BTB: Randy Gregory doesn't have a substance abuse problem

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I’m a drinker but never have smoked pot. I’m not a prude about it and have been around people who do but just never my thing vs a drink. I just have a problem with this article because it’s not accurate. I wouldn’t try it even if I wanted because there is the fact that it raises your heart rate by 2-3 times and is known to cause heart attacks in some cases. I’ve almost died twice because of a fluke heart virus attacking my heart and then a doctor piercing my heart trying to correct the afib that happened once a year due to the virus. Luckily I have a fully healthy heart and the afib rarely occurs but I wouldn’t want to take that chance...and I know alcohol raises it some too. Also pot can lead to depression, etc like alcohol and according to a real source it can be addictive

Yes I think it should be legalized and regulated but that blog is bs in how it makes it seem like it’s just happy, happy fun time.


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Yep never heard of it. Maybe his allergic reaction was just getting high.

People have allergies to many common natural things. Allergies also change as you age. I dont find it that unusual or weird cause I've known people allergic to marijuana and allergic to other even stranger things.


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I'll stop smoking weed for a lot less money. Where do I sign up?


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LOL......uh, no.

If you can't lay off weed for a few short years while you make millions of dollars at your chosen have the problem.
I generally agree with this. I have never smoked weed. But I do feel weed should be legal for these guys. It's flat out better to smoke a bowl than to get addicted to pain pills like Brett Favre did. I 100% agree that Randy must follow the rules in order to play in the NFL. just don't agree with the nfl on the rule. Pain killers are so addictive it's scary.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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jday--- i am a legit sports reporter...Ok its only in my mind....but its real
No worries...I feel the exact same way...only, i am a legit sports reporter....

...also in my mind. :thumbup:
Both of y'all, especially J, aiming low. Go, Go, Go Rico would have made a darn nice beat writer in the 60's when there were much less rules. I could see him with the Zoo Crew, following a governor, or something.
J is straight talent.


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Didn't read the article, but Randy Gregory clearly has a substance abuse problem. The policy is stupid, certainly, but all he had to do was stay clean for a couple of months and then he could smoke as much as he wanted outside of the very small testing window. He couldn't stay clean long enough to get out of the random testing phase, that clearly indicates a problem. Had he done that he'd be home free since they only test the rest of the players in training camp and everyone knows it.

The fact that they are even bothering with the policy is stupid, but only someone with a problem could be caught by their methodology. It's almost as if they go out of their way to allow players to circumvent the policy - which is probably what they are doing. They don't want to catch guys, they want to be seen as trying to catch guys. It's all PR for the league. And Gregory still couldn't help getting caught. What on earth would make anyone think that he doesn't have a problem?


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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As much as I advocate certain things, and people's freedom to do what they want- Rules Is Rules.
Until they ain't Rules no more.

You want to join the Big Boys Club? Play by the rules.

You don't? Then do whatever you like. It's your life.

Mr Cowboy

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I wonder what the NFL would do if two doctor said that Gregory was a candidate for medical marijuana which contains more CBD than THC. That would be a rather interesting ruling as one could still be tested for the amount of THC which is " higher" in the recreational marijuana.
There was a big discussion last off season about this issue on NFL radio. A recently retired NFL player, who retired to advocate for marijuana use in the NFL. The thing he couldn't or wouldn't answer was, if the NFL offered medicinal marijuana, not the smoking type, would this solve the issue? It seems many of the players and advocates are really fighting to allow the players to spark up whenever they want to. Medical marijuana is far different than the smoking type and would be administered by team doctors, and smoking would still be tested for.

BTW, can somebody posts a link, article or anything official that says that Gregory uses marijuana for his anxiety/bi-polar/or any other medical problem he has. I see a lot of people posting that like it's common knowledge, but I think someone once stated that marijuana helps those problems and it caught like wild fire that he had those issues.


You Can't Fix Stupid
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The rules are the rules - you don't have to like them but you DO have to follow them (or else you get suspended.

very simple..
I know some law enforcement officers that don't necessarily agree with every law in the books but it's still their job to enforce them.....luckly some of those are judgement calls.


The Boognish
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I love fans masquerading as legit sports reporters. Are we going to publish every fan rant on the WWW?

Regardless of what you think of rules, you can't ignore the consequences of breaking them. Randy Gregory has made his choice. He prefers weed to an NFL career.

So an editorial from a JJT type would have held more weight for you. I guess you just have a higher opinion of sports reporting than I do.

The policy needs to change. The article in the OP is right.


The Boognish
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I know some law enforcement officers that don't necessarily agree with every law in the books but it's still their job to enforce them.....luckly some of those are judgement calls.

While I believe in the rule of law in the general sense, it is impossible to ignore the scofflaw and double standards that exist. Some laws are enforced differently for some people that others. Some laws are outright ignored. Nevermind that we are a nation founded by rebels who ignored law of their authority pretty famously.


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I'm a person who questions authority and rules. I don't bow down to them. I applaud those that do the same and aren't sheep.

The NFL marijuana policy is ridiculous and archiach.
What prison are you writing this from? Just kidding, sort of. We do have some dumb rules/laws that we all should question and even ignore at times, but sometimes we have to go along to get along until the law is changed. This is the case with Gregory.


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Hopefully the NFL with go the route of the other main sports in yet another policy decision...Marijuana testing and suspension. The NBA, NHL and MLB.

NHL: The NHL does not test all its players for marijuana. One-third of its players are randomly tested each season for street drugs. Players who test positive for marijuana are not disciplined, although they could be referred to a substance-abuse program.

MLB: Players are not tested for marijuana unless there is reasonable cause to suspect they are using it.

NBA: Players are subject to four random drug tests throughout the season, but they are not subject to testing during the off-season. The "random tests" are not a seret
hence why it is rare to hear of a suspension for marijuana in the Association.

The NFL has raised the threshold tested for and should do so again IMO. The rule is antiquated and should be adjusted to adhere to the growing trend throughout the Nation...legalization. Since he Federal Government has yet to come around, there are ways to make the policy nearly extinct. The raising of the threshold is one and doing the tests similar to the NBA where they are "random" but everyone knows they are coming. This may also reduce the amount of players that are entered into the League's Substance abuse program.

It seems archaic that a player is banned for a year or indefinitely for marijuana use when the League has teams in States where it is legal.


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I think weed should be legalized because I don’t look at it much different than alcohol which can be consumed responsibly by adults.

That said, I look at pot heads the same way I look at drunkards/alcoholics. In the same way I don’t think being drunk everyday is normal or healthy behavior, I don’t see being smoked-out any more acceptable.


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Weed is not legal in the NFL, he is using it and failing drug tests. 7 of them. That’s a problem. Doesn’t take captain obvious to see this.
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