Chances of trading for RW now?


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Slim to none. You are all torturing yourselves and about an overrated player at that.


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Alexander;2318774 said:
Like he is "completing" the Lions offense, Jerry McGuire?

When you have Kitna throwing to you and a weak offensive line, than you aren't going to do much. BTW, when he was targetted as the primary receiver last week he did just fine, despite all the ducks...


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Alexander;2318774 said:
Like he is "completing" the Lions offense, Jerry McGuire?

What's your dislike for him Simon?


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Aven8;2318819 said:
What's your dislike for him Simon?

I don't dislike him. I just guess I cannot appreciate the common perception that he is some sort of an elite player. I do not think he is. He is very good and talented, but is not a game changer in the way Owens is or that many people around here keeping imagining that he is.

He is inconsistent. That would keep me from spending a first round choice on him. Bring that price down, he gets more and more attractive.


The Duke
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Alexander;2320848 said:
I don't dislike him. I just guess I cannot appreciate the common perception that he is some sort of an elite player. I do not think he is. He is very good and talented, but is not a game changer in the way Owens is or that many people around here keeping imagining that he is.

He is inconsistent. That would keep me from spending a first round choice on him. Bring that price down, he gets more and more attractive.
Detroit's asking price will almost certainly come down, and I agree. I don't want to give up a 1st round pick for him either. A 2nd wouldn't bother me. A 3rd would make me giddy.

If Detroit's price doesn't come down and we don't get him, so be it. I won't be unhappy at all.

I will say that given Newman's injury and the new Pacman news that it might motivate Jerry to get this deal done. If he can't insure one side of the ball, he can build up the other. Maybe it won't. No one knows.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Hostile;2320867 said:
If Detroit's price doesn't come down and we don't get him, so be it. I won't be unhappy at all.

When the trade deadline passes and when this non-story should be put to rest, I assure you there will be complaining that Jerry Jones did nothing and that this was a missed opportunity.

Then it will start up again in the off-season. Until he is franchised. Then some will be at it again.


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Alexander;2320848 said:
I don't dislike him. I just guess I cannot appreciate the common perception that he is some sort of an elite player. I do not think he is. He is very good and talented, but is not a game changer in the way Owens is or that many people around here keeping imagining that he is.

He is inconsistent. That would keep me from spending a first round choice on him. Bring that price down, he gets more and more attractive.

I hate giving up 1st as well...especially for a guy that's going to be a FA next year. But if that's the price you have to've got to do it. It makes too much since. Green Bay set the blue print on how to stop TO, and the rest of the teams have followed suit. Even Cincy shut him down, except for one play. TO hasn't even had a 100 yd game all year. We're paying him $35 million!

Roy is not TO.....he's more like Michael Irvin...a big physical receiver. Think about it....he's never played for a winner since college. I don't know if you ever played football, but when you play for a loser it wears on you, and you kind of just go through the motions. It just makes way too much since....what 1st rounder are you going to get that can come in a WR and give you his production? This team is built to win now. If you expect Crayton, and Miles to carry us through the playoffs we can forget it! Our passing game doesn't scare anybody anymore. That's been proven in mulitple weeks.


Pixel Pusher
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Alexander;2320902 said:
When the trade deadline passes and when this non-story should be put to rest, I assure you there will be complaining that Jerry Jones did nothing and that this was a missed opportunity.

Then it will start up again in the off-season. Until he is franchised. Then some will be at it again.

Who's going to complain when the price is a first and Barber? Has anyone around here said that's reasonable?

Jerry does need to do something about the WR core but it's essentially too late now, we're going to have to go the season with what we've got, for better or worse.

If the wr core fails us, then we will probably see a move in the offseason but I highly doubt Jerry has any desire to bring in a high profile guy in FA. We'll probably start next season with the exact same guys, maybe one new guy at the expense of someone else on the current roster.

With the way we treat rookies though, whoever we end up drafting probably won't see the field much all of next year anyway, so we'll be going into 2009 with more or less exactly what's on the field now, except they'll be one year more experienced.


The Duke
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Alexander;2320902 said:
When the trade deadline passes and when this non-story should be put to rest, I assure you there will be complaining that Jerry Jones did nothing and that this was a missed opportunity.

Then it will start up again in the off-season. Until he is franchised. Then some will be at it again.
Of course there will be. I'm not naive I assure you.

So what? There is speculation about every single player in the NFL that someone likes it seems. Is there more for this guy? Yes, and if that's my fault, then it's my fault. I can live with that.

You think I don't know that if we don't acquire him this year that I'm going to get the business? There are too many people who pay attention to one thing (Roy a Cowboy), and not the whole picture (it has never been a certainty).

That's life. I'll live. I suspect you will too when all those people complaining get cranked up. Don't really know how this is any different than "we should have drafted ______________ instead of ________________."


The Duke
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TheCount;2321013 said:
Who's going to complain when the price is a first and Barber? Has anyone around here said that's reasonable?

Jerry does need to do something about the WR core but it's essentially too late now, we're going to have to go the season with what we've got, for better or worse.

If the wr core fails us, then we will probably see a move in the offseason but I highly doubt Jerry has any desire to bring in a high profile guy in FA. We'll probably start next season with the exact same guys, maybe one new guy at the expense of someone else on the current roster.

With the way we treat rookies though, whoever we end up drafting probably won't see the field much all of next year anyway, so we'll be going into 2009 with more or less exactly what's on the field now, except they'll be one year more experienced.
That rumor was pure BS. They never asked for that.

They did ask for Ware and then pick #28 this year and a 1st next year. Both times Jerry didn't even take a second to think about it.

Don't believe every rumor.


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Hostile;2321021 said:
Of course there will be. I'm not naive I assure you.

So what? There is speculation about every single player in the NFL that someone likes it seems. Is there more for this guy? Yes, and if that's my fault, then it's my fault. I can live with that.

You think I don't know that if we don't acquire him this year that I'm going to get the business? There are too many people who pay attention to one thing (Roy a Cowboy), and not the whole picture (it has never been a certainty).

That's life. I'll live. I suspect you will too when all those people complaining get cranked up. Don't really know how this is any different than "we should have drafted ______________ instead of ________________."

NO one will blame you Hos. It will just suck! We've all known that 2nd receiver was our weakness since last year, and it's already reared it's ugly head 5 games into the season. We also know if TO goes down we can forget about it. I won't be happy about it...but I'll move on and still love my Boys. I just want to win.....and the Giants are looking pretty stout. Roy won't get us there.....but we sure will scare a lot of people again........and IMO that's what we've lost....we don't scare anybody.


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Hostile;2321024 said:
That rumor was pure BS. They never asked for that.

They did ask for Ware and then pick #28 this year and a 1st next year. Both times Jerry didn't even take a second to think about it.

Don't believe every rumor.

Jerry should have karate chopped Matt Millen in the adam's apple, and then stepped on his you know what, screaming like Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon, just for even suggesting something so stupid...


Pixel Pusher
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Hostile;2321024 said:
That rumor was pure BS. They never asked for that.

They did ask for Ware and then pick #28 this year and a 1st next year. Both times Jerry didn't even take a second to think about it.

Don't believe every rumor.

And where were these two demands confirmed exactly?

I don't believe ANY rumors, so you don't have to worry about me believing that one. But Ware or two firsts sounds just as ridiculous as Barber and a first.


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I wouldn't give up a first, maybe a 2nd and a 5th. Anyone remember what the Chargers gave up for Chris Chambers?

Guy who suggested Chambers, In order for that to happen the Chargers would of had to lose all hopes in making the playoffs and considering that they were 2-3 last year at this point and still made it to the afc championship, I doubt they trade away Chambers.


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Aven8;2320998 said:
I hate giving up 1st as well...especially for a guy that's going to be a FA next year. But if that's the price you have to've got to do it. It makes too much since. Green Bay set the blue print on how to stop TO, and the rest of the teams have followed suit. Even Cincy shut him down, except for one play. TO hasn't even had a 100 yd game all year. We're paying him $35 million!

Roy is not TO.....he's more like Michael Irvin...a big physical receiver. Think about it....he's never played for a winner since college. I don't know if you ever played football, but when you play for a loser it wears on you, and you kind of just go through the motions. It just makes way too much since....what 1st rounder are you going to get that can come in a WR and give you his production? This team is built to win now. If you expect Crayton, and Miles to carry us through the playoffs we can forget it! Our passing game doesn't scare anybody anymore. That's been proven in mulitple weeks.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to get Roy, but to suggest that he's more like Irvin in one sentence, and in the next sentence make it sound as though you have played football, and anyone who hasn't , would not know that playing on a losing team makes you go just through the motions, makes you sound, silly. Do you think Irvin just went through the motions when the Cowboys went 1 & 15 ? If your on a losing team and the losing makes you go through the motions, your a loser. Plain and simple. I don't want anyone like that on my team. Those that have played football know if your a good football player you play your best all the time , winning or losing.


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DaBoys4Life;2318481 said:
I got a better chance of getting with Halle Berry.....

Aaww, if only there was a one percent chance............


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I think trading R Williams for a 2nd and also a 4th or 5th is worth it.

JJ wants to win now. I think RW can take some of the pressure off TO and Witten in the passing game. Also, it can return Crayton to the 3rd WR spot, where he would be most effective, IMO.

Also, in case TO were to get dinged up (let's all hope that doesn't happen), at least we have some reasonable depth this time around.


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ndanger;2321649 said:
Don't get me wrong, I would love to get Roy, but to suggest that he's more like Irvin in one sentence, and in the next sentence make it sound as though you have played football, and anyone who hasn't , would not know that playing on a losing team makes you go just through the motions, makes you sound, silly. Do you think Irvin just went through the motions when the Cowboys went 1 & 15 ? If your on a losing team and the losing makes you go through the motions, your a loser. Plain and simple. I don't want anyone like that on my team. Those that have played football know if your a good football player you play your best all the time , winning or losing.

That's a bunch of BOLOGNA!!!! You see players lose confidence and play bad all the time....that's what losing does!

And I was comparing them physically......not production wise.

And after that 1-15 season....what happened???

What has Detroit done his entire career???

Detroit has a losing mentality....of all the players.....he probably has the most production in that span.


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CATCH17;2318332 said:

Like I said, I'll believe a big middle of the season trade once I see one.

It just never happens.
I hate to, but have to agree.

These things always boil down to a standoff of egos. No team wants to sour the potential 'cost' of the trade by looking like they either want the player you have or want to get rid of the player in question. So these situations never become anything even when they should because it would be to the benefit of both parties involved. But when you're talking about men in positions of power and wealth, it is far less likely that the egos will bend for the sake of getting something done.