Are we good at safety? or if not, Bring in two former 1st rounders in


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I got nothing against any of those players but let's at least deal in reality.

Sig bet: Reid doesn't play anywhere in Texas.

It's just the climate here.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
At 26 years young I would take Reid but the NFL teams have colluded to keep him out ala Kapernick. The notion that this front office believes that Jeff Heath and Frazier are better than Reid is total bull crap.

I don't think the front office said Heath and Frazier are better than Reid. I think they merely said they are okay going with the safeties they have. It seems obvious they would have acquired Thomas if the price had been more reasonable. They may just not feel Reid is enough of an upgrade to make him worth acquiring.


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Reid and/or Vaccaro

I get what Reid has done is volatile with owners, however in a different building he has moved past it; on Mar 22, 2018. The fans will take him at his word. Reid and Vaccaro are two players that could improve the defense and limit the use of players that don’t have the elite skill-set. I am worried about Kavon and Heath, can they do it?

Guys, I want to win a Superbowl and this aggressiveness will solidify a need that was not addressed in free agency nor the draft. I say bring in Reid and/or Vaccaro for OTAs and see if they are a fit. Team friendly terms with incentives. I know you like it.

You are misreading the situation. There are plenty of owners who would sign Reid. It's the fans they're afraid of, and it's the fans - not the owners - who are demanding certain players remain unemployed. Other fans may not like that, but that's the reality. The owners are taking the path of least resistance, because ticking off 50% or more of your fan base is not a good business strategy.


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This exactly I never understood how guys can be black balled for bringing awareness to some social injustices that some face. Isn't that a good cause? I feel it's a better cause than Hurricane victims but nfl can't wait to line up to be a part of that. It's amazing.

It's not being blackballed. That's like saying a fat girl is being blackballed by men - as if there is some grand conspiracy to deny her mating privileges.

There is no grand conspiracy to deny Reid a job. It's just a bunch of individual owners looking at an "fat girl" and deciding not to ask her out. Maybe that girl should not have allowed herself to become fat and unattractive. Complaining about "fat-shaming", or filing a lawsuit against all men for discrimination because she can't get a date isn't going to change the fact that she's just ugly, and no one wants to kiss her, or be seen with her.

That's the REAL WORLD most of us live in. The responsibility to make ourselves attractive for dating, or a job, or whatever else in life is on us, not others. Reid CHOSE to make himself unattractive. Blaming others for his own choices makes him MORE unattractive. And condemning the rest of us for "fat-shaming" him is simply stupid. It may make you feel morally superior, but it's not going to change anyone's mind.


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It's not being blackballed. That's like saying a fat girl is being blackballed by men - as if there is some grand conspiracy to deny her mating privileges.

There is no grand conspiracy to deny Reid a job. It's just a bunch of individual owners looking at an "fat girl" and deciding not to ask her out. Maybe that girl should not have allowed herself to become fat and unattractive. Complaining about "fat-shaming", or filing a lawsuit against all men for discrimination because she can't get a date isn't going to change the fact that she's just ugly, and no one wants to kiss her, or be seen with her.

That's the REAL WORLD most of us live in. The responsibility to make ourselves attractive for dating, or a job, or whatever else in life is on us, not others. Reid CHOSE to make himself unattractive. Blaming others for his own choices makes him MORE unattractive. And condemning the rest of us for "fat-shaming" him is simply stupid. It may make you feel morally superior, but it's not going to change anyone's mind.
Woah! That's the best dang analogy I've ever read in regards to this issue. Man that's perfect cause when I go out and see fat chicks it's not everyone in the entire club colluded.


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I hate it when fat girls think they are hot too. Like comeon girl. You need to lay off them burritos


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It's not being blackballed. That's like saying a fat girl is being blackballed by men - as if there is some grand conspiracy to deny her mating privileges.

There is no grand conspiracy to deny Reid a job. It's just a bunch of individual owners looking at an "fat girl" and deciding not to ask her out. Maybe that girl should not have allowed herself to become fat and unattractive. Complaining about "fat-shaming", or filing a lawsuit against all men for discrimination because she can't get a date isn't going to change the fact that she's just ugly, and no one wants to kiss her, or be seen with her.

That's the REAL WORLD most of us live in. The responsibility to make ourselves attractive for dating, or a job, or whatever else in life is on us, not others. Reid CHOSE to make himself unattractive. Blaming others for his own choices makes him MORE unattractive. And condemning the rest of us for "fat-shaming" him is simply stupid. It may make you feel morally superior, but it's not going to change anyone's mind.

What an awful analogy. Why is bringing awareness to a good cause unattractive?
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What an awful analogy. Why is bringing awareness to a good cause unattractive?

I think responding to your posts with counter opinions to your position would result in being being benched or banned. I've been slapped before so will refrain but not sure why one position is ok to post repeatedly while the other isn't - I guess that's what comes with privately owned entities, which CZ is. NFL is privately owned too.


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I think responding to your posts with counter opinions to your position would result in being being benched or banned. I've been slapped before so will refrain but not sure why one position is ok to post repeatedly while the other isn't - I guess that's what comes with privately owned entities, which CZ is. NFL is privately owned too.

Its been my experience that the mods have given leeway to both to a point, then will eventually just close, move or even delete the conversations. They don't seem to play favorites with one side or the other.

And the NFL teams have the right to pick players based on whatever criteria they want. But to me, in a league where we give guys who commit actual crimes off the field multiple chances, the fact they'll essentially blackball a good character guy because he protested in favor of a national issue shows some real interesting and disappointing rationales.


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Isn't Reid suing the NFL? Pretty much marks him off the Cowboys list.


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Reid had really one good year . His rookie year , but go back and look at the talent that was around him .... It reminds me of when the LOB started getting picked a part like Byron Maxwell as an example . Reid also lost his job and was moved to LB where he failed also
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Its been my experience that the mods have given leeway to both to a point, then will eventually just close, move or even delete the conversations. They don't seem to play favorites with one side or the other.

And the NFL teams have the right to pick players based on whatever criteria they want. But to me, in a league where we give guys who commit actual crimes off the field multiple chances, the fact they'll essentially blackball a good character guy because he protested in favor of a national issue shows some real interesting and disappointing rationales.
I agree in some respects.....I guess it just comes down to the "crimes" and "national issues".

As many noted, which I agree, Reid isn't the best fit for our system and his talent may be overrated.


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I agree in some respects.....I guess it just comes down to the "crimes" and "national issues".

As many noted, which I agree, Reid isn't the best fit for our system and his talent may be overrated.

We have three safeties on the roster. Three. I don't think Reid or Vaccaro or Boston are Earl Thomas out there but all three would likely be good depth and situational guys for us. And probably would be really cheap at this point, another thing we seem to like in FA.

We brought in Blanton last year for chrissakes and we have less safeties now than we did then.
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We have three safeties on the roster. Three. I don't think Reid or Vaccaro or Boston are Earl Thomas out there but all three would likely be good depth and situational guys for us. And probably would be really cheap at this point, another thing we seem to like in FA.

We brought in Blanton last year for chrissakes and we have less safeties now than we did then.
I expect the Cowboys to bring in some safety help, they are in serious need. Based on Reid's recent lawsuit though, it could possibly handcuff teams in showing interest in the other two (who are similar in talent) as it could add credence to Reid's claim. I don't know


Beyond tired of Jerry
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At 26 years young I would take Reid but the NFL teams have colluded to keep him out ala Kapernick. The notion that this front office believes that Jeff Heath and Frazier are better than Reid is total bull crap.

It doesn't require collusion for rich old guys to avoid players who are bad for the bottom line. Whether the player is "better" is irrelevant when he's ticking off half of the fan base.

For the record, it wouldn't bother me but I know plenty of guys who get fired up about that stuff.


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I agree in some respects.....I guess it just comes down to the "crimes" and "national issues".

As many noted, which I agree, Reid isn't the best fit for our system and his talent may be overrated.
The system fit is an easy excuse. Overrated is not the case he can ball. You can't tell me he wont compete for a spot over the safeties we have now.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
NO Reid. Let's see what we have before we, the fans panic!


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Because of what he’s filing for (we all know), he could be a major distraction for the team, and that could bring a negative or controversial atmosphere.
Gone ahead & tell us how u really feel & stop hiding behind all this colorful language. Who u think u fooling?!