Cowboy execs: white flag of surrender on TO?


Dr. Freakasaurus
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khiladi;2486495 said:
If the stories are true, Owens kept everything in-house. It was Witten that had the stories leaked.

The hypcorisy is laughable...

The 8,000,000 TO quotes and interviews complaining about touches and scheme etc are keeping it in house? It's like some people are trying to find one time maybe someone else spoke (probably tired of TO's crap) and now Witten is the guilty one. Please. TO is a joke. Leave defending him to the Deion's of the world who have a clear-sut agenda and are friends with him.


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Wow. So much for "Werder is a liar who blew things out of proportion." Turns out he undersold the dysfunctional locker room atmosphere. I don't expect any mea culpas from the shills because, well, they have no class. Angry mobs seldom do.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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BIGDen;2486571 said:
The 8,000,000 TO quotes and interviews complaining about touches and scheme etc are keeping it in house? It's like some people are trying to find one time maybe someone else spoke (probably tired of TO's crap) and now Witten is the guilty one. Please. TO is a joke. Leave defending him to the Deion's of the world who have a clear-sut agenda and are friends with him.



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BIGDen;2486571 said:
The 8,000,000 TO quotes and interviews complaining about touches and scheme etc are keeping it in house? It's like some people are trying to find one time maybe someone else spoke (probably tired of TO's crap) and now Witten is the guilty one. Please. TO is a joke. Leave defending him to the Deion's of the world who have a clear-sut agenda and are friends with him.

How hard is it to comprehend? TO kept this meeting in-house this time. The reports say Witten leaked it...How does that absolve Witten from criticism, if the reports or true?
It doesn't...

No matter how many times you bring up TO, Witten wouldn't be absolved... What is claimed for Witten is downright pathetic...


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Ok let me get this strait

1) Witten or his agent was the unnamed source about the TO being jealous story?

2) TO and Witten have words, get seperated

3) Team has meeting

4) Witten and TO say everything is fine

5) TO still wonders how when he does things the "right" way, he still is a story due to media leaks.

Is that the correct order of things? If so, then it honestly sounds as if Witten or his agent are the cause of this recent drama. I think I would go with Witten's agent as being the source. I dunno, this sounds really high schoolish, some he said she said stuff.

But I will say, that you do not have to like everyone in the locker room, you just have to work with them. I promise you, every locker room has guys who do not like each other and move in different circles. The biggest thing here is people on the team, just don't need to talk about each other. If you don't have anything positive to say, then don't talk. Talk about the game not the drama. Make it clear to reporters that you will not answer any questios about the drama. If they ask, end the interview. I am sorry but the PR guy on the team is not doing his job.


Zone Scribe
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Bleu Star;2486556 said:
Yes. I'm assuming you're his shrink. You must be to have that knowledge of his mental well being. :rolleyes:

Do you have to be a shrink to know a guy who has been kicked off all of his previous employers despite incredible talent and swallows bottles of vicadin might have some mental issues?

Do I have to be a certified judge to know PacMan might have some problems with the law?


Zone Scribe
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Is it just a coincidence that the most staunch defenders of TO are also the most staunch defenders of PacMan. They have, by far, the largest post counts on any TO or PacMan thread, but claim everyone else is "obsessed".


Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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BIGDen;2486581 said:
About as insightful as anything I've read from you lately. Thanks!

You're welcome. That's pretty much all I felt you deserved in response to yet another "TO dominates my sleep" diatribe.

The game will be "in progress" tomorrow night and instead of enjoying it you and the rest of the extreme ilk will still be here posting garbage.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Looks like we have another Quincy Carter situation arising, lol.

While I DO think Romo needs to be more trusting of TO and throw him the ball(this is only because of necessity ),,, the bottom line is TO has done NOTHING to make anybody believe he is worthy of such trust. So now he has to rip on Romo and the one receiver who actually runs all his routes consistently and gives 100% effort?

Here's a thought TO,,, run ALL your routes to their end and run them consistently, FIGHT FOR THE BALL IN THE FREAKING AIR, DON"T FREAKING GIVE IT UP TO THE DEFENDER,,, do what you're supposed to be doing and the QB will throw you the dang ball. :mad:


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Is it just a coincidence that the most staunch haters of TO are also the most staunch haters of PacMan.


But everyone else is "obsessed".

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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InmanRoshi;2486605 said:
Do you have to be a shrink to know a guy who has been kicked off all of his previous employers despite incredible talent and swallows bottles of vicadin might have some mental issues?

Any claims to know what TO consumes and how often he does so are simply nothing more than assumptions rooted from hate.

You might find a police report on pacman. Find me some documents that outline TO's frequent visits to his shrink, Surely you must have something. Perhaps Ed Werder provided the info to you.


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EGG;2486616 said:
Looks like we have another Quincy Carter situation arising, lol.

While I DO think Romo needs to be more trusting of TO and throw him the ball(this is only because of necessity ),,, the bottom line is TO has done NOTHING to make anybody believe he is worthy of such trust. So now he has to rip on Romo and the one receiver who actually runs all his routes consistently and gives 100% effort?

Here's a thought TO,,, run ALL your routes to their end and run them consistently, do what you're supposed to be doing and the QB will throw you the dang ball. :mad:

Wait... it was Witten that ran his route incorrectly per his own words against the Steelers.. It was Witten that blew the block on Harrison that allowed Anderson to get stuffed...


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Oldschool7;2486170 said:
bbailey423 are you new to this sitation?

People are on to Owens. All America knows his act. There maybe a few weak minded pawns in the Cowboy locker room and that's who the cancer is good at manipulating.

Jerry and ALL Cowboy players will either disown TO or the whole team will crash and burn.

There are certainly other issues this team has to address. But you start by getting the snake out of the lockeroom.

it seems if the majority (not a few weak minded) have sided with TO. Past mistakes dont make you always guilty.


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This is ridiculous. I want the truth, not some gossipy mess.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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EGG;2486616 said:
Here's a thought TO,,, run ALL your routes to their end and run them consistently, FIGHT FOR THE BALL IN THE FREAKING AIR, DON"T FREAKING GIVE IT UP TO THE DEFENDER,,, do what you're supposed to be doing and the QB will throw you the dang ball. :mad:

Throw me enough medicine balls and I will begin to ease up on the frequency at which I stretch out to go get them. I like my ribs in tact.

Of course, Romo has done absolutely nothing wrong. :rolleyes: Typical double standard garbage.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
khiladi;2486620 said:
Wait... it was Witten that ran his route incorrectly per his own words against the Steelers.. It was Witten that blew the block on Harrison that allowed Anderson to get stuffed...

So are you saying this is a common occurrence? ,,,,


quite the opposite ?

I thought so,,,


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Bleu Star;2486626 said:
Throw me enough medicine balls and I will begin to ease up on the frequency at which I stretch out to go get them. I like my ribs in tact.

Of course, Romo has done absolutely nothing wrong. :rolleyes: Typical double standard garbage.

He's a nice guy that helps homeless people, which automatically equates in the world of their logic, to cannot make a mistake...


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EGG;2486631 said:
So are you saying this is a common occurrence? ,,,,


quite the opposite ?

I thought so,,,

Ah, so TO being, which is it, ninth on the all-time receiving list for WRs is the mark of a receiver that gives up on routes and is always dropping balls and giving up on plays.. A WR that is most likely a hall of fame receiver... man, if that was the case, I'd love to see TO actually give 100 hundred percent... He'd have to work at the Daily Planet and hide his identity...

I thought so...