I see it in segments:
* Draft - with what we have gotten recently with McClay and baby Jones in charge, we are putting young, stud assets in place that are currently very cost effective 9 out of 10
* Free Agency - mixed bag for me; I think the FO does well in NOT going after the high-priced guys that bit**-slap the cap; but, now that they are much closer to upper echelon, I wouldn't mind seeing them get involved with a mid-tier guy or two, especially if they may lose several of their own - 5 out of 10
* Homerism - love that the team values their own guys; but they do this to a fault; I will reserve more judgement on the FO depending on the TR situation; if they get some compensation, then they are a 6 or 7 out of 10...if they give him away, back down to 3 or 4 out of 10
Overall, ever since McClay and the little jone's have gotten more involved, the team has gotten better - that trend needs to continue