Dak second to only Rodgers in 100+ QBR/games played


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Here's the problem.

Against Minnesota: 12-for-18, 139 yards, 1 TD, 108.3 rating

To an elite QB, that's known as a first half, not an entire game. Dak failed to break 200 yards passing eight times last year alone. That's just weird.

There lies the rub...that and his 5 sub 70 passer rating games last year.


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Well,bro!, when that whole #9 forced to 'ride the pine' around the middle of the 2016 season,,, whew!,,, My fellowmen of the forum ran up their battle-flags over what end of "no-mans" land they chose in forting up on,,,* it was an insightful learning curve ,in the simple fact of my preconceived understanding of persona's of once admired members I'd previously formulated favorable opinions on,,,was shattered,,,:lmao:,,,yet! I ain't mad at them & still love them as the fellow members of the clan that their silver&blue FANDOM entitled them to,,, I'm sure B-4 yer' Atlantis vortexe'd down the drain,, you enjoyed exactly what I'm talking about.


*** I used to couldn't stand that 'inside' loud mouthed liberal mouthpiece,,,TOO!


**** yer' :welcome: here 'Rosie' ,,,IF YOU CAN comply TO FORUM casing-liner's:thumbup:
Keep racist politics out of here.


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I hate that there seems to be this urge to divide fans into Dak v. Romo groups. Especially when the two QBs themselves actually tried so hard to not let that happen.

I believe the vast, vast majority of us like both guys and pretty much have from the get-go. I mean, what self-respecting Cowboys fan wouldn't consider himself a Romo fanboy? He was an awesome player for us for a long time, and you can believe that without it taking anything away from Dak.

Remember that made up stat that people used to use on Romo all the time?? The famous win or go home stat.... I think that will surface for Dak if he doesn’t win a playoff game next season.


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Dak completed 66% of his passes for 7.7 yards an attempt. 1 TD and 0 interceptions against one of the toughest defenses in the league, Minnesota. In 2016.

Yet, somehow people use that game as a negative against Dak......

They complain he threw for under 200 yards when he didn’t even throw 20 passes that game. He would have needed to average over 10 yards per attempt to reach 200 that game. But for some reason.... some
People still use the “200 yard threshold” against Dak for that game.

it’s a stupid argument.

If you want to bring up bad games for Dak. The 2016 game against the Vikings isn’t one of them.


Fattening up
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Remember that made up stat that people used to use on Romo all the time?? The famous win or go home stat.... I think that will surface for Dak if he doesn’t win a playoff game next season.

I'm sure it will. Because if we know one thing for sure, it's that Cowboys fans are idiots. :)


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Here's the problem.

Against Minnesota: 12-for-18, 139 yards, 1 TD, 108.3 rating

To an elite QB, that's known as a first half, not an entire game. Dak failed to break 200 yards passing eight times last year alone. That's just weird.

Nah not weird just Dak doing his thing out there ....HOF is a gimmie for DAK.....:banghead:


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It’s a cute column, even for a Dak slobberer, but among the many holes in the “logic”, the biggest is pretty obviously the giant “sample-size” hole. Dak is still another season and change from even qualifying for the career passer rating leaderboard. He doesn’t have enough attempts for this article to even make sense.
At least the author/slobberer acknowledges that a 100 rating game isn’t what it used to be, which obviously affects the veteran quarterbacks more


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Dak was good in 2016, not very good in 2017
Wentz was good in 2017, not very good in 2016

Wentz played 14 games in 2017
Dak played all 16

blah blah...

Not sure Wentz is their franchise QB, anymore then I am sure Dak is ours.

There is no comparison to Rodgers though... that is pretty much laughable in every way possible.
Rodgers only played 6 games in reality last season. Since he only threw 4 times before he was taken out in the Vikings game
last season. The last game he played he sucked, after coming back from injury, which isn't that unexpected.

Personally I can't stand Rodgers...

But, most QBs in the NFL couldn't hold his jock strap, let alone comparing Dak to him.

Another reason stats suck for comparing players. If there is any person that would rather have Dak as the QB over Rodgers
for us, they have to put down the pipe, or seek medical attention quickly, because something is wrong.

I mean heck I liked Romo, and Romo would have been sitting on the sidelines watching Rodgers play as well...

There are some players, you just can't compare other players to. No matter what stats tell you, it still is laughable.
:rolleyes: the packers were/ are extremely fortunate to have had that rubber enema bag thats clad in the cheesehead jersey of #12 hanging on the 'go to' wall hook after Brett Favre( whom by the way iirc collected a heap bigger pile-0- plunder while playing,than this current Prima Donna )

* ya that #4 had a better stacked gun rack to draw from than this current fudgepacker goes to war with,,,he knows he ain't got our number nailed upon his trophy scalp pole in his lodge,,,& that bottom of the dumpster scrapings those clods from Philly comfortably dwell within, were chirping loud about in twitterland after that one of two games they played us is gonna get shoehorned up their ***holes in 18o_O
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There's a direct correlation between Romo retiring, Dez getting cut and Prescott being blamed for literally everything under the sun.

Like Romo was blamed for everything for multiple years? :)

People blame the QB. It is what it is. I'm pulling for Dak and think that if he continues to work on his craft he'll do great. I'm just not sure he can overcome the coaching/front office deficiencies. Romo couldn't.
But Dak has his strengths and weaknesses, like anyone. He's a different style player than Romo and some people just don't seem to grasp that and think because he's different that he sucks. He'll prove them wrong, just like Romo did.


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Why does the qb gets this excuse for declining stats but the guys catching his passes don't?
Being a receiver requires the ability to do two things. Get open and catch a ball. Our receivers had issues doing both last year. It would be false to say the receivers were open and Dak missed them consistently, yes Dak wasn't perfect but Terrance Williams was 24th in the league in separation while Dez was 89th, he also tied the league lead for drops. Looking at the tape you can see why the FO released Dez and the league has shunned him. You can see why they brought in 5 new receivers. The Cowboys season turned week 10 against the Falcons. In that game and the two after it (Philly/Chargers), the offensive line was under league average in most pass blocking metrics. Without pass blocking or receivers who separate, what the hell is he supposed to do? Insert any middle tier NFL QB and they'll lose as well. Only the top 5/6 elite NFL quarterbacks win despite all those issues. Dak isn't that but he isn't a JAG either. Colin Cowherds tier video pretty much sums it up.


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Yeah everyone. Here is the problem. A rookie QB put up mediocre stats against one of the best defenses in the league..... any rookie who can’t light up one of the best defenses in the league, surely will never be a good QB in the league.
You missed the point entirely.

A 100 QB rating means nothing anymore. For anybody.

I demonstrated that a pedestrian performance can get a 108 rating. Case in point.


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You missed the point entirely.

A 100 QB rating means nothing anymore. For anybody.

I demonstrated that a pedestrian performance can get a 108 rating. Case in point.

A 100 rating means nothing anymore?

Sure sure. Whatever you need to tell yourself.

The Vikings game couldn’t have been a game Dak played well and executed the game plan, but the game plan was to run the ball a lot and kill the clock? And to play ball control offense?

Nah that couldn’t be it.


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The problem I have with Dak is that he went into the tank the second half of the season. Yes there were problems, the OL lost Smith for a few games, no zeke, etc but that is precisely when you want your Franchise QB to step up his game, not curl up and cry like a little girl, which is what Dak did. You guys can throw out all the stats and 2nd year nonsense you want.. But until Dak can elevate his game when it matters and the team can rely on him to be a good QB regardless of the situation, then he is nothing more than a bus driver that needs people around him to be great for him to be successful. In the last 8 games, he had one good game, against a Giants team that was in shambles and had quit. QB ratings of 30.4 vs philly(the first game when it really mattered), 60.6 against the chargers, 59.5 against the raiders, 51.2 against Seattle, with a decent game of 93.4 against Washington and 85.3 against the 3 stringers in philly the second game. That may be some of ya'lls definition of a franchise QB, it's not mine. I think the team realizes he is not the most talented QB and they have committed to providing him the team around him he needs to be successful.

I think they realize that less is more with Dak, just ask him to hand off and make quick easy throws on 3rd downs to convert. And occasionally run the ball. He can be effective in an offense that doesn't require the QB to do to much, which is what the team is building around him. Anyone expecting this guy to be on the same level of talent as a Wentz, Brees, Rodgers, Brady, etc are just fooling themselves. He doesn't have that type of talent, but that doesn't mean he can't be successful, just have to realize what we have and plan accordingly.
Oh boy...

Yes...they gave him a bunch of no name wrs because they want him to do less...gotcha. If they thought he wasn't talented they would have kept the "dominant" wr...

Dak is not someone who "crys like a little girl"...did you see him get his head handed to him last year? Did you see him miss a play?

That is toughness and what you want leading a team. He answers the bell when a lot of players would have bowed out when it wasn't getting any better. The fact are...he had literally no weapons. Dez was extremely inconsistent and unreliable yet he was forced to throw him the ball because he would be a bigger pain if he didn't. It was paingully obvious that Witt was done too. Teams taking away Beasely and what scares you?

Couple that with a shakey line and it is no mystery what happened last year.

And Dak has what it takes when the chips are down...9 game winning drives in two years tells anyone that. Compare that to the 2 the "uber talented" Wentz had.

Patience will pay off with this player.


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Since the stats almost exclusively point towards Dak being a promising young QB, the detractors are usually left with the "But just WATCH him play!!!" argument. The good old "eye test" as it's often called.

It's petty nonsense by small people who need negativity in their life to find meaning.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
The Dak hate reminds me of the Tony Hate. Tony throws 36 TDs in his first full year as a starter and people are saying he’s garbage because he had 19ints. Dak’s first two seasons are as good as anyone not named Marino. With a receiving corp that had DB’s glued to them and had hands of stone Dak still only threw 13 ints. Lets hope he maintains 8.5 ints per season for the rest of his career. He is a leader. He is not scared of going into GB or Pitt or NY or Philthy. He is already good but he will be great.


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Since the stats almost exclusively point towards Dak being a promising young QB, the detractors are usually left with the "But just WATCH him play!!!" argument. The good old "eye test" as it's often called.

It's petty nonsense by small people who need negativity in their life to find meaning.

As much as I can't stand Rodgers, as I said before... Mentioning Prescott & Rodgers in the same sentence, comparing them... is a joke. Which is what this was all about.


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As much as I can't stand Rodgers, as I said before... Mentioning Prescott & Rodgers in the same sentence, comparing them... is a joke. Which is what this was all about.

Nobody is comparing them. The point was how nonsensical it is to call Prescott a bad or even below average QB.


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Would be interesting to see these stats weighted on the percentage of passing yards of total yards gained. Green Bay and Dallas were 25th and 26th in passing yards respectively last year while New England was 2nd. Meanwhile Dallas was 2nd in rushing while New England was 10th and Green Bay 17th.

Passer rating, even as a proportion of games played, doesn't tell the whole offensive story. ...and if we judge QBs by offensive points scored New England is 2nd and Dallas is 14th last year.

I'm sure the blog gets a lot of clicks though...

All you're looking to do is add things that aren't equal to start out with. First this article is about career 100 plus passer rated games percentages not some made up criteria that you want that is weighted against Prescott. Like bringing up the peckers whatever last season when Rodgers only played 7, actually 6 and 1/2 games. Second in the 2 seasons Prescott been in Dallas, the Cowboys have run a ball control run first offense that uses up clock and tends to have lower scoring games so your idea of basing things off offensive points scored is ridiculous when some teams are heavy pass first teams and the Cowboys are a run first team. The long and the short of it is your bias against Prescott came through with feeble made up criteria that isn't sound.