Twitter: Cowboys will talk with Dez Bryant


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have always been a dez fan and i love his passion but he has to work on how to use it the right way...there have been times over the past few years where it has manifested into a distraction and not an asset.

As for his pay vs production, he is overpayed for how he has played the last few years but if he has a rebound year he will be paid right at what he should be based on the market.

I have no problem with extending him but there needs to be some protection in there incase he just doesnt get back to form this year...


Cowboys Diehard
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If they gave Dez a 3yr/25m extension and guaranteed the full 25m he is due the next 2 years it could work

It would be a new 5yr/50m deal which is a paycut disguised as an extension

He gets more gtd money and we get lower cap hits and a new series of team options in 2020-22

It would lower his cap hit from 16.5m to 9m this year

Base..................Cap Hit
1m.......................9m(20m signing bonus)

I wouldn't advocate giving a 2-year contract for Dez. I believe he's very likely washed up, to be honest. I think his injuries have ruined him.


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The offense was actually better in 2016 when he was out.

I prefer he doesn't take a pay cut just like he said he wouldn't. I hope the team releases him. Signing a contract and then mailing it in is unacceptable. Throwing fits on the sideline when you don't get the ball is also unacceptable, especially when you drop it all the time.

He's a distraction and I hope he's someone else's problem next year. I wonder if his next team will pick him up for practice every day so he's not late?


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The offense was actually better in 2016 when he was out.

I prefer he doesn't take a pay cut just like he said he wouldn't. I hope the team releases him. Signing a contract and then mailing it in is unacceptable. Throwing fits on the sideline When you don't get the ball is also an acceptable, especially when you drop it all the time.

He's a distraction and I hope he's someone else's problem next year.
Dak's 4 best games were with Dez in 2016.....not sure what you are referring to


You Can't Fix Stupid
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So Stephens update is there is no update........That's some helpful information right there.
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Well-Known Member
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Dak's 4 best games were with Dez in 2016.....not sure what you are referring to

I saw the games. We had a better offense when he was out. As soon as he came back we forced him the ball and stop spreading it around. Everyone on offense is terrified of his tantrums, coaches included.


Fattening up
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Definitely have zero leverage now with the TWill Situation...

It actually makes more sense what they did knowing Terrance has a broken foot. Hurn is a replacement there, and Thompson has the Lal connection, so he makes sense as the Butler replacement. If and when Twill's back, we'll have a good problem with too many competent WRs.

The issues with Dez' deal pretty much exist regardless of what we do elsewhere at this point, since a Dez-caliber receiver is not out there. I'm not counting OBJ.


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The offense was actually better in 2016 when he was out.

Myth, especially considering his last stretch of football going into December, plus His 9 receptions and 2 TDs in the GB playoff game says otherwise... He didn't play in the final game of the season against the Eagles and Dak looked like garbage, while Romo threw a TD on his single-drive in the game.


Franchise Tagged
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I hope.

I'm a Dez fan. I know the cool thing to do is to hate on him right now and want him off the team but I don't think there is a Dez problem. I think it's a poor coaching and a QB problem as well.

Dez has to fix the dropped balls though but Dez dropping passes at the rate he did this year was a fluke.
I know I am in the minority, but of the pass catchers I think Witten was more of a problem than Dez.


Cowboys Diehard
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Let him play out his contact, if he really wants to be a Cowboy he'll re-sign a realistic contract then.

I could see Stephen doing that, if he's really determined to cut Dez drastically this time. OTOH, Linehan might not be prepared to accept losing Dez unless they get someone of equal stature to replace him.


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I saw the games. We had a better offense when he was out. As soon as he came back we forced him the ball and stop spreading it around. Everyone on offense is terrified of his tantrums, coaches included.
Don't believe your lying eyes


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Not sure what they are gonna talk about
You pay him or cut him
They have no leverage to force him to take a paycut

I think they can leverage him.

Let's face it, he has a diminishing skill set, he's older (this is a biggee), been hurt, is less athletic. We're going on 4 years with him having mediocre numbers. They can threaten to cut him and it's pretty well assured that no team will pick up his contract as it is now.

The leverage is play for us as a 3 down receiver, sign an incentive type contract, and you'll get paid more in line with your productivity plus stay with your only NFL team and reap benefits from the Texas notoriety while retiring and being put in the Ring of Honor. The flip side is you'll (Dez) get a similar contract to what is being offered and not be that #1 receiver (the bigger fish in a pond) and possibly get cut and be diminished even more. This is all ego leverage but it'll play to Dez.

Now, this is not absolute leverage, Dez still has a contract and has earning power but he's undoubtedly on the downhill side of his career and the FO has all the numbers to back their position. It's probably Dallas' only play other that pay him on the present contract because Jerrah doesn't understand how to be cold hearted and make smart contracts. Dez has to be made to feel he has been backed into a corner.


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I used to think the contract was bad.. Then Free Agency happened.

Dez is currently underpaid at the going rate.

You could just move on from him all together but this fan base and media won't be able to grasp how irrelevant a bigtime #1 WR is so they will harp on the Cowboys about it until they go get another guy that they won't use correctly.

That’s why I find it laughable “ he’s untraceable” he could get an extension through a trade too


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The time to talk to Dez will come the Monday following the draft. If they get a WR in the 1st or 2nd round Dez will be gone. If they don't Dez will be here one more year.


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How anybody think the Cowboys have any leverage on Dez other than 'feels' for the Cowboys is comical to me.. They still got to pay him and he's getting picked up right away for another pay check.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Not sure what they are gonna talk about
You pay him or cut him
They have no leverage to force him to take a paycut

If they wait until May/June, many teams have used most of their free agent budget and most teams that needed a WR either signed free agents or drafted a WR.

The cap ramifications would prevent them from re-signing him if he is cut, which means he is taking his chances in the market without the Cowboys offer to fall back on.


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The time to talk to Dez will come the Monday following the draft. If they get a WR in the 1st or 2nd round Dez will be gone. If they don't Dez will be here one more year.

Exactly right. The FA money will be gone and Stephen will have all the leverage. If they want to keep him, offer him a 4mil base with all the rest in incentives. I would use games and percentage of snaps played, touchdowns, catches over 80 as the incentives. Stipulation that there will be significant fines for any additional tantrums on the sidelines.


Well-Known Member
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Exactly right. The FA money will be gone and Stephen will have all the leverage. If they want to keep him, offer him a 4mil base with all the rest in incentives. I would use games and percentage of snaps played, touchdowns, catches over 80 as the incentives. Stipulation that there will be significant fines for any additional tantrums on the sidelines.
LOL. Dez byrant for 4 million when Sammy Watkins is making 16. You guys make me laugh.