Dak second to only Rodgers in 100+ QBR/games played


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A 100 rating means nothing anymore?

Sure sure. Whatever you need to tell yourself.

The Vikings game couldn’t have been a game Dak played well and executed the game plan, but the game plan was to run the ball a lot and kill the clock? And to play ball control offense?

Nah that couldn’t be it.

And Dak's stats that game are better than he played. Outside of one deep pass to Dez, where he completely schooled the defender and would have been a TD if not for a poor throw, he would have had about 80 yards on those other 19 attempts.


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And Dak's stats that game are better than he played. Outside of one deep pass to Dez, where he completely schooled the defender and would have been a TD if not for a poor throw, he would have had about 80 yards on those other 19 attempts.

The old, let’s take away their best play and see what their stats are argument.


I suppose we are going to go back and calculate Dak’s stats this past season, if the receivers caught the passes they dropped?

The rockets would have won last night if a few of their 3 pointers were an inch to the left too....


waving monkey

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Would be interesting to see these stats weighted on the percentage of passing yards of total yards gained. Green Bay and Dallas were 25th and 26th in passing yards respectively last year while New England was 2nd. Meanwhile Dallas was 2nd in rushing while New England was 10th and Green Bay 17th.

Passer rating, even as a proportion of games played, doesn't tell the whole offensive story. ...and if we judge QBs by offensive points scored New England is 2nd and Dallas is 14th last year.

I'm sure the blog gets a lot of clicks though...
if you combine daks two years that ranking rises significantly

waving monkey

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Here's the problem.

Against Minnesota: 12-for-18, 139 yards, 1 TD, 108.3 rating

To an elite QB, that's known as a first half, not an entire game. Dak failed to break 200 yards passing eight times last year alone. That's just weird.


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The old, let’s take away their best play and see what their stats are argument.


I suppose we are going to go back and calculate Dak’s stats this past season, if the receivers caught the passes they dropped?

The rockets would have won last night if a few of their 3 pointers were an inch to the left too....


It wasn't his best play. It was a poor throw by him.

It's just that the numbers from that one play mask how poor his performance was that game.


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I think you mean weekly fact threads, or weekly make Dak-haters look like idiot threads.
Big big year 3 coming up. For Dak and his legion. I hope he converts me, I really do.

Here's some facts: Still waiting for him to throw a TD in the last two minutes of any game. 33 and counting. 7 Games last year he didn't throw 1 TD. Guess who holds the record for most games in a row throwing a TD? Yup, It ain't Dak.


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It wasn't his best play. It was a poor throw by him.

It's just that the numbers from that one play mask how poor his performance was that game.

1. It was barely a poor throw. It was slightly too deep and Dez had to reach out to make the catch. It was half a step too deep. But still a good throw overall. So saying it was a poor throw is just not correct.

2. Bryant was wide open because it was a double move, taking advantage of the safeties playing up on the shorter passes. But I guess the QB gets no credit for making that read right? We will now penalize a QB for throwing to a WR that’s too open. When the receiver is that open in part because the safety is selling out to stop the shorter passes.

Again, removing any players best play from a game in order to criticize their performance is just nonsense. I’m not saying Dak was an all star that game, he wasn’t. But it wasn’t a bad game overall. The game plan for that game was very conservative because the Vikings had a great defense and crappy offense. Dak was very efficient that game and didn’t make any big mistakes to cost the team the game. People like to call him a “bus driver” I don’t agree with that label overall but the Vikings game was definitely a bus driver game. Which isnt always a bad thing.
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Big big year 3 coming up. For Dak and his legion. I hope he converts me, I really do.

Here's some facts: Still waiting for him to throw a TD in the last two minutes of any game. 33 and counting. 7 Games last year he didn't throw 1 TD. Guess who holds the record for most games in a row throwing a TD? Yup, It ain't Dak.
Threw a TD in OT, has 9 game winning drives. His passing set up Elliott's game winning run against Pittsburgh. Seems that there is always some BS that has to get thrown out there for him to prove himself. Not buying the I hope he does crap either, especially after the Dak and his legion comment. That legion is Cowboys' fans and if you need converted....


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A 100 rating means nothing anymore?

Sure sure. Whatever you need to tell yourself.

The Vikings game couldn’t have been a game Dak played well and executed the game plan, but the game plan was to run the ball a lot and kill the clock? And to play ball control offense?

Nah that couldn’t be it.
Apparently, you didn't watch that game.


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1. It was barely a poor throw. It was slightly too deep and Dez had to reach out to make the catch. It was half a step too deep. But still a good throw overall. So saying it was a poor throw is just not correct.

2. Bryant was wide open because it was a double move, taking advantage of the safeties playing up on the shorter passes. But I guess the QB gets no credit for making that read right? We will now penalize a QB for throwing to a WR that’s too open. When the receiver is that open in part because the safety is selling out to stop the shorter passes.

Again, removing any players best play from a game in order to criticize their performance is just nonsense. I’m not saying Dak was an all star that game, he wasn’t. But it wasn’t a bad game overall. The game plan for that game was very conservative because the Vikings had a great defense and crappy offense. Dak was very efficient that game and didn’t make any big mistakes to cost the team the game. People like to call him a “bus driver” I don’t agree with that label overall but the Vikings game was definitely a bus driver game. Which isnt always a bad thing.

Again, not his best play. Stop calling it that.

Dez is open by 10 yards. Only a bad throw keeps that play from being a TD.

Making the read to throw to the #1 WR who is open by 10 yards?

Who is penalizing Dak? It was a poor throw. Period. If you consider a poor throw his best play, then you are confirming it was not a good game.

Dak was doing nothing that game and the passer rating is misleading. It happens, especially with bus drivers.


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Yeah everyone. Here is the problem. A rookie QB put up mediocre stats against one of the best defenses in the league..... any rookie who can’t light up one of the best defenses in the league, surely will never be a good QB in the league.

Okay, thanks for that. I guess we can scrap the 2016 season when he played against weak defenses 95% of the season (27th easiest schedule).

Also, I doubt the blog mentions or gives credit to the OL, Receivers or anyone in the Team for that "only second to Rodgers" stat. In that case let's be fair and not bring up injuries, OL issues or even Defense when talking about the real issues Dak has.

That 2016 season does not convince me to think that Dak is the QB of the future or even the present, not when playing one of the easiest schedules of the season with the best RB of the league and one of the best OL of the league, but then showing struggles the season after when playing a more tough schedule - I really pray this season the Team will be 100% healthy, full time RB, Oil prices will stabilize, the sun flares causing the extreme heat will stop, Inflation and unemployment rates will go down, and basically any other excuse will not exist to truly know if this is the QB the Team deserves or if it is time to move on and include QB as part of the rebuilding process. At this point I'll be happy with either outcome.


Salary Cap Analyst
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If a 100 passer rating doesn't mean anything anymore, how about 120? Dak has eight of those -- tied for second behind Tom Brady in the past two years.

If a 120 rating doesn't mean anything anymore, how about 130? Dak has five in the past two years -- again tied for second behind Brady. (Dak had three of them last season alone -- tied for the most in the league.)

If a 130 rating doesn't mean anything anymore, how about 140? Dak has three of those in the past two years -- again, tied for the most in the league.

What's next? Only 150 or better is impressive? Well, that's Dak's passer rating in overtime.

It's no wonder the haters cling to total passing yards as the most important way to measure a quarterback.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Here's the problem.

Against Minnesota: 12-for-18, 139 yards, 1 TD, 108.3 rating

To an elite QB, that's known as a first half, not an entire game. Dak failed to break 200 yards passing eight times last year alone. That's just weird.
Ya-know! That was a ' jammed up the Jimmy ' kinda' battle Minny put out against us,they must've channeled strongly ,some of that bad " ju-ju" the N.Y. gnats hung around our necks that year too!,,,now,while we didn't match up with Minny at a casual glance as last years season progressed, we did flat out extracted a half bag full of some payback on those narrow ***es from up in N.Y. ,,,er,,,ya-know!,,,,swept the skins & thru the supreme caliber of our fielded character split with the pin-feathered feebles of Philly,,, that RAMS game was just outright given away & Aaron Rodgers is probably still polishing and kissing his lucky right nut for the great luck that he stumbled upon in pulling that win outta' the trash packer loss bin,,,,although our #4's statistical numbers wouldn't look much different were that double stuffed two game cookie crumbled the other way, the low hanging grey clouds that apparently seem to form over& around a #4 topic wouldn't be lingering around at all,,,I'M THINKINGo_O