News: Dallas offensive philosophy refuses to follow the crowd


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It's nice to have a top tier running game but if you want to contend for a championship you better have a top tier passing game too.

If you can only have one, passing game it is.
We tried that. It didn't really work, though.


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Correct....the nfl is a copycat league, until Garrett can coach them to a ring....nobody will copy

If the run game forces 8plus in the box to stop it, but dak can't be efficient in the intermediate middle (where the 8th guy comes from) ... Teams will win the war against us

Now if we can run this smash mouth spread and run the ball....empty out the box with 4 wr's...but why did it take 2 years to bring it on?


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It takes balance to win the big dance. When you have a true elite o-line and elite rb you can't ignore it. As (if) the passing game improves, we'll use it more.


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In theory it’s a good idea. Defenses are trending smaller to deal with 3-4 wide offenses. That should be susceptible to a dominant run game
i like to think we just outsmarted everybody
kinda like when Belicheck switches offensive or defensive schemes just to get premium players that only really fit what hes doing

yeah, thats it
Dallas is one upping the system!


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If the Cowboy passing game isn't efficient (And no "efficient" doesn't mean have to be in the top-10 teams when it comes to passing yardage per game) then it will not matter how good the running game is.

There currently is no real reason why the offense shouldn't be well balanced.


Cowboys Diehard
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I'm expecting Dak to have a considerably better year this year. As to where that might put the C'boys in terms of competing with other teams is yet to be discovered. Our defense certainly appears to be superior in talent to what we've had in recent years of our past and that should stand us in good stead as far a competing for a playoff spot. Of course, reaching far into the playoffs is yet another matter and the SB is even more difficult. I think we'll be in the hunt to get a playoff spot this year and anything beyond that will be gravy. We're on the right track now -- here's hoping the good decisions with talent continues at its present pace if we're ultimately destined to reach the "big show."
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One could also add the draft levels for the free agents that the Cowboys have been signing as well...oh, there is both youth and talent on the defensive side of the ball.

Give me a top defensive tackle and a top safety, and all I could do then would be wait for this all to jell.

Draft level of a free agent has ZERO relevance.


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This league is based on trends. So while passing is the in thing right now, that does not mean a team cannot rewrite the book and send the league in a new direction.

I keep seeing finite statements about what is, but sure as shate the second you think your what is is the only way, there will be a team that rewrites that what is.

Dallas has focused on defense and the passing game. The 2016 season ended up going south on one pass. Better defense with that offense and this team is in the NFC championship; game.

So all the stats in the world will not predict what this season, or any after will bring. Had Dallas moved on and gained a berth in the SB in 2016, leagues would be looking for running backs. As it is the Giants ignored the fact Eli is old and losing his mojo, and took a running back.

This is an alkaline and acidic league and as the pendulum swings one way, it will begin swinging back at some point.


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The trend in the NFC East is changing.


And all 4 teams heavily drafted OL the last few years.

Ill take my chances with the rushing attack.

If the Cowboys had Rogers,Brady or Brees I could see them pass more.
But you left out the receivers and TE’s some of those teams have acquired (ie Odiva, Shepard, Engram, Ertz, Jeffrey, Reed, etc ) and we have John Doe.

We’ll see but as I’ve stated several times, I’m more worried about this season than last. Typical Jerrah, just like picking up project players to try and show everyone else how smart he is by bucking the trend, now he’s trying to do it with the entire offensive strategy.

I’d personally prefer more diversity and not be so reliant on one player and/or strategy.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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The only way this works is if the D becomes more stout and opportunistic. Otherwise a team with an explosive offense can beat the game of keep away.

They can fake it for nine or ten wins, but that is about it.


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But you left out the receivers and TE’s some of those teams have acquired (ie Odiva, Shepard, Engram, Ertz, Jeffrey, Reed, etc ) and we have John Doe.

We’ll see but as I’ve stated several times, I’m more worried about this season than last. Typical Jerrah, just like picking up project players to try and show everyone else how smart he is by bucking the trend, now he’s trying to do it with the entire offensive strategy.

I’d personally prefer more diversity and not be so reliant on one player and/or strategy.

I guess I'd ask how that strategy with a TE staying on the field for 97% of the plays has worked out for other teams. I don't think you'll find a team with that type of TE philosophy. Maybe, but you'd have to show me Engram and Ertz numbers to prove it


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
There currently is no real reason why the offense shouldn't be well balanced.

Yes there is and its reason # 1 just look below in your signature photo you know the guy wearing no our passing game is for the dogs...woof woof...


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I guess I'd ask how that strategy with a TE staying on the field for 97% of the plays has worked out for other teams. I don't think you'll find a team with that type of TE philosophy. Maybe, but you'd have to show me Engram and Ertz numbers to prove it
I guess I don’t understand what you’re getting at. Are you trying to say players like Ertz and Witten weren’t integral to many of their wins?

Engram hasn’t shown much in the few Giants games I’ve seen but no receivers did when Eli had to get rid of the ball in under 2 seconds. Unfortunately I think he may be a much bigger threat (as their entire offense would be) with a better O line.