Cowboy execs: white flag of surrender on TO?


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Oldschool7;2486107 said:
Ed Werder applauded by Dallas execs? ESPN coverage AFFIRMED by Dallas official website? Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, that's the latest in Cirque de Valley Ranch.

According to reports a near brawl occurred today between Witten and Owens, perhaps finally bringing Cowboys' front office top brass to it's knees and its senses. You have to wonder if Stephen and Junior and other true Cowboy lovers locked the door to impose an intervention with Jerry.

If this is a true change of heart its only 12 hours old. Formal Cowboy media (DC.Com Mickey Spagnola) backs ESPN about the divisive fire in the locker room and now the Star Telegram reports that the Cowboy own front office APPLAUDS Ed Werder's expose on cancerous T.O. Maybe a fresh wind blows in Valley Ranch.

And in that fresh wind blows a white flag of surrender about the disastrous tenure of the Love-Me-Some-Me receiver.

So where is the aprt about some FO exec applauding Werder? I didn't catch that part in the article.


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WG5516;2486190 said:
BP has nothing to do with this. That's reaching a lot!!!
you seriously underestimate the New Jeresey con man....who like most NorthEasterners think they are smarter than everyone else...and laugh behind the back of "dumb Texans" privately. But Jerry stood up to his act when he tried to bully Jerry for another contract extension....and I do not think that sat well with Parcells. And don't forget Parcells worked for ESPN. Parcells has buds at ESPN. And Let's not act like Parcells has ANY love for Dallas. You do know that he was in the parking lot of Giants staduim trying to get the GM job with the Giants RIGHT BEFORE HE WAS ABOUT to coach Dallas against the Giants. Stay true to DALLAS fellow zoners!!!!!!!!!!!


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RoadRunner;2486191 said:
So where is the aprt about some FO exec applauding Werder? I didn't catch that part in the article.

That was in the Galloway article written about the subject.


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burmafrd;2486184 said:
Gotta love the BP haters - they now have him involved in all this. Talk about not being able to let go.
I would be incredibly disapointed if it was Indeed Witten narcing on TO. Witten has always appeared to me to be as stand up a guy as you get.
I guess its POSSIBLE that Witten's agent is talking without Witten knowing about it- but that is doubtful.

I guess that is what denial does to people. It always has to be a conspiracy when TO is involved. It is never him.

Jerry, Wade and Garrett are the ones to blame for most of this non sense. They should of confronted TO a long time ago and told him to stop talking about wanting the ball more to the media and stop crying about the scheme and how you have to be involved more. When you have no leadership, accountability or direction coming from the people in charge this is what happens. Jerry and Wade have placated TO's ego over and over and all he does is push the box further and further until it squeezes the life out of some of his team mates and they blow up.

Either way you look at it, it is a shame we have to good of a team to end the season like this.


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Doomsday;2486195 said:
I guess that is what denial does to people. It always has to be a conspiracy when TO is involved. It is never him.

Jerry, Wade and Garrett are the ones to blame for most of this non sense. They should of confronted TO a long time ago and told him to stop talking about wanting the ball more to the media and stop crying about the scheme and how you have to be involved more. When you have no leadership, accountability or direction coming from the people in charge this is what happens. Jerry and Wade have placated TO's ego over and over and all he does is push the box further and further until it squeezes the life out of some of his team mates and they blow up.

Either way you look at it, it is a shame we have to good of a team to end the season like this.
why would they do that when THEY were the ones who said he SHOULD get the ball more...or at least Jerry and Wade did


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robjgrif;2486196 said:
And everybody in the nfl world is laughing at us now..

They've been doing so since we lost to the Giants in the playoffs.

Like I said-the year's end can't come faster.


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Boysboy;2486198 said:
They've been doing so since we lost to the Giants in the playoffs.

Like I said-the year's end can't come faster.

Yeah I'm more so looking forward to the off-season now. Either T.O. needs to retire or the team needs to trade his ***.


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bbailey423;2486197 said:
why would they do that when THEY were the ones who said he SHOULD get the ball more...or at least Jerry and Wade did

That is my whole point they are trying to smooth things over and make it seem like a non issue by saying he should get the ball more. That kind of stuff always ends up coming back to bite you in the butt.


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bbaily clearly you haven't read a lot about this.

Jerry and Wade said that Tony spreads the ball around just fine and that he throws the ball to whomever is open.

It looks execs around Jerry are exerting themself, perhaps to purge Owens forever from the team. Maybe Jerry has finally been humbled and seen his vanity and stupidity.

I think we can all hope. Cowboy fans everywhere are ready for a change in Jerry's approach in handling the run-away bad boys.

The T.O. act is about to end! If so...Wow what an enormous burden removed from everyone.


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Oldschool7;2486204 said:
bbaily clearly you haven't read a lot about this.

Jerry and Wade said that Tony spreads the ball around just fine and that he throws the ball to whomever is open.

It looks execs around Jerry are exerting themself, perhaps to purge Owens forever from the team. Maybe Jerry has finally been humbled and seen his vanity and stupidity.

I think we can all hope. Cowboy fans everywhere are ready for a change in Jerry's approach in handling the run-away bad boys.

The T.O. act is about to end! If so...Wow what an enormous burden removed from everyone.

I think Wade is partly to blame-he ran the team like an insane-asylum. This has been the problem wherever he went-he lets the players dictate the team. This was his downfall in Denver and Buffalo.

With that being said-this rotten-to-be ending to this season could be good fortunes in disguise for us. We FINALLY get rid of TO, hopefully. We'll hopefully get a good coach, maybe not Cowher, but one that runs the team properly.

You know the saying, bad days can be good days in disguise.


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Oldschool7;2486204 said:
bbaily clearly you haven't read a lot about this.

Jerry and Wade said that Tony spreads the ball around just fine and that he throws the ball to whomever is open.

It looks execs around Jerry are exerting themself, perhaps to purge Owens forever from the team. Maybe Jerry has finally been humbled and seen his vanity and stupidity.

I think we can all hope. Cowboy fans everywhere are ready for a change in Jerry's approach in handling the run-away bad boys.

The T.O. act is about to end! If so...Wow what an enormous burden removed from everyone.
you make a grave mistake when you assume I am not up on me...I am. And I do know that last December we looked like some scrubs when TO got hurt. So if you get rid of him...I hope you have some ideas of who we are going to get to replace him...because Garrett has clearly shown that he cannot get it done without superstar players. We were terrible last year without Owens...and we might have had the worst offense in the NFL this year when Romo was out. So if you think getting rid of Owens is the answer....please tell me who his replacement is. And how has that worked out for Philly?


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bbailey423;2486209 said:
you make a grave mistake when you assume I am not up on me...I am. And I do know that last December we looked like some scrubs when TO got hurt. So if you get rid of him...I hope you have some ideas of who we are going to get to replace him...because Garrett has clearly shown that he cannot get it done without superstar players. We were terrible last year without Owens...and we might have had the worst offense in the NFL this year when Romo was out. So if you think getting rid of Owens is the answer....please tell me who his replacement is. And how has that worked out for Philly?

I too struggle with this thought.

It's alot like with Pacman-yeah, what he did at that Dallas hotel was very bad, and caused us some unecessary distractions, but he's been our best cover corner all year. I'm not sure we would be 8-5 if he didn't play for us this year.(Prior to his suspension, he had 11 of our 16 passes defended)

Yeah-TO's lightning rod personality scares the crap out of me, but like you said, he's the engine that makes our motor run. It pains me to type this too.


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it is simply HILARIOUS to stand back and watch the herd of idiots the lot of you are

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Oldschool7;2486107 said:
Ed Werder applauded by Dallas execs? ESPN coverage AFFIRMED by Dallas official website? Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, that's the latest in Cirque de Valley Ranch.

According to reports a near brawl occurred today between Witten and Owens, perhaps finally bringing Cowboys' front office top brass to it's knees and its senses. You have to wonder if Stephen and Junior and other true Cowboy lovers locked the door to impose an intervention with Jerry.

If this is a true change of heart its only 12 hours old. Formal Cowboy media (DC.Com Mickey Spagnola) backs ESPN about the divisive fire in the locker room and now the Star Telegram reports that the Cowboy own front office APPLAUDS Ed Werder's expose on cancerous T.O. Maybe a fresh wind blows in Valley Ranch.

And in that fresh wind blows a white flag of surrender about the disastrous tenure of the Love-Me-Some-Me receiver.

Gotta love haters. The TO threads will never stop. It's like a cult following. He appreciates the level of attention you, Werder, and all of BSPN pay to him.


Double Trouble
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Hoofbite;2486185 said:
Nope, didn't hear the Newman interview.

Thought you were commenting about the thread you posted in. My bad.

I still wouldn't call 1 guys words "most of the team".

I really hope that the players on this team don't think they would be better off without Tony then they would be without TO.
When you consider the play on the field, they've proven themselves to be a pretty stupid lot. Nothing would surprise me.


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I can see how easy it is to blame this on T.O., the front office and coaching but I find it very very odd that maybe the down turn in performance by our QB slips everyone's lips.

Tony's throws and decisions have been off since the season started. Even before the pinkie incident. Some have spoken of this but it always goes back to T.O.. Yeah T.O. is a hard pill to swallow but the problem with T.O. is that he will say what we fans will say to each other on these message boards out loud to the public. I give T.O. credit for going to the coaches first and handling it in house this time around but there are plenty of times I wish he'd kept his mouth shut.

When T.O. says whats on his mind it disrupts the team chemistry it appears. However, it still doesn't negate the fact that there is a underlying problem behind what he is talking about. History show us that where ever he leaves, the surviving Q.B.'s weaknesses are put on full display. I think we all agree on the last part. If T.O. and the receivers wouldn't have had this so called meeting, the media was ready to maul Tony and his performance as of late. Unfortunately, T.O. and the wr's will get all of the attention now and the underlying problem of late gets lost in the mud.

The truth is we have a QB that has shown to be turnover prone,indecisive and usually when the light shines brightest. This is turning out to be more of a "you don't know with Tony" type of deal. We've all seen this type of QB before. If you fart on him, he fumbles. It's a wrap the ball is coming out...period. He is good for at least a pick a game. It's almost expected for the most part. In addition, If he was spreading the ball around more and taking advantage of his multitude of weapons (Garrett as well) instead of over feeding T.O. or Witten, we'd be in much better shape right now and I bet you the farm that T.O. would be a lot less noisy.

Saying the above, It also makes sense why Witten's agent would have a problem with T.O.'s insistence on getting the ball more because that would mean less touches for his client. Now as someone said earlier, the whole world appears to be on Tony's shoulders and the whole nation will be watching this Sunday night. Talk about pressure? Nah, all Tony has to do is his part and on the level in which we pay him to do so and all of this goes away. No picks, no fumbles, no intentional grounding, no misreads and no delay of games.

We need this type of performance from our QB this week and the rest of the way. He is the only one that can right this ship. Getting T.O. outta here will quiet things down but won't necessarily fix the problem.

It's all on Tony and all he has to do is play his game......WELL!


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Hoofbite;2486185 said:
Nope, didn't hear the Newman interview.

Thought you were commenting about the thread you posted in. My bad.

I still wouldn't call 1 guys words "most of the team".

I really hope that the players on this team don't think they would be better off without Tony then they would be without TO.

It was'nt just 1 guy 2 players in the team meeting singled out witten for what he did. Sorry Jay is 1 of my fav players but what he did was wrong and he is getting a free pass.
Yet TO did what he did the right way and like the other wr's said it was a good productive meeting so i take that as it was a good thing? Yet TO is made out to be the bad guy?