I kind of agree, though. I think the situation is a little more comical, though.
We (and every sportsfan in the world who has friends who are fans of the opposition) get into this stuff everyday. We have in-depth conversations about Roy's coverage skills - Newman's numbers last year - the merits and demerits of every draft pick imaginable, and we do all this on our own time (or our bosses time
). OTOH, the people whose job this is, wait patiently for Parcells to spoon-feed them material, so that the next day, they can all write pathetically similar columns.
Then, they moan like cheap hoo-ah's when he has the audacity to cut them off every once in a while.
It just makes me laugh. We what they do, for free, and we're better, more diligent, and more enthused about it.
So, we're either completely insane; or they're stupid, lazy, and disinterested.
I don't know which it is.