105.3 talked about it further. Snippets of what was said/heard by the crew/Ben and skin show....
"Football is in a weird place. standard 1990 football take. here is a guy from that era saying you must physically hurt this person.
Can't figure out if this is just a ra ra bit. he may really believes this? but u would think he would have presence of mind. maybe this is what they say behind the curtain? butterflies in helmet is concussion talk.
I really think what it reveals I really think this is the majority of the culture. it's a game of will power. are you willing to keep taking the punishment . still predominant of the culture.
Old school chatter.
Just shocked a broadcaster would go down that road. to sit there and talk about butterflies in helmet this dude just doesn't have any sense of awareness.
I just think these guys have grown up on this stuff and it's part of the game"