At 4-2 there is STILL plenty of time/chances


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the question is.... are we gonna get it together at the right time/at all?

The Talent is there....

Giants 4-0
Cowboys 4-2
Commanders 4-2
Eagles 3-3

Mr Cowboy

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Tomorrow someone will come on here with stats and tell us how well we played. So no matter what you saw wait til tomorrow and you'll feel much better.


Active Member
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Well we have to do it now, but I think this coaching staff is to stupid to realize they need to do some motivating of these players.

Fox is showing the Cardinals locker room, sickening...:bang2:


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YoMick;2330313 said:
the question is.... are we gonna get it together at the right time/at all?

The Talent is there....

Giants 4-0
Cowboys 4-2
Commanders 4-2
Eagles 3-3

very questionable. even some our wins have been kind of shaky.


Well-Known Member
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The season isn't over but we have a lot of work to do. Tony Campbell for instance needs stop making the same mistakes that he made last year. I think a lot of the stuff we got away with last season is finally catching up with us.


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I have to say for the first time in a number of years I am down on this team.

Not to the point that they cant overcome it and turn it around, but to the point that we have some areas that are always a problem and its not the coaches, but the players and you cant change them right now.

Tough losses like this after two weeks of owens and jones's nonsense cant lead to good things in the future.


Injured Reserve
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I'm hoping we do what the Giants did last year and turn it on after everyone forgets all about us. Let the Giants take the heat and pressure as the team to beat. I can only hope we play our best football later when it really counts rather than get burned out early.


Well-Known Member
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We've got a lot of guys on this board who will tell you that all is well, 4-2 rocks and we actually are playing playoff caliber football.

In fact they'll respond to my comment in 3...2...1...


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This team is done. Wade is a joke and was before Jerry even hired him. The team just gets worse each week.

Wade will never sniff a Super Bowl and neither will the Cowboys as long as Jerry keeps hiring losers
like him and Campo and Gailey.

And no, wonder boy Garrett isn't that answer. Jerry better get someone else in line.


Well-Known Member
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Well, I'd rather lose now than in December. Now I don't know what the future will bring us but I do remember looking good last year for the first 12 weeks or so and then to only blow up at the end.

Although there are concerns, I won't really claim anything until it is done.


America's Team
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talent doesn't win championships alone,this team underachieves on a regular basis,Romo looks like he just lost his puppy/Wade looks clueless/ and the OL

well no sense in even talking about that group/not worth the breath


Well-Known Member
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I' really down in this team right now, not to the point where i can stop watching every minute of the games but to the point where i've more or less given up all hope for this season, as long as Wade is here we just going to keep getting worse


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sacowboysfan513;2330386 said:
Well, I'd rather lose now than in December. Now I don't know what the future will bring us but I do remember looking good last year for the first 12 weeks or so and then to only blow up at the end.

Although there are concerns, I won't really claim anything until it is done.

I basically feel the same way. I rather this happen now and watch us maybe get hot as a wildcard to end the regular season (or perhaps find a way to snatch the NFC East crown).

As Romo once said, I wouldn't put us in the cellar just yet. But we really aren't going anywhere as long as we continue to be a sloppy/undisciplined team.


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Our only saving grace is that we are still early in the season! On the other hand, we will still have Wade Phillips and Brian Stewart going in the second half of the season too. With the exception of a few players, this team is playing with no heart. Same mistakes week after week. Speacial teams suks, secondary suks, Romo when feeling sorry for himself on the sideline, is making more and more turnovers per game! And what's up with the o-line and penalites? So all you homers keeping spining this seasons play, but IMO think the Cowboys are on the verge of imploding...


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YoMick;2330313 said:
the question is.... are we gonna get it together at the right time/at all?

The Talent is there....

Giants 4-0
Cowboys 4-2
Commanders 4-2
Eagles 3-3

This team as currently constructed (including coaches) is not that good. There is no discipline, no toughness and no leadership (coaches or players). I am far from a sky is falling person and I still don't believe that the sky is falling. I am just calling a spade a spade. Comparisons to the 90's teams are disrespectful to the Dynasty Cowboys of Emmitt, Troy and Mike.

This team has too many nice guys IMO and not enough "in your face" make you accountable guys (coaches and players).

It's a long season and anything can happen. As you said YoMick, the talent is there. But, as I said, as currently constructed, this team is not that good. They need a #2 WR to open things up for Owens and Witten. They need a more aggressive defensive system and they need more players with an edge that becomes infectious to their teammates.

I'm disappointed but really not too surprised.

Da Hammer

The Natural
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i dont think the coaches are good enough to turn this team around at least not to the point we want. This team needs an aggressive in not only in game situations but off the field as well that will fire them up and call them out when they are not performing. We have the opposite of that right now...


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What I saw was a lot of bad communication between Romo and Gurode. For some reason Gurode was off today. Romo had trouble, but I can't help but think that the O-line played pretty bad today. They kept getting free on the outside. In a way I expected it because Berry and Okeafor are both very athletic ends, which is a real challenge to our big body tackles. I feel that if we were to include Felix more in the offense we would be better off. I love me some Barber, but some of those runs have to move to Felix. The play calling in the first half for the offense was pretty bad, but it only changed slightly in the second. Lots of talent but it's not being utilized right.
Defense played really well in the first half, but come second, I don't know what happened. I didn't like the fact that Adam was one-on-one with Fitz. That's just stupid. At that point you have to provide another body on him. Ware looked good rushing and so did Ratliff, but that's it. Somebody else has to step up and help them out.
One of the things that impressed me last year about Jason Garrett was that going into the second half he always made these crucial adjustments in his game plan, and that Cowboys always came out swinging to put the game away. This year that seems to be lacking.
Fortunately, all that is happening, is happening now and not in December. We have plenty of time to make the right adjustments and calls for the team to come out on top when it matters. Our main goal right now is to win as much games as possible, but to make sure we can win our division is even more important. We have only lost one so far, but thats it. The fact is there is plenty of time left this season to turn our above average game to greatness, and we can do it. It's just a matter of putting the pieces together. So, although a dissapointing loss, the season is far from over. It is obvious that there are problems, but the fact is we are not perfect, its times like these that test a teams will and faith in their game to see if they can overcome these difficult and confusing times. I trust we will.
GO COWBOYS!:starspin


New Member
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giants 4-0
Commanders 4-2
cowboys 4-2
eagles 3-3

fixed it for you.


No Quarter
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homer alert.

we're a STUPID team - like our coach

we're a WEAK MINDED team - like our coach

we're OVERMATCHED in INTENSITY - like our coach.

i'll quit there.

YoMick;2330313 said:
the question is.... are we gonna get it together at the right time/at all?

The Talent is there....

Giants 4-0
Cowboys 4-2
Commanders 4-2
Eagles 3-3