Twitter: Cowboys Tweets, 7-1-19


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That first tweet is ********..the Kareem hunt issue is already over.. he's suspended he already got his punishment

The league is still dealing with hill even though it seems he will be in the clear.. and now Zeke meets with the commish who I think will be in the clear also... That tweet is insinuating that the commish is putting the other two situations aside or ignoring them completely just to deal with Zeke.. but of course a lot of you guys will eat this up. And I'm one that thought Zeke's suspension in 17 was unfair
Zeke's situation was handled within weeks, the other situations are STILL DRAGGING ON.
The fact is the Commish did prioritize getting Zeke in OBVIOUSLY.

Zeke was at a music festival where they serve alcohol in a state where edibles are legal and the slogan is "WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS STAYS IN VEGAS".
He is 23.
Gronk had 100 wild Vegas nights all filmed and ZERO trips to Goodell's office.

A bunch of 40 year olds (like me) crowing about just drink at home is peak goofball.


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Zeke's situation was handled within weeks, the other situations are STILL DRAGGING ON.
The fact is the Commish did prioritize getting Zeke in OBVIOUSLY.

Zeke was at a music festival where they serve alcohol in a state where edibles are legal and the slogan is "WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS STAYS IN VEGAS".
He is 23.
Gronk had 100 wild Vegas nights all filmed and ZERO trips to Goodell's office.

A bunch of 40 year olds (like me) crowing about just drink at home is peak goofball.
targets are on Dallas players. In Zeke's case, he is well served to just plan accordingly and stay home and drink. Its the Jerry Jones effect. Goodell has a hard on to go after all things JJ. Zeke COULD be better prepared before venturing out in public.


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you can drink responsibly at home ..without going into public and being a idiot. You have a target on your back when you play for Dallas. HE KNOWS THIS. Remember, we ARE dealing with a guy who went to a big college and SHOULD know better. Adults make decent decisions, poor planning by Zeke coupled with wrong choices is why he is in a jam. That said, if Goodell were fair, he would just fine him.

A bad combination of factors...
1)Arrogance and bad choices by Zeke
2)An instantly overreactive public
3)A huge group of influential detractors


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targets are on Dallas players. In Zeke's case, he is well served to just plan accordingly and stay home and drink. Its the Jerry Jones effect. Goodell has a hard on to go after all things JJ. Zeke COULD be better prepared before venturing out in public.
Asking a 23 year old to be a hermit in the off-season is beyond dumb.
It isn't happening.
And Goodell won't be around after the next CBA anyway.
Zeke has legit done some silly things but exactly zero that he should have been suspended for. --yes player should be suspended for assaulting women if investigations conclude it actually happened but when your nfl investigator says no and legal system says no... lord--
And the double standard for Gronk versus Zeke is INSANE.

Michael Jordan did 100x worse than this stuff. He is now a team owner and was a generatons greatest icon.

I am 46 and been to plenty of music festivals.
Plenty of 40 year olds are there and bump into each other.
That's exactly where it ends and life goes on.


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Asking a 23 year old to be a hermit in the off-season is beyond dumb.
It isn't happening.
And Goodell won't be around after the next CBA anyway.
Zeke has legit done some silly things but exactly zero that he should have been suspended for. --yes player should be suspended for assaulting women if investigations conclude it actually happened but when your nfl investigator says no and legal system says no... lord--
And the double standard for Gronk versus Zeke is INSANE.

Michael Jordan did 100x worse than this stuff. He is now a team owner and was a generatons greatest icon.

I am 46 and been to plenty of music festivals.
Plenty of 40 year olds are there and bump into each other.
That's exactly where it ends and life goes on.
well then, we can expect the stupidity to continue. Not sayin he should be a hermit. Saying if he knows he is going out, plan accordingly. Its on him.He IS an adult right? btw...Goodell just hates Jerry Jones...that's clear. Zeke has been unfairly treated, no doubt.But its not like Zeke isn't aware. At 23 I did worse than Zeke...but quickly learned. Me and you were never in the spotlight like him...TOTALLY DIFFERENT SITUATION. Cannot compare the lifestyle of average Joe to a pro football star. To whom much is given,much is expected. Fair or not, that's the way it is.


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Asking a 23 year old to be a hermit in the off-season is beyond dumb.
It isn't happening.
And Goodell won't be around after the next CBA anyway.
Zeke has legit done some silly things but exactly zero that he should have been suspended for. --yes player should be suspended for assaulting women if investigations conclude it actually happened but when your nfl investigator says no and legal system says no... lord--
And the double standard for Gronk versus Zeke is INSANE.

Michael Jordan did 100x worse than this stuff. He is now a team owner and was a generatons greatest icon.

I am 46 and been to plenty of music festivals.
Plenty of 40 year olds are there and bump into each other.
That's exactly where it ends and life goes on.
I am 48 and let me tell ya, you either learn quickly when your young or you get left in the dust. When you wear the star and are a RB on Americas team, you have an expectation level to be squeaky clean while in public. Maybe that's a tall task for Zeke...but that's simply the way it is. Its not like he wasn't told.


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Asking a 23 year old to be a hermit in the off-season is beyond dumb.
It isn't happening.
And Goodell won't be around after the next CBA anyway.
Zeke has legit done some silly things but exactly zero that he should have been suspended for. --yes player should be suspended for assaulting women if investigations conclude it actually happened but when your nfl investigator says no and legal system says no... lord--
And the double standard for Gronk versus Zeke is INSANE.

Michael Jordan did 100x worse than this stuff. He is now a team owner and was a generatons greatest icon.

I am 46 and been to plenty of music festivals.
Plenty of 40 year olds are there and bump into each other.
That's exactly where it ends and life goes on.

But nowdays, the biggest money raising overreactions are the priorities. Facts, truth, empathy, humility, etc. don’t feed the bulldog....sad...


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I am 48 and let me tell ya, you either learn quickly when your young or you get left in the dust. When you wear the star and are a RB on Americas team, you have an expectation level to be squeaky clean while in public. Maybe that's a tall task for Zeke...but that's simply the way it is. Its not like he wasn't told.
People can want in one hand and wish in the other but Zeke is going to be Zeke.
He is going to outlast Goodell and he is going to sign a very, very large contract(almost certainly to remain the Cowboys RB).

40 year old shut ins who want to sit at home and drink beer after working 9 to 5s(yes this largely applies to me) aren't exactly best equipped to discuss this topic.
As long as he does not break actual laws or his contract then he can and clearly will do as he pleases.
He's probably somewhere now in a crowd of fans signing autographs while you complain.

Outlaw Heroes

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As long as he does not break actual laws or his contract then he can and clearly will do as he pleases.

You have an odd take on this. This is where it clearly goes off the rails. The league has already demonstrated to Zeke that he may be subject to significant penalties, essentially for 'conduct unbecoming', whether or not he breaks the law. He might, but is clearly NOT free, to do as he pleases if it brings the NFL into disrepute. And he has reason to believe he's under special scrutiny.

We're not talking about just any old 23 year old going out and blowing off steam. Like any celebrity, his conduct attracts scrutiny (in his case, given his history, more scrutiny than most). He needs to recognize that and behave accordingly. Realistically, his social prominence and wealth would allow him to have a vibrant social life without mimicking the 40-year old shut-in. He probably has invites to multiple private parties each weekend. If not, he's in position to throw some pretty spectacular private bashes himself.

In the circumstances, putting himself in the league's cross-hairs was just plain stupid.


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You have an odd take on this. This is where it clearly goes off the rails. The league has already demonstrated to Zeke that he may be subject to significant penalties, essentially for 'conduct unbecoming', whether or not he breaks the law. He might, but is clearly NOT free, to do as he pleases if it brings the NFL into disrepute. And he has reason to believe he's under special scrutiny.

We're not talking about just any old 23 year old going out and blowing off steam. Like any celebrity, his conduct attracts scrutiny (in his case, given his history, more scrutiny than most). He needs to recognize that and behave accordingly. Realistically, his social prominence and wealth would allow him to have a vibrant social life without mimicking the 40-year old shut-in. He probably has invites to multiple private parties each weekend. If not, he's in position to throw some pretty spectacular private bashes himself.

In the circumstances, putting himself in the league's cross-hairs was just plain stupid.
well said.


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These are from a couple days ago, but we've been lax on Tweets lately. Besides, it's a slow time of year.

Chido plays best when he can look at the QB and read and react in zone. Though his physical measurements are perfect for KR, I think he’d be much more of a play-maker with more time in zone.

Hopefully KR isn’t so much of a stickler on his technique that he forces guys to play the system, even though this is the first year he’s been able to have an input on what corners we draft.

I did read somewhere that the coaches noticed Chido’s proclivity to play in zone and that they’d be mixing in some more zone looks to help create more turnovers. We’ll see if it comes to fruition


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Yea when you know someone has put a target on your back; try to remove the target. Don't run in front of the firing range.

Yah... lots of ways to have a good time. Just need to be discreet and avoid the spotlight. Which in fairness to Zeke, he has done a pretty good job of since getting suspended.

Hopefully Roger decides to show some leniency in this case as the incident was truly minor in scope-- but I won't hold my breath.