Hoofbite;2706736 said:
I'm sure Bobby and his millions appreciate your sympathy. Meanwhile, we have to watch a wasted 1st rounder basically sit on the bench full time for years.
Making fun of people is not the end of the world. Toughen up a bit.
I did not say that i like Carpenter or have symapthy for him. I just don't like the way he gets treated because he doesn't deserve it. I would speak the same way fo any other person not because i am a Carpenter homer. In fact i am not i hope he gets cut too because i think this teamm can easliy find a better player at his position.
But why do i think he doesn't deserve to get treated like that ?
Because he is a human like everybody else. Because the fun is taken out of perspective. Because i think people make fun out of him not because he is a bad player. But because he didn't pan out for us and people just need someone to let their frustrations go. Frustration because their own life isn't always the way they'd like it. And Carpenter is a nice find nowadays.
You are right "Making fun of people is not the end of the world." but it's the start of the end of culture and ethic. And i don't like to let that happen. And using weasel words like "get tougher" just to distance yourself from your responsibility for your actions doesn't speak alot for character. But character is what it takes to take responibility for your own weaknesess.
Don't get me wrong i don't say never make a joke about someone. Some humor is good and tasty. If it's made with the kind of respect a human deserves. This thread (and all the others i read the last months) have the tendency to lose that kind of humor. The only reason they have is to humble Carpenter and that's NOT ok. That has nothing to do with getting tougher.
Sure on this board there is a rule that everybody can post their opinion. And that's good. But that board has also a standard. It's a good board just because the discussions here are based on good arguments and not just blind emotional postings sorely missing any kind of logic.
I'd also like to have this board maintaining it's standard and not let it reprobate in this kind of way.
But i think everybody has to decide this on his own. Just question yourself if you were in Carpenters situation if you'd like to have people who build you up or have people like the ones posting in this thread ? Or teammates like Bennett ? I really think this team needs positiv players. Players who demand perfomrance form others. Not players like Bennett who thinks life is one big game and everyone is here to please him.
It's up to you - we create our own world. But if you'd like to live in a world where there are only very lax emotional limits and we all should get tougher just to make it easier for other people to make their jokes about everything and have no repect for others than that's fine. I think earlier or later you'll get this world. But to witness it then by your own and feel that it's not a world you really like to have (because then it's no more fun and games when your are involved by yourself) is a little bit to late. To reverse something is very hard not to say impossible.
Just look at the bankcrises these days. That's just the same. Insatiable bank managers ruin the economic system of our states. But if you confront them with those facts do they feel sorry and realize that they have a responsibility for their doing and they hurt the community badly the way they run their business ? No. They take the money the states gives them don't even say thank you and even raise their salaries.
They send the same message you do. They say "hey i did nothing wrong. The world has to get tougher".
No i say i don't want people like this in this world. If they don't realize we live in a social state and not in anarchy they have to learn it the hard way.