News: BTB: Updated 2014 Cowboys Roster Builder: Be Jerry Jones For A Day - Without the Billions


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This is your chance to play GM for the Cowboys and simulate the final cuts that will bring the Cowboys roster down from 75 to 53 players. With our famous Roster Builder, the 53-man roster is just a few clicks away, but you'll find that those clicks get progressively harder ...

The Cowboys announced a series of cuts yesterday aimed at bringing the roster size down to the league-mandated 75 players.

While the moves weren't exactly shocking, they were also just the first step in the roster reduction process. By 4:00 pm ET on Saturday, August 30th, the Cowboys have to cut down the roster to 53 players. And those cuts wil be a lot tougher than the initial round of cuts was.

Now it's your turn to play Jerry Jones, but without the billions, the strippers, private jets and other assorted perks.

Press the button below to open our up-to-the-minute Roster Builder and find 22 more players to cut, move to IR or move to the practice squad as you work your way to the final 53-man roster. You'll find that the cuts get progressively tougher as you move along and that you'll have to make some really hard choices as you get to your final three or four cuts. Use the comments section below to discuss your toughest choices in this exercise.

Dallas Cowboys Interactive Roster Builder

"; newHTML += "
2015 Dead Money if Cuttd>
"; newHTML += ""; newDocument.document.getElementById("currentPlayerInfo").innerHTML = newHTML; } else newDocument.document.getElementById("currentPlayerInfo").innerHTML = "Please select a player!"; var capTotal = deadMoney; var nextYearDeadMoney = deadMoneyNextYear; for ( i = 0; i < rosterArray.length; ++i) { capTotal += rosterArray.capHit; } if(irArray.length > 0) { for ( i = 0; i < irArray.length; ++i) { capTotal += irArray.capHit; } } if(pupArray.length > 0) { for ( i = 0; i < pupArray.length; ++i) { capTotal += pupArray.capHit; } } if (cut.length > 0) { for ( i = 0; i < cut.length; ++i) { capTotal += cut.capPen; nextYearDeadMoney += cut.nextYrPen; } } if(psArray.length > 0) { for ( i = 0; i < psArray.length; ++i) { capTotal += psArray.capPen; nextYearDeadMoney += psArray.nextYrPen; } } var color = ""; if (capTotal < 119495156) { color = "green"; } else if (capTotal == 0) { color = "black"; } else color = "red"; newDocument.document.getElementById("capTotalRow").innerHTML = "Current Salary:[COLOR=" + color + "]$" + numberWithCommas(capTotal) + "[/COLOR]Salary Cap:$133,874,928"; newDocument.document.getElementById("deadMoneyNextYearCell").innerHTML = "$" + numberWithCommas(nextYearDeadMoney); newDocument.document.getElementById("defenseCell").innerHTML = "Defense (" + (sArray.length + cbArray.length + olbArray.length + ilbArray.length + deArray.length + dtArray.length) + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("defensiveBacksCell").innerHTML = "Defensive Backs (" + (sArray.length + cbArray.length) + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("linebackersCell").innerHTML = "Linebackers (" + (ilbArray.length + olbArray.length) + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("defensiveLineCell").innerHTML = "Defensive Linemen (" + (deArray.length + dtArray.length) + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("sCell").innerHTML = "S (" + sArray.length + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("cbCell").innerHTML = "CB (" + cbArray.length + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("olbCell").innerHTML = "OLB (" + olbArray.length + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("ilbCell").innerHTML = "ILB (" + ilbArray.length + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("deCell").innerHTML = "DE (" + deArray.length + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("dtCell").innerHTML = "DT (" + dtArray.length + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("offenseCell").innerHTML = "Offense (" + (qbArray.length + rbArray.length + wrArray.length + teArray.length + otArray.length + gcArray.length) + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("offensiveBacksCell").innerHTML = "Offensive Backfield (" + (qbArray.length + rbArray.length) + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("receiversCell").innerHTML = "Receivers (" + (wrArray.length + teArray.length) + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("offensiveLineCell").innerHTML = "Offensive Linemen (" + (otArray.length + gcArray.length) + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("qbCell").innerHTML = "QB (" + qbArray.length + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("rbCell").innerHTML = "RB (" + rbArray.length + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("wrCell").innerHTML = "WR (" + wrArray.length + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("teCell").innerHTML = "TE (" + teArray.length + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("otCell").innerHTML = "OT (" + otArray.length + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("gcCell").innerHTML = "G/C (" + gcArray.length + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("stCell").innerHTML = "Special Teams (" + (pArray.length + kArray.length + lsArray.length) + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("kCell").innerHTML = "Kickers (" + kArray.length + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("pCell").innerHTML = "Punters (" + pArray.length + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("lsCell").innerHTML = "Long Snappers (" + lsArray.length + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("injCell").innerHTML = "Injured (" + (pupArray.length + irArray.length) + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("pupCell").innerHTML = "PUP (" + pupArray.length + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("irCell").innerHTML = "IR (" + irArray.length + ")"; newDocument.document.getElementById("psCell").innerHTML = "Practice Squad (" + psArray.length + ")"; }; function buildRosterCell(name) { var result = "
" + name + "​
"; return result; }; function nameToVar(name) { var tempName = name.replace("-", "_"); tempName = tempName.replace(".", ""); tempName = tempName.replace(".", ""); tempName = tempName.replace("`", ""); tempName = tempName.toLowerCase(); tempName = tempName.replace(" ", "_"); return tempName; }; function prepareToMove(name) { playerToMove = window[nameToVar(name)]; posToMove = null; for (var i = 0; i < arrayArray.length; i++) { if (arrayArray.lastIndexOf(playerToMove) > -1) { posToMove = arrayArray; } } saveArray.push("prepareToMove('" + name + "')"); refreshRoster(); }; function arrayByIndex(index) { return arrayArray[index]; }; function showAuthor() { alert(author); }; function movePlayer(destIndex) { var destination = arrayByIndex(destIndex); if (destination == cut) { arrayArray[arrayArray.indexOf(posToMove)].splice(arrayArray[arrayArray.indexOf(posToMove)].indexOf(playerToMove), 1); if (arrayArray.indexOf(posToMove) < 15) { rosterArray.splice(rosterArray.indexOf(playerToMove), 1); } cut.push(playerToMove); playerToMove = null; posToMove = null; } else if (posToMove != null && ((destination != psArray) || ((playerToMove.pracSquad == 1) && (psArray.length < 10)))) { arrayArray[arrayArray.indexOf(posToMove)].splice(arrayArray[arrayArray.indexOf(posToMove)].indexOf(playerToMove), 1); arrayArray[arrayArray.indexOf(destination)].push(playerToMove); if (arrayArray.indexOf(posToMove) > 14 && arrayArray.indexOf(destination) < 15) { rosterArray.push(playerToMove); } else if (arrayArray.indexOf(posToMove) < 15 && arrayArray.indexOf(destination) > 14) { rosterArray.splice(rosterArray.indexOf(playerToMove), 1); } playerToMove = null; posToMove = null; } saveArray.push("movePlayer(" + destIndex + ")"); refreshRoster(); }; function showCuts() { var newHTML = "
"; for (var i = 0; i < cut.length; ++i) { newHTML += "
" + buildRosterCell( + "
"; } newHTML += "

"; newDocument.document.getElementById('cutTableSection').innerHTML = newHTML; newDocument.document.getElementById('cutTableSection').value = 'shown'; } function hideCuts() { var newHTML = ""; newDocument.document.getElementById('cutTableSection').innerHTML = newHTML; newDocument.document.getElementById('cutTableSection').value = 'hidden'; }; function saveRoster() { createCookie('btbRoster', saveArray.toString(), 365); }; function loadRoster() { resetAll(); var rawSaveArray = readCookie('btbRoster'); saveArray = rawSaveArray.split(','); var saveQueue = rawSaveArray.replace(/,/g, ";"); var load = new Function(saveQueue); load(); refreshRoster(); }; function createCookie(name, value, days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); } else var expires = ""; newDocument.document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/"; }; function readCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = newDocument.document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length); } return null; }; function eraseCookie(name) { createCookie(name, "", -1); }; //Source: function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); }; function openNewPage() { var newDocumentHTML = "
Now's your opportunity to begin building your own Cowboys' roster. If you make a mistake, the \"Reset Everything!\" button will return everything to its original condition. To move players, click on the player to highlight him, and then click on the heading to which you wish to move him. Clicking on the red CUT cell, or pressing the Delete key will cut that player entirely. You can track your current roster count at the bottom left cell. Good luck getting to 53!

Note: The Roster Builder now conforms to June 1st standards and splits cap hits over the next two years. Be mindful of how much dead money you accumulate for 2015!

Please select a player!
Defensive Backs Linebackers Defensive Linemen
Offensive Backfield Receivers Offensive Linemen
Special Teams Injured Practice Squad
Kickers Punters Long Snappers PUP IR​
Total Roster Size: 0 Click Here to CUT!
Current Salary: 0 Salary Cap: $119,495,156
2015 Dead Money: 0[/COLOR]​
"; newDocument =' '); newDocument.document.write(newDocumentHTML); newDocument.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { if(event.keyCode == 88 || event.keyCode == 46) movePlayer(18); }); }; Sorry, but your browser does not support JavaScript.

Once you press the button, the Roster Builder will open in a new window. To get started, press the "Reset Everything" button in the new window, which will load a fresch 75-man roster for you to work with.

Note: This program was written in JavaScript. If your browser does not support JavaScript, you will be informed of that below. In general, Internet Explorer is non-compatible, while Chrome and Firefox are compatible.

To make it easier to find the Roster Builder over the next few days, we've added it to the Library section of BTB as illustrated in the screenshot below. You can access the Roster Builder from there at any time without having to search for this specific post.


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