Twitter: Cowboys Tweets 5/6


Well-Known Member
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Hold on.

Who in Dallas wouldn’t want a talent like Gathers on the team?

We’ve protected guys like Swaim whose ceiling is a #3 tight end in this league but if the kid can play some would still not want Gathers around.

If this is some of that dumb *** RKG stuff, LOL.
another guy Garrett won’t just get in front of and shoot straight. Wouldn’t shock me if it’s about that.


Well-Known Member
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Hold on.

Who in Dallas wouldn’t want a talent like Gathers on the team?

We’ve protected guys like Swaim whose ceiling is a #3 tight end in this league but if the kid can play some would still not want Gathers around.

If this is some of that dumb *** RKG stuff, LOL.

Something happened after the injury to cause the outlook on Rico as a player to take a hard turn. I have no idea why. Who cares about the music and Instagram stuff, if he's still able to log the requisite hours at the training facility to improve as a football player? Who even knows what he'll amount to but hopefully he gets a fair shot this year.