Twitter: Broaddus: it's Kellen's show


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So Garrett is just watching the team struggle and he's doing nothing about it? Well, that gives me a whole lot more confidence. If it's all Moore then Garrett needs to step in and do something about it. If it's not all Moore then Garrett needs to step out. He's the Head Coach. His job is to lead the team, not stand idly by or unnecessarily interfere.

What they are doing isn't working and I don't care who calls the plays. Something has to change and the production has to improve. I want results regardless of whether or not that's solely up to Kellen Moore, solely up to Jason Garrett, or some combination of both. What I don't want is for the Head Coach of the team to do absolutely nothing.

If Broaddus thinks he's doing Garrett a favor here, I'd say he's mistaken. Sure, he might be shielding Garrett from blame for the poor offensive performances, but he's pretty much labeling Garrett as "nutless" in the process.


Cowboys Diehard
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Whether it's JG or KM controlling the play calls, I think chances are, both will be fired if things don't change!:omg:
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…..then why is and what is Kellen Moore the inexperienced OC?


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I wonder how dak feels about the offense? Is moore mooring plays dak likes to help him stay comfortable?

Either way, we have guys getting open. Dak just has to hit them a little better so they can catch the ball. Only zeke and witten are catching above 80% right now and way too many are bouncing off hands. Gallop had atleast 2 passes way to high but he jumped and got hands on them but couldnt hold on and jarwin had another pass thrown behind him but the defender was there to break it up. If we can clean that up just a little itll make a huge difference.

I definitely think he's keeping Dak comfortable.


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Let me ask you a question. You are the HC, formerly the OC, and you have an OC with only a few games under his belt and he's lost both of his OT's. He loses his WR1 on his first play. He's been struggling since he started running into real DC's and part of your evaluation this season is how well the OC progressed.

If you are the HC, are you not going to get involved? If you are the OC, are you not going to ask for help? Or do you think Garrett's just been waiting for Moore to bury himself and Garrett along with him? The WRC is missing 2, maybe 3, of his best WR's, he's not asking for help?

One more question. This O is missing it's two starting OT's, #1WR and slot WR and may be missing the #2WR. Do you think that's a great O? The D is struggling as well.

Every coach on that team is involved and trying to stop the bleeding, not one of them is standing back. Know how I know? Because the Jones know, they're all over that locker room and those meeting rooms. This isn't one or two coach's problem, it's every one of them.


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I think Broadbutt and Mickey S. both drink the JG Koolaid directly from their zippy cups on the drive into Valley Ranch every morning, right before they take their morning constitutionals.


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I think Broadbutt and Mickey S. both drink the JG Koolaid directly from their zippy cups on the drive into Valley Ranch every morning, right before they take their morning constitutionals.

Maybe you should stop thinking , Broaddus is not a Garrett fan.


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Let me ask you a question. You are the HC, formerly the OC, and you have an OC with only a few games under his belt and he's lost both of his OT's. He loses his WR1 on his first play. He's been struggling since he started running into real DC's and part of your evaluation this season is how well the OC progressed.

If you are the HC, are you not going to get involved? If you are the OC, are you not going to ask for help? Or do you think Garrett's just been waiting for Moore to bury himself and Garrett along with him? The WRC is missing 2, maybe 3, of his best WR's, he's not asking for help?

One more question. This O is missing it's two starting OT's, #1WR and slot WR and may be missing the #2WR. Do you think that's a great O? The D is struggling as well.

Every coach on that team is involved and trying to stop the bleeding, not one of them is standing back. Know how I know? Because the Jones know, they're all over that locker room and those meeting rooms. This isn't one or two coach's problem, it's every one of them.

It's all of them, Moore takes the input from them all and then it's his job to use what he and Dak likes. He takes it to the game and call what was practiced and worked against each look.


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Broaddus is a Garrett lackey.

If he’s trying to imply Garrett has no input he’s lying.

If Garrett had no input then why even keep him as HC? He’s be neutered at that point.

Worse, if the offense we saw the last few weeks is all Moore, that’s alarming. The play calls against the Jets were decidedly conservative at times.

But .. but ... Dre thought this was a bulletproof excuse that could safeguard his sensitive fanhood? Don't you know that you being objective and critical hurts his 'True Fan' feelings?


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This all goes to the question, what does Garrett do? He doesn't have anything to do with the defense or special teams, he doesn't call plays on offense. Garrett isn't even a good game manager and hasn't really improved on that the last 9 years. His teams are always slow to start on game day. His teams lack discipline and are always shooting them selves in the foot.


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That's true. Romo might have just saw a play or two he recognized and assumed the Cowboys are still running the same offense as when he was there.

Romo is great as a broadcaster, but he can be just as reactionary as the rest of us.
So not true in regards to Romo, like him or not, but one thing that has been proven true,Tony Romo is one of the best analyst in the broadcast booth today. He has proven time and again that he able to dissect and break down both the defensive and offensive side of football. His knowledge of football offenses is excellent.


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Way I took it he was insinuating Garrett had his hands all over the gameplan

He's the head coach. Romo doesn't need to insenuate anything. Of course Garrett is in on the game plan. Are you guys new to football? Even defensive head coaches are generally in on the offensive game plan.


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Maybe you should stop thinking , Broaddus is not a Garrett fan.
Ok. I'll bite. Where does it say anywhere that he doesn't like Garrett, because other posters say he is a "Garrett Lackey".

America's Cowboy

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I got blasted last year (or two) when I stated Broaddus is a rump kisser. Now it's become more clear, eh?


The Labeled One
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Broaddus is a Garrett lackey.

If he’s trying to imply Garrett has no input he’s lying.

If Garrett had no input then why even keep him as HC? He’s be neutered at that point.

Worse, if the offense we saw the last few weeks is all Moore, that’s alarming. The play calls against the Jets were decidedly conservative at times.

Funny we are supposed to take his word for it....When I got 8 years worth of Kellen Moore/Bryan Harsin/Boise St. tape to prove it other wise. I'll trust my eyes...thank you very much.

Garrett totally subverting his new coodinator. Kellen being the new guy on the block...being the good soldier...Just following orders....It's so plain to see.

I've always gave Garrett the benefit of the doubt....not anymore. Guy is just clueless...and a bad coach. Why change what was working?