Cowboy execs: white flag of surrender on TO?


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13 pages here now...but I guess it depends on browser or user settings (how many posts show up per page)

The number of pages may be in doubt, but the facts aren't.

The TC era is nearing an end. The patient is terminal. Jerry will wait until February when he can hide in Miami and make some announcement to avoid the massive embarassment.

The facts are in. This case is closed.


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Oldschool7;2488147 said:
13 pages here now...but I guess it depends on browser or user settings (how many posts show up per page)

The number of pages may be in doubt, but the facts aren't.

The TC era is nearing an end. The patient is terminal. Jerry will wait until February when he can hide in Miami and make some announcement to avoid the massive embarassment.

The facts are in. This case is closed.

13 pages? Wow-like I said, the number 13 has REALLY bit the Cowboys over the last decade.:laugh1:


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Boysboy;2488156 said:
13 pages? Wow-like I said, the number 13 has REALLY bit the Cowboys over the last decade.:laugh1:


Boysboy, I don't know Bleu Star but I'm worried about him. Is the guy OK? :confused:


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Oldschool7;2488170 said:

Boysboy, I don't know Bleu Star but I'm worried about him. Is the guy OK? :confused:

Hopefully by New Year's, he'll be fine! :)


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Oldschool7;2488147 said:
13 pages here now...but I guess it depends on browser or user settings (how many posts show up per page)

The number of pages may be in doubt, but the facts aren't.

The TC era is nearing an end. The patient is terminal. Jerry will wait until February when he can hide in Miami and make some announcement to avoid the massive embarassment.

The facts are in. This case is closed.

TC? What did Tashard Choice do wrong? :p


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We Americans are a strange group of people.

After every game, we call out ROMO, TO, WITTEN, WADE, NEWMAN, you name it, we trash the person. Why do we do that? Most of this board complains about Romo not spreading the ball around, the play calling, I CAN GO ON AND ON.

Yet when TO does it, he's the Devil. In my estimation, about 80% of this board are people EXACTLY like TO.

It's so easy to sit on our little computers and talk trash about play calling, and players, but HELL NO if a player does it behind closed doors. I don't recall TO running to the media to say all of this stuff. SOMEONE LEAKED IT OUT!

If most of us want TO gone, then most of us should LEAVE THIS BOARD as well, since we have the EXACT same attitude as TO.


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Clove;2488385 said:
We Americans are a strange group of people.

After every game, we call out ROMO, TO, WITTEN, WADE, NEWMAN, you name it, we trash the person. Why do we do that? Most of this board complains about Romo not spreading the ball around, the play calling, I CAN GO ON AND ON.

Yet when TO does it, he's the Devil. In my estimation, about 80% of this board are people EXACTLY like TO.

It's so easy to sit on our little computers and talk trash about play calling, and players, but HELL NO if a player does it behind closed doors. I don't recall TO running to the media to say all of this stuff. SOMEONE LEAKED IT OUT!

If most of us want TO gone, then most of us should LEAVE THIS BOARD as well, since we have the EXACT same attitude as TO.

He was almost traded to Miami and Denver before he landed here(but Rickey failed another drug test which voided the Fins trade, and Pat Bowlen stepped in and made sure the Broncs didn't get him even though Shanahan wanted him).


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Clove if a guy is fighting hard, obeying the law and sticking behind his teammate you won't hear me trash him.

For instance I never called Bradie "Lady". I always felt he was a fighter and a class act. Once he dropped the 20 Parcells pounds the star emerged.

I don't trash Newman or Henry like many do.

OK maybe I've trashed on Carpenter.

But Owens is a Judas. A snake. There's only one way to handle that situation. PacMan is a thug who will end up in prison. Jerry is a vain diva with horrible decision-making.

These 3 deserve societal scorn. They NEED societal scorn. From a Darwinian standpoint that is what scorn is supposed to do: make society better.


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So according to your logic then Clove I guess the Cowboy exec who applauded Ed Werder should also leave the Cowboys too?

Witten and Romo need to go? 2/3 of the fanbase? All the media, local and national.

All of America that hates TO--they need to just go too?

You make a lot of sense.


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Oldschool7;2488397 said:
So according to your logic then Clove I guess the Cowboy exec who applauded Ed Werder should also leave the Cowboys too?

Witten and Romo need to go? 2/3 of the fanbase? All the media, local and national.

All of America that hates TO--they need to just go too?

You make a lot of sense.

Like I said-whoever in the Cowboys brass applauded Ed Werder...Jerry should reward him with a GM job.


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TC is not what I call Tashard Choice. I just call him Choice. Or Tashard. Or rookie.

I call Owens TC

his complete name is:
The Cancer (TC) formerly known as a player.

Its kind of like Gollum. Maybe there was a person (or Hobbit) there once but that time was long ago. It's all pretty grotesque now.

And it spreads.


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Oldschool7;2488400 said:
TC is not what I call Tashard Choice. I just call him Choice. Or Tashard. Or rookie.

I call Owens TC

his complete name is:
The Cancer (TC) formerly known as a player.

Its kind of like Gollum. Maybe there was a person (or Hobbit) there once but that time was long ago. It's all pretty grotesque now.

And it spreads.

At the turn of the century, Owens stomped on our Star. Who would have thought 6 years later, he would be wearing the Star?

Isn't it also funny too that TONS of noteworthy events happened in this decade alone?(while the 90's were rather quiet and peaceful) I'm not going to go through them b/c some of them are non-football related...but isn't it a coincidence how the same decade Owens wrecks havoc all over the place, is also the same decade where alot of noteworthy events that we thought wouldn't happen in a million years happen?


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At the turn of the century, Owens stomped on our Star.

He's still stomping on it, shaming his team, city and franchise.

And I keep waiting for who in 08 will be the hero, the George Teague who will come knock him on his arse.

Where is the hero? By far the biggest hero is Witten.


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I cannot believe how anyone on this board can villify a human being as "the problem with America", when this team has one of the most checkered moral pasts (at least publically) of any franchise in any sport.

TO has some issues (obviously), but there are ways to handle it and that is with coaching. However, if someone wants to get to the root of this problem, it is the player who talked "anonymously" to let the world know what is going on in the locker room. If that person was a "team" player, they pretty much assured this crapstorm. TO has not called out any teammate publically. He did the Deion interview and called out the play calling, but look around the league at the players who do that. It may not be right, but he didn't leak anything to Werder.

I hate that I am having to defend TO, but the players who are the worst teammates in my estimation are the ones who leaked this crap and made every other player, coach and show address it all week. If he is pouting about getting the ball, good. Everyone should want the ball. There really is no good excuse for having RW, TO, and not getting them involved. Read back at the Pittsburg players media recap. They knew Witten was getting the ball there. That is 1) a coaching player calling issue 2)a tendency that other teams are noticing, which probably irked some on the team

So what exactly has TO done that is a microchasm of the ills of America that is so worse than all of the other Cowboys you have rooted for in the past.

Irvin - (consumate teammate to the diehards) - prostitution, drugs, assault (scissors to the neck), He even admitted his off the field crap cost them a SB
Haley - notorious racist and lockerroom masterbater.
Newton - How many lbs of weed was that, within 2 weeks.
E Williams - DUI costing him his career and a Dallas SB run, etc
T Dorsett - busted for Coke
H Henderson - Coked up at SB
Clayton Holes - Drugs
Goodrich - Drugs, Dui manslaughter
Deion - Hated Aikman
Tuinei - Dead Heroin
Leon Lett - Drugs suspensions
Stepnoki - weed

Do you realize that No Cowboy has been arrested in 2 years? Only team in the NFL that can boast that stat. Funny how that doen't get much pub in the media. All anyone cares about is if TO is wanting the ball. What a complete bad guy.

I don't know you oldschool, but flopping out Bible verses to back your cause on TO is about the utmost hypocritical thing I have ever seen.

You should have stopped being a fan in 1994 after the White house incident.

Christ sake people, the Cowboys sell stories and get reaction. How much action did either of Steve Smiths breaking teammates face receive? Even this year?

TO is insecure, he has a fatal flaw of trying to fight the media. he is on the wrong team to take that stand. If Witten or whomever is leaking stories because Romo is "Screw it" fed up, than there are other insecure people there also.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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McLovin;2488418 said:
I cannot believe how anyone on this board can villify a human being as "the problem with America", when this team has one of the most checkered moral pasts (at least publically) of any franchise in any sport.

TO has some issues (obviously), but there are ways to handle it and that is with coaching. However, if someone wants to get to the root of this problem, it is the player who talked "anonymously" to let the world know what is going on in the locker room. If that person was a "team" player, they pretty much assured this crapstorm. TO has not called out any teammate publically. He did the Deion interview and called out the play calling, but look around the league at the players who do that. It may not be right, but he didn't leak anything to Werder.

I hate that I am having to defend TO, but the players who are the worst teammates in my estimation are the ones who leaked this crap and made every other player, coach and show address it all week. If he is pouting about getting the ball, good. Everyone should want the ball. There really is no good excuse for having RW, TO, and not getting them involved. Read back at the Pittsburg players media recap. They knew Witten was getting the ball there. That is 1) a coaching player calling issue 2)a tendency that other teams are noticing, which probably irked some on the team

So what exactly has TO done that is a microchasm of the ills of America that is so worse than all of the other Cowboys you have rooted for in the past.

Irvin - (consumate teammate to the diehards) - prostitution, drugs, assault (scissors to the neck), He even admitted his off the field crap cost them a SB
Haley - notorious racist and lockerroom masterbater.
Newton - How many lbs of weed was that, within 2 weeks.
E Williams - DUI costing him his career and a Dallas SB run, etc
T Dorsett - busted for Coke
H Henderson - Coked up at SB
Clayton Holes - Drugs
Goodrich - Drugs, Dui manslaughter
Deion - Hated Aikman
Tuinei - Dead Heroin
Leon Lett - Drugs suspensions
Stepnoki - weed

Do you realize that No Cowboy has been arrested in 2 years? Only team in the NFL that can boast that stat. Funny how that doen't get much pub in the media. All anyone cares about is if TO is wanting the ball. What a complete bad guy.

I don't know you oldschool, but flopping out Bible verses to back your cause on TO is about the utmost hypocritical thing I have ever seen.

You should have stopped being a fan in 1994 after the White house incident.

Christ sake people, the Cowboys sell stories and get reaction. How much action did either of Steve Smiths breaking teammates face receive? Even this year?

TO is insecure, he has a fatal flaw of trying to fight the media. he is on the wrong team to take that stand. If Witten or whomever is leaking stories because Romo is "Screw it" fed up, than there are other insecure people there also.


By the way, red blood of hate for TO flows through the veins of oldschool. He knows nothing else to say. If you research his posting history on the board everything that comes out of his fly catcher is laced with some TO innuendo. He's a sad individual but it works for him. I like the way the mods started merging his garbage anti-TO threads. That spoke volumes. He is reduced to pressing his sad agenda in other threads. :D


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I'm agnostic and never quoted a single Bible verse. If I did it was in the most generic proverbial sense.

McLovin please leave your religious issues and paranoia off the board.


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red blood of hate for TO flows through the veins of oldschool

Absofrikkinlutely. If you love a thing you hate what is killing it.


And I believe those that truly love the Cowboys should all be right there with me, scalpel in hand.

Love would do nothing less.

To not hate Owens is defacto betrayal of the Cowboys.

big dog cowboy

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Oldschool7;2488517 said:
To not hate Owens is defacto betrayal of the Cowboys.
You know there have been many Cowboys throughout the years that have been very unpopular. They came and went just like TO came and eventually he will retire. But one thing remains constant - Cowboy fans love the Cowboys. Thru thick and thin, good and bad or whatever fate might bring. Just because someone does not hate TO doesn't mean they have betrayed the Cowboys.