CBS11 still says Pacman attacked bodyguard - 10//08


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Sources Reveal Motive Behind 'Pacman' Fight

J.D. Miles

DALLAS (CBS 11 News) ― CBS 11 has learned why Dallas Cowboys cornerback Adam 'Pacman' Jones and his body guard were fighting.

Sources tell CBS 11 the scuffle was over whether Jones should have been attending a private party at the Joule Hotel in Downtown Dallas Tuesday night.

Sources say body guards assigned to keep the 25-year-old out of trouble were switching shifts and the one coming on duty didn't agree with Jones being there. Guards watch over Jones 24-hours a day to make sure he stays out of trouble.

Jones, who sources say was drinking, attacked the body guard in the bathroom of the upscale hotel. A mirror was broken in the confrontation.

The unidentified bodyguard told witnesses and authorities at the scene that Jones is prone to bad mood swings when he has been drinking.

No charges were brought against the player. Thursday, t he Dallas Police Department released the 911 call made from the hotel during the fight. Click here to listen to it.

At a press conference Thursday, Cowboys' owner Jerry Jones and Coach Wade Phillips both expressed disappointment with Jones, but say he will not face any disciplinary actions.

"He's part of the team. He's part of our team," said Phillips. "We're all the same team. We're all apart of the tem, and if you want me to police every player, as to whether they were out at 11 o'clock or not, I don't think that's reasonable."

Still, the NFL has contacted the Dallas Police Department, asking for details of the incident and could take action against the player. Jones was reinstated this season after a 17-month long suspension for too many runs in with the law.

Jerry Jones said his player did not violate the reinstatement.

"This was a private party. This was an area that I had specifically – for his birthday one week earlier, because it was a private area -- I had said that it was okay to have it there," said Jerry Jones. "We have clear lines, and I have good, clear places - names of places - that even with security, that is not in his best interest to go."

In the locker room, most of the players kept a low profile. Only Tank Johnson and Jason Witten spoke to the media.

"I'm not worried at all. I think he's been dong a great job," said Johnson. "Any little thing he does is magnified to a bigger degree. If he got a speeding ticket it would be the same thing."

Witten said Phillips addressed the Pacman news with the team, instructing them to stay focused on this week's game. The players fully expect Pacman to be with them in Arizona on Sunday.

"He's a big part of what we're doing, especially with Terrance Newman being hurt. That's two really good corners for this team – some of the better corners in this league, so that would definitely hurt our team if it went to that point," said Witten. "But if we're all positive it won't get to that situation."

Jones practiced with the team at Valley Ranch Thursday and reportedly apologized to his team mates.

Sources tell CBS 11 that Jones and his body guard had a close father-son relationship and will continue working together. He also told CBS 11 that Jones has shed tears over the situation.

Roger Goodell isn't going to like this version of the story where the bodyguard is trying to do his job and he gets attacked by Pacman.

How many versions of this 'event' are we up to now?

big dog cowboy

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
dcfanatic;2322460 said:
How many versions of this 'event' are we up to now?
The number of versions doesn't matter to me.

I'm more concerned about finding out the exact truth.


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big dog cowboy;2322469 said:
The number of versions doesn't matter to me.

I'm more concerned about finding out the exact truth.

I hear ya, but I don't think it's ever going to happen.


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I'm glad to hear that Witten and Tank are taking leadership roles and that Pacman expressed remorse over the situation. He's an idiot, but he seems to know that he is and idiot, FWIW.


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Jerrah has come out and said he gave Pac permission to be there. So this story is obviously trash.


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Bleu Star;2322639 said:
This doesn't lend much credence to the information being factual. I'll pass. :rolleyes:

So then whatever Jerry tells us is the truth right?

Because lord knows Jerry would not be trying to downplay this whole thing in hopes of keeping Pacman from being suspended by the NFL.

I mean Jerry is the ethical king so I guess you are right.

Gimme a break. This story could be horse**** and so could the one that Jerry is telling everyone.

We will never know.

The problem is that there is even a story in the first place.


Federal Agent
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dcfanatic;2322460 said:
The unidentified bodyguard told witnesses and authorities at the scene that Jones is prone to bad mood swings when he has been drinking

What?! Pacman must be some kind of alien, cuz alcohol doesn't have that kind of effect on humans.


Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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dcfanatic;2323361 said:
So then whatever Jerry tells us is the truth right?

Because lord knows Jerry would not be trying to downplay this whole thing in hopes of keeping Pacman from being suspended by the NFL.

I mean Jerry is the ethical king so I guess you are right.

Gimme a break. This story could be horse**** and so could the one that Jerry is telling everyone.

We will never know.

The problem is that there is even a story in the first place.

It's sensationalism at it's best and you follow quite well.


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Rack;2323371 said:
What?! Pacman must be some kind of alien, cuz alcohol doesn't have that kind of effect on humans.


It's sad, isn't it? I have a family member that is a mean drunk. DUIs, jail time, rehab, nothing works because he doesn't WANT it to work. He LIKES screaming and bullying people with no inhibitions.

Alchohol may be legal but it's just as addictive as crack and meth to those that are susceptible to it.


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Such a weird story...

First of all, a lot of these quotes are being attributed to a bodyguard. I have to say, if he's saying these things that make Adam Jones look bad, this bodyguard is going to be looking for a new job. So it seems strange that this guy is saying things to make Pacman look worse.

Beyond that, it's not a big stretch to imagine Pacman getting a few drinks in him and wanting to pick a fight. I don't find that hard to believe at all, if, in fact, he was drinking.

The bottom line is that Pacman is once again guilty of bad judgement, and it is concerning for his good and the good of the team.


Cowboys Make me Drink
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My question is This place was approved by Jerry

The first bodyguard was ok with him being there with his teamates

What exactly was the 2nd bodyguards problem to come in and tell him he had to leave a place he was OK'ed to be at. Seems outside his scope of authority to me


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BigDFan5;2323858 said:
My question is This place was approved by Jerry

The first bodyguard was ok with him being there with his teamates

What exactly was the 2nd bodyguards problem to come in and tell him he had to leave a place he was OK'ed to be at. Seems outside his scope of authority to me

Guess you didn't hear this yet...

Jerry on with Norm

At about the 13th minute you get your asnwer when Jerry says 'they have that'.

So basically Pacman is 11 years old in Jerry's world and I completely understand why. Because he acts like an 11 year old most of the time.


Double Trouble
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BigDFan5;2323858 said:
My question is This place was approved by Jerry

The first bodyguard was ok with him being there with his teamates

What exactly was the 2nd bodyguards problem to come in and tell him he had to leave a place he was OK'ed to be at. Seems outside his scope of authority to me
Perhaps it was because of Pacman's level of intoxication, maybe coupled with him being a mean drunk.

Or perhaps he saw something else there - such as drugs - and wanted to get Pacman out of there in case the police showed up.

Who knows? In any event, absent homerism, you pretty much have to give the benefit of the doubt to the average person over pacman Jones.


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It strikes me as odd that a Dallas Station is so intent on trying to mess with a Dallas team.

I expect it from ESPN but why is the local media leading the charge?


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stealth;2324002 said:
It strikes me as odd that a Dallas Station is so intent on trying to mess with a Dallas team.

I expect it from ESPN but why is the local media leading the charge?

It also strikes me as odd that a Dallas writer hasn't figured out how to spell our pro-bowl cornerback's first name by now...

"He's a big part of what we're doing, especially with Terrance Newman being hurt. That's two really good corners for this team – some of the better corners in this league, so that would definitely hurt our team if it went to that point," said Witten. "But if we're all positive it won't get to that situation."


Federal Agent
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onetrickpony;2323681 said:
It's sad, isn't it? I have a family member that is a mean drunk. DUIs, jail time, rehab, nothing works because he doesn't WANT it to work. He LIKES screaming and bullying people with no inhibitions.

Alchohol may be legal but it's just as addictive as crack and meth to those that are susceptible to it.


I'm the opposite, I"m a "Happy" drunk, but considering the way I am when I'm sober, that's a pretty big mood swing. :D


Zone Scribe
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stealth;2324002 said:
It strikes me as odd that a Dallas Station is so intent on trying to mess with a Dallas team.

I expect it from ESPN but why is the local media leading the charge?

You mean reporting accounts from witnesses at the scene is "trying to mess" with the team?

I heard these same complaints from Cowboy fans when Irvin stabbed McIver in the neck with scissors. "Oh they're just trying to stir stuff up. Typical sensational media. Dallas media loves bringing down the Cowboys. Nothing to see here. Just horseplay. Blah, blah." Guess what? IRVIN STABBED MCIVER IN THE NECK WITH SCISSORS !!! As if attempted murder on a teammate happens all the time and isn't a story.