Twitter: Cowboys young receivers are stealing the show at OTA practices


Stop chasing
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Yeah, I saw those too, more good stuff, even with the qualifier that it's just in shorts. They mentioned how the deep passing game wasn't clicking last year, even in shorts time.

Some won't like it, but I think the quarterback will actually be improved this year.
Year 4 is the QB make or break year. I really hope he does, he's got basically every other intangible you would want. He doesn't need to be Brees, just a deep dime from time to time would make a secondary respect him. His anticipation should improve too, and sacks should decrease. If he does that, please give him 30...well probably 35 by then tbh. (After the season) What's 5 mil if the cap is increasing so much?


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Was this last season:

Thank you for making my point
One or 2 times in the entire season when the receiver is wide wide open speaks volumes

Gotta do this consistently for it to be a real threat, which it is not

Dak does not anticipate, he needs to see the receivers open before he throws the ball, that won't work for deep go routes


1st Round Pick
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its june its always like this in june every thing is roses fluff articles all around I will believe when I see it in the regular season and post season play


The Cowboys should have a good team this year.

What plagues us is usually our coaching. In game management is just beyond terrible.

I want to see articles about how much better the offense looks and how Dak isn't stuck in the pocket and how we're running the ball without 3 TE's on the field.


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At least it’s not Scott L. Behind the headset any more. What a joke he was at OC.

says a lot about the decision making. How did anyone think Linehan was a good idea to start with?


1st Round Pick
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says a lot about the decision making. How did anyone think Linehan was a good idea to start with?

Because Jason Garrett was calling plays so we had to choose a guy Garrett felt comfortable with.

Say what you want about Linehan but he is miles better then Garrett. At least the offense had some structure and we could find balance

2014 and 2016 the offense looked incredible even with the old stale play designs.


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I thought Sanjay Lal made an excellent point in his comments:

"The whole premise, in my opinion, of this offense is vertical speed," Lal said. "If you can't hit a go-route, the comeback game isn't real, your slant game, your nine-stop game isn't real. Being able to hit those deep balls in games is going to change everything if we're able to do that."

I believe that was one of the huge problems this passing game had, they never challenged opponents deep. And if you can't or don't do that, opposing defense won't fear or respect your passing game, and they'll simply sit on everything short. And that hurts your running game with having more bodies closer to the line of scrimmage, as well as your passing game with defensive backs sitting on routes.

It will be huge if the Cowboys can start to scare defenses down the field again.


Dak better duck.

Shots fired Sanjay! Shots fired!!!


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Because Jason Garrett was calling plays so we had to choose a guy Garrett felt comfortable with.

Say what you want about Linehan but he is miles better then Garrett. At least the offense had some structure and we could find balance

2014 and 2016 the offense looked incredible even with the old stale play designs.

But he would still abandon the run and sucked in the RZ. How much talent do we need on offense for a competent coach to capitalize? Saying he's better than Garrett isn't really saying much. The talent is here, the play calling and design needs to get much smarter. Lets hope Moore can bring that.


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But he would still abandon the run and sucked in the RZ. How much talent do we need on offense for a competent coach to capitalize? Saying he's better than Garrett isn't really saying much. The talent is here, the play calling and design needs to get much smarter. Lets hope Moore can bring that.

I 100% feel that a good offensive coordinator would have a field day with this talent.


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I 100% feel that a good offensive coordinator would have a field day with this talent.

Absolutely!! We need a coach who can find that weakness in a D. Seems like Garrett and Linehan would roll out the usual gameplan regardless of the opponent.


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Absolutely!! We need a coach who can find that weakness in a D. Seems like Garrett and Linehan would roll out the usual gameplan regardless of the opponent.

Meanwhile, the Super Bowl champs tailor the gameplan each week to their opponents. But yeah, we'll just do our own thing. "Just beat the man in front of you or something."

We play checkers while they play chess.

Hopefully, that's over with.


1st Round Pick
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But he would still abandon the run and sucked in the RZ. How much talent do we need on offense for a competent coach to capitalize? Saying he's better than Garrett isn't really saying much. The talent is here, the play calling and design needs to get much smarter. Lets hope Moore can bring that.

Listen.. The problem is Jerry... So keeping expectations real under Jerry any type of move away from Jason was going to be good so that is why I think Linehan was probably about as good as we could do in the Jason Garrett situation we are in.

Jerry Jones has sacrificed many seasons and careers for Garrett so I think Linehan did a solid job in the situation he was put in.

I'm glad he is gone though but I get worried when our own fans think giving Garrett back the playcalling duties is the answer and we actually heard that on these forums.


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Listen.. The problem is Jerry... So keeping expectations real under Jerry any type of move away from Jason was going to be good so that is why I think Linehan was probably about as good as we could do in the Jason Garrett situation we are in.

Jerry Jones has sacrificed many seasons and careers for Garrett so I think Linehan did a solid job in the situation he was put in.

I'm glad he is gone though but I get worried when our own fans think giving Garrett back the playcalling duties is the answer and we actually heard that on these forums.

I do agree with that. Jerry is the problem and Linehan did OK under the circumstances. I'm certainly not one who wanted Garrett to resume playcalling, I'm still wishing he would just get as far away from this team as possible..


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I was all for letting hurns and austin go during the off season. even before hearing or seeing anything about the new wr's. two jet sweeps a year isn't worth the money Austin gets. and the hurns injury looked bad. don't like throwing good money after bad.

I think Austin is the guy in real trouble. Whatever snaps Austin got last year will now go to Pollard.
The team loves Hurns and apparently is already running and cutting.


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Reggie Davis making the most of it, good to see. Jon'Vea Johnson also having some success.

I haven't thought Austin was safe, but we'll see.

Also, Westry played some Safety. Called it!!!! Ha, I don't know but with his size/speed and length, and the CB battle that's coming, he may end up getting a nod at Safety especially if they want to keep him.


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He should have been cut already IMO. He wasn't all that good last year and is coming off a major injury. With Cobb in the fold, Hurns was expendable IMO.
Might as well just cut to 53 now...