is not what we thought he was....

Oh stop it. Tony Romo is one of the things We dont have to worry about. The dude is a baller.

Check the defense, that's a serious concern for the future. So much talent not enough production.


I'm kind of a Big Deal
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another game, another chicken little.............:rolleyes:


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DallasDomination;2303001 said:
Check the defense, that's a serious concern for the future. So much talent not enough production.

Well.. that is another concern...
Is it the players or the coaches?

but still.. i cannot deny the fact that on every game, i fear if romo will "screw up"


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In the redzone I get a little worried...But for the most part I expect a good offense that moves the chains. Som of those INt's are all luck and or just great plays. The one in Philly was a total wash. He tried to make a play and it floated just a little to much. Could of been a huge play. The INt against washington was just a great defense read.

Romo is the only reason Why this so calle talented team is even any good. A Drew Bledsoe or any other mediocre garbage Qb would fold like a lawn chair. Romo is the man, end of story.


I'm kind of a Big Deal
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Darkhound;2303006 said:
i cannot deny the fact that on every game, i fear if romo will "screw up"

I feel totally different after the things ive seen him do.....I dont ever feel like a game is out of reach and that Tony can get it done......

Gemini Dolly

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Sad, but I get that feeling. I dont remember the last time Tony didnt have a fumble or interception in a game. However, I am not ready to write him off. Its too soon. I still have faith he will figure it out.


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I dont know how many of you are actually able to go back an watch the game again. But the safety who made that pick just mad a good *** play. That play shows how we were out coached because as soon as the DB back off the safety knew exactly where Romo was going and basically sprinted right to the ball. He actually started runing to that spot befor it was thrown. So it was just a good designed play.

If you ask me plays like that are the reson you run the ball even if the runing game isnt working, because you have to run the ball to keep the Defense honest. They were basically able to do that because they knew Romo would change the play if there where 8 in the box. But that what happens when you dont run the ball.

I always tried to give Wade and Brian Stuart the benifit of the doubt, but after watching that game over a couple times, it time for them to really start making some adjustments and if they cant Jerry needs to find some one who can.


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Gemini Dolly;2303023 said:
Sad, but I get that feeling. I dont remember the last time Tony didnt have a fumble or interception in a game. However, I am not ready to write him off. Its too soon. I still have faith he will figure it out.

Im lost, what exactly does he need to figure out. Go ask a Vikings fan how much they would give to have Romo on there team. This Romo Bashing is getting a little over blown. Especially when 3 of his 4 pick came either on blown blocking assignment, a pass when a reciever ran the wrong route and a play when the deffender made an great play.


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Ender;2303090 said:
Im lost, what exactly does he need to figure out. Go ask a Vikings fan how much they would give to have Romo on there team. This Romo Bashing is getting a little over blown. Especially when 3 of his 4 pick came either on blown blocking assignment, a pass when a reciever ran the wrong route and a play when the deffender made an great play.

he needs to figure out how to not make mistakes late in the season when it counts...he always chokes.


I'm kind of a Big Deal
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unicornsandstars;2303114 said:
he needs to figure out how to not make mistakes late in the season when it counts...he always chokes.



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Darkhound;2302957 said:

I just got back from Dallas and well.. my first time EVER to see the Cowboys loose live at Texas Stadium. I guess it is part of life.

Anyhow... I cannot deny the fact that I wondered not if but BUT WHEN was Tony Romo going to trow an INT. Call it coincidense, caall it whatever, but who here gets the feeling that he will throw and int in possibly EVERY game of the remaining season?

Is this the QB we want?
Are you guys worried or are we just buying into the drama?

I personally am starting to think Tony is not what we thought he was....

You know what I cannot deny the fact that I wondered not if but BUT WHEN Tony Romo going to trow a TOUCH. Call it a dense coin caaaaallllll it whatever but who here gets the feeling that he will thrown and touch in possibly EVERY game of the remaining season. Better YET, I think he trow 2 touch in every game the rest of the season so stick that in your smoke and pipe it.

Did you overdose on nachos and cheese or what?


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However, I am not ready to write him off. Its too soon. I still have faith he will figure it out.
And I have zero faith that you will.

Ironically, it's threads like these that remind me how fortunate we truly are to have #9.

Would you rid Romo of 4 INTs if you knew it would cost us 8 TDs? Because that's the current ratio we're dealing with, and I'll take that 2:1 any day of the week.

Romo is easily the biggest reason we're a Super Bowl contender. If he were to go down for the season this week, I guarantee we wouldn't finish better than 8-8.

Velvet Jones

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Romo will throw interceptions, the Defense will play scared at key times, Our running game will take a periodic back seat every now and again, TO will speak up, we don't have a true #2 WR, we will lose another game.

These are things that are just going to happen. People that want to complain and cry simply want to be first in line to say, "I told you so" if and when something happens. Funny thing is that 99% of the people will be right, in a way, should any of the other 31 teams win the Super Bowl.


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Do you really have this much of a one-track mind?

3.0% of Aikman's career passes were intercepted. For the first three years of his career, his averages were 6.1%, 4.5%, and 2.8%.

3.6% of Tony's passes are intercepted. For his first three years, the averages are 3.9%, 3.7%, and 2.9% so far this season.

If he can stay around 3%, then that will be a great improvement, and that's where most of your elite QBs are anyway. It's a tradeoff with Tony. He also has a ridiculous percentage of passes that go for TDs - 6.3%. As a comparison, Brady's career pct is 5.4% and Manning's is 5.6%. Aikman's was 3.5%.

BTW - I've looked at several top QBs so far, and if Tony can maintain that 6% TD average he will throw more TDs per pass attempt than any QB in history. It's a longshot, but looking at the numbers 5.6% appears to be the gold standard. If you're above that, you're amazing.

But by all means, focus on the negative. Makes for a great outlook.