Twitter: Cowboys Tweets 11/11


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RILEY IS NOT CHOOSING US OVER CLEVELAND. Just accept this now and don’t get your hopes up. Baker is there and he does not have to deal with Jerry/Stephen meddling in coaching and personnel decisions. He will use us to create a bidding war and that is all. Move on.
bet you're wrong. riley is from lubbock texas. my guess is this is his dream job. the browns are a dysfunctional mess. worse than us and worse than pretty much every other franchise in american sports.


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bet you're wrong. riley is from lubbock texas. my guess is this is his dream job. the browns are a dysfunctional mess. worse than us and worse than pretty much every other franchise in american sports.
no offense, WE AINT ALSO A DYSFUNCTIONAL MESS? LOL , But in the end, I doubt he would leave Norman.


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The way I interpreted it was that they weighed canning Linehan in which Garrett would call plays, and also have an interest in Riley if they move on from Garrett. I think it was just all mentioned out of order.

Of course I may be wrong.
That's how I interpreted it too.

Also why would an up and coming coach like Riley take a job that already has a meddlesome owner AND have your OC already hired, only someone like Wade would agree to that bs


Last Man Standing
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Here is the link to the CBS Sports article that’s now up.

Of course Riley would choose the Dallas Cowboys over the Cleveland Browns or any other job. Who cares the state of the team? This is and always will be one of the best jobs in sports, and Jerry will pay the man.

I personally would prefer DeFilippo but Riley is an offensive guru and we need someone who can show some creativity on offense. I guess we have to suffer through the next 8 games to find out.


You Can't Fix Stupid
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I'd be on board with an acquisition of Lincoln Riley, although not thrilled with the idea of JG being assigned to play calling. He was found to be wanting in his performance of that task well before Linehan ever arrived on the scene. Of course, whether or not Jerry is able to convince Riley to leave OU to take on the tough transition to cure the Cowboys' offensive woes is another matter. As I understand it, he has a pretty good thing going where he is and has already expressed an inclination in past weeks to stay put for the time being. I have my doubts he'd leave OU but perhaps we'll see.
Jerry won't replace Garrett with anyone relevent with a high other words it won't anyone that could possibly take any praise and credit away from Jerry.......remember he's sensitive about such things.


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Really? You think he would pick Cleveland over Dallas. America's arm pit over America's America's team ok.

Cowboys HC position is not the most appealing vacancy, you have to deal with the Jones calling all the shots and higher expectations.


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Cowboys HC position is not the most appealing vacancy, you have to deal with the Jones calling all the shots and higher expectations.
Cleveland's owner is awful. He will fire you in a minute. The Browns have no patience. They have ran through draft picks and coaches like toilet paper. How has Jerry cost Jason? He has given Jason good players and let him do what he wanted with the team. Jason made the choice to bench Romo not Jerrah. Jones gets a bad rap sometimes.
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bet you're wrong. riley is from lubbock texas. my guess is this is his dream job. the browns are a dysfunctional mess. worse than us and worse than pretty much every other franchise in american sports.

I hope you’re right. But they have a Heisman winning QB that Riley coached, and we don’t.


Cowboy for Life
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lol @ people downplaying the chance to coach in dallas. nothing compares to it. any coach that comes in and wins #6 will be considered a god. the gig is very appealing for many reasons.


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Right now if I'm Lincoln Riley and I get presented with the possibility of coaching Cowboys or the Browns, it should be an easy choice with Baker over Dak.

This is an absolute fact, especially if Jerry were to force Dak on him


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Riley wouldn't come here if Garrett was retained. I think I'd go ballistic if they tried to force Garrett on the next coach. Get Garrett into the FO if you absolutely must retain him, where I think he'd actually find some success. The talent acquisition has been better under the Garrett and McClay regime. I don't feel like he's a football coach, but he might be a better talent evaluator.


Cowboys Diehard
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Jerry won't replace Garrett with anyone relevent with a high other words it won't anyone that could possibly take any praise and credit away from Jerry.......remember he's sensitive about such things.

Well, that's been said by many of us, that's for sure. There have been reports lately, however, that the Dallas organizations has inquired about Lincoln Riley recently. Exactly whom those inquiries were coming from hasn't been mentioned, although I would at least question if it would have been done without any knowledge nor participation whatsoever from the Dallas front office.

Anyhow, nothing definitive has yet been known to take place to initiate serious contract talks between the two parties. I'm sure there will be further circumstances that will have to occur before something concrete materializes. Still, much conversation is being bandied about lately concerning this subject. I'm pretty sure more will be said before this topic is either acted upon or put to rest.
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Cowboys Diehard
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I am pretty sure that Garrett taking back play calling was not if Lincoln comes here as coach. I read it that Garrett may take back play calling from Linehan this season (which would make sense considering the thought about moving on from him over the bye), and if they move on from Garrett after the season Riley would be their choice.

So I am not part of your "eveyone else" thing i guess.

I doubt Jerry wants to remove Linehan from his duties as play caller before the season ends. He has made statements recently that indicate his objection to such considerations. Mid season is generally accepted by most GMs in the NFL as a bad time to make such major changes. I think we'd have been informed if JG would be taking over the play calling tonight, now that the bye week is over.

In any case, we'll see more in the days and weeks ahead. The Cowboys team and organization is in a state disarray now. It will be interesting to see what happens if we continue to lose as we have done recently. What the FO does going forward is in for much speculation right now and probably more to come in the days and weeks ahead. We're all entitled to our opinions, though. It's what makes this website so interesting.


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Right now if I'm Lincoln Riley and I get presented with the possibility of coaching Cowboys or the Browns, it should be an easy choice with Baker over Dak.

He should tell Jerry he will come with the caveat that if Dak plays this way in 2019, he gets to draft a QB he wants in 2020.

Doubt he would want to Cleveland. That entire organizations is a disaster.


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If the Cowboys HC gig is open, it’s one of the most appealing jobs in the entire league. With Jerry, Dak, and without the first round pick. You guys are smoking crack if you think the CLE gig compares to it.
Remember there are lots of trolls on this site ppretending to be Cowboys fans.