I'll leave you with this. A lot of this fan base deserves the Jones'. If you're of adult age and you're still pitchforking coaches over the death of the Cowboys, you truly deserve to have this Owner, GM and that VP of Personnel. You are the type of fan they need to continue this charade.
You will get your wish. One day. Probably not now. Garrett will go. And nothing will change. Only the name on your next rant.
If anyone hates Jerry as much as me, I'd give it to you, but you are partially right. Jerry is the main problem but...
Jerry + weak coach = team with no direction, no real accountability, and mostly losses.
Jerry + strong coach with contractually obligated authority = a team that can win
If we hire another coach who lets Jerry walk all over him and walkie talkie down commands to the sideline, you are exactly right, nothing will change.
If we hire a coach who is smart enough to negotiate that Jerry has to sit in the corner, we might have a chance.