Twitter: Cowboys Tweets 12/04


Chris in Arizona
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I think Kingsbury would have been a great addition to the staff and helped bring the offense into this century. Now that he's off the market, I'd like to see the Cowboys make a run at Kendal Briles, the 36-year old OC at the University of Houston.

As far as Kingsbury, those here who know me know that I'm a diehard Trojans fan.When they retained Helton, I said I wasn't going to any more USC games as long as he's there. I typically go to at least one game a year; this year was the debacle in Austin, I'd watch USC games if they were on TV but would not make any special arrangements to watch them. No sports bars for PAC-12 Channel games, no rearranging my schedule to make sure I'm home.

I really thought I was done. Then they go and sign Kingsbury and suddenly I'm back in. I think he'll help true freshman JT Daniels and utilize all of the talented WRs USC has, whereas Helton just kind of rolls the ball out there and hopes for the best.