Twitter: Cowboys tweets 12/03


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Romo was absolutely under more pressure than Dak. Romo is just that much better than Dak at feeling the pressure and moving around, in and out of the pocket to bye time and extend the play. Dak has a lot of coverage sacks and hesitates quite a bit when deciding to release the ball. He also is still learning to feel pressure in the pocket. Dak has more yards rushing partly because he runs way more designed runs than Romo and is the beneficiary of running more RPOs. This is 100% not a diss on Dak, I'm merely pointing out the pocket awareness of Romo was his strength whereas it is a weakness of Dak. This something that stats don't really point out. This all IMO of course.

I don't care how many stats bobby belt wants to throw out and frame the scenario. I watched both play and Dak isn't close to Romo on pocket presence. Romo had great feel and escape ability to buy time .Dak needs to panic less and set his feet. Hope he can develop that .no knock on him cause I root for him but let's be realistic. Romo had more pressure and was better with it than Dak.