Are we good at safety? or if not, Bring in two former 1st rounders in


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You should go do some research about how they were all for the military and love the military. It was a media spin to divide the country even more. No one was "attacked", so your analogy is again, trash. I'm sorry you are very off base and should do some reading and watch the interviews players did when asked how they feel, and why they are doing it. Having one black guy in your family that your sister married that your dad wasn't too thrilled about, really doesn't count lol.
By the way hope your son stays safe over there, and he is fighting for the right for kap and reid to do what they did, remember that.

He's also fighting for the right of the KKK to have their protests. Doesn't mean they get my support, either.


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He is suing the NFL.
He feels he is a victim.
He feels that his job site is a venue for players to vent, demonstrate and draw attention to himself and his vague agenda.
No doubt he is stewing, seething. Angry enough that he is suing the NFL and 32 owners.
Yeah, you are right. He is not a cancer. He is a happy camper.o_O

How does that make him a cancer? You still haven’t explained it but I suspect you realize you can’t.

As I said most players probably agree with him. So how could he be a cancer to a team if some team signed him? In order to be a cancer he’d have to be at odds with a lot of teammates.

Which would never happen because it’s been said he’s a good teammate and as noted, most players support and agree with him.

So try again. How’s he a cancer?


Junior College Transfer
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They weren’t pushing their feelings of victimization. They were supporting those who they believe they were victimized.

There’s a difference and it’s pretty important.

Well, let us have every player demonstrate on the sidelines.
Demonstrate for gun rights, abortion, against cops and disparity in riches.
Let us see every player take a stance, in various ways.
Instead of playing games, let's just use those 3 hours for reconciliation, venting, anger and sticking up for every victimized group!:thumbup:
You'll watch, won't you? :)


Junior College Transfer
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They weren’t pushing their feelings of victimization. They were supporting those who they believe they were victimized.

There’s a difference and it’s pretty important.
Well, now, for sure, those tender fellows feel victimized and are litigants. Heh.


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So you are saying you don't like the message that Kap and Reid are putting out there?

I'm just saying it's ridiculous to try to say my son is fighting for Kaep and Reid so they can attack America and the NFL. That's like saying the union foreman is fighting for the guy who beat up his wife because he was mistreated at work. Yeah? So what? The union fought for the guys job. It doesn't mean the union supports him beating the hell out of his wife.

I don't support Kaep and Reid attacking America and the NFL. It's really that simple.


Junior College Transfer
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@Sydla, I will put you down as a Krapernick-Reid acolyte.
Here is your certificate of chronic victimization, sainthood and suffering.:rolleyes:


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Well, let us have every player demonstrate on the sidelines.
Demonstrate for gun rights, abortion, against cops and disparity in riches.
Let us see every player take a stance, in various ways.
Instead of playing games, let's just use those 3 hours for reconciliation, venting, anger and sticking up for every victimized group!:thumbup:
You'll watch, won't you? :)
You loved it when we didn't play a preseason game to have a telethon for donations. Hate to break it to you that the majority of NFL players are black and unlike you, care about what happens in those communities.


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I'm just saying it's ridiculous to try to say my son is fighting for Kaep and Reid so they can attack America and the NFL. That's like saying the union foreman is fighting for the guy who beat up his wife because he was mistreated at work. Yeah? So what? The union fought for the guys job. It doesn't mean the union supports him beating the hell out of his wife.
How was america attacked? Kneeling? LOL. Like I said go look up interviews where those players state they love this country, but would love to see some improvements, and respect the hell out of the military. Stop listening to the media and do your own research instead of being mindless drone piling on to the false narrative.


Junior College Transfer
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You loved it when we didn't play a preseason game to have a telethon for donations. Hate to break it to you that the majority of NFL players are black and unlike you, care about what happens in those communities.
So you are saying the mostly black players lobby/demonstrate/support only their "community"?
How selfish.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Junior College Transfer
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So you are saying you don't like the message that Kap and Reid are putting out there?

What message is that? I would love to see it.
Because, so far it has been very vague.
You, as a rep for Krapernick-Reid, lay out the message and why an NFL facility is the best place for this manifesto for how horrible the U.S. is.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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What message is that? I would love to see it.
Because, so far it has been very vague.
You, as a rep for Krapernick-Reid, lay out the message and why an NFL facility is the best place for this manifesto for how horrible the U.S. is.
Eyeballs. Guaranteed eyeballs.