News: Dallas offensive philosophy refuses to follow the crowd


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The only way this works is if the D becomes more stout and opportunistic. Otherwise a team with an explosive offense can beat the game of keep away.

They can fake it for nine or ten wins, but that is about it.
Kris Richard is the best addition of the offseason,period. He makes the entire team better.


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You do remember the incredibly flukey helmet catch right and you do realize that the average points scored in the last 10 SBs is 53 points right and the last 3, 56 points. How about them defenses.. That's pretty much the same as the points scored per game in the 16 game season. Defense doesn't win SB's anymore than it wins regular season games, the Bronco's being the recent exception. Yes, the Bronco's SB winning team three years ago had a dominating defense... throughout the year. The following year same defense, suck arse offense. Bottom line, teams don't consistently win SB's without a strong offense and defense. The ones that have are one and disappear for awhile. Yes I'm sure as Cowboy fans we'd be happy with one SB :rolleyes:. We aren't happy with 5 why would we be happy with 6

There's more than one way to skin a cat. Everyone knows that. Obviously you can win without having an elite defense. But the more consistent avenue has been and always will be to have a dominant defense. Or at least have your defense really step up in the playoffs.

I'm not saying the cowboys can't win their way. I said in 2014 they could of won it all their way. Like I said.. needed a better defense right? And yes, if you have a dominant defense the offensive scheme isn't that important. You can win with whatever scheme fits your team.

The saints won the sb with a dominant offense.. But in the playoffs their defense was playing elite. In the sb it won the game. Same with the Colts and Manning. Overall you need the defense primarily to get that ring.


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They aren't following the crowd because the crowd has receivers and a TE.

Dallas does too, but because they’re not proven, detractors desperately cling to their fondest hope—that those evil Cowboys fail!

Steelers ‘don’t have a RB or a good defense’, but who here cares?


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Pete Carroll no longer carries any cred he use to have. He's become more of a puppet these days. He use to be the heart beat of the team..but has lost his luster. The true heartbeat of the team was Kris Richard and Richard Sherman...and together with ET...made one helluva team. Russell Wilson will never be in another SB with the team they now have..void of playmakers defensively. Russell is good..but just a good bus driver. That D made Russ and coach Carroll what they were. Without Richard, we shall see what Carroll is.


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The only way this works is if the D becomes more stout and opportunistic. Otherwise a team with an explosive offense can beat the game of keep away.
saw too many times long 12+ play drives erased by a 2 minute drill :facepalm:
i have a good feeling about covering up some of those easy completions this year, but i dont know if its realistic since we dont really know whos playing or where
i just like the youth movement and the aggression Richard talks


Captain Catfish
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I think this is a really good point.

A top RB is still extremely valuable to a team. I think what does work against RB’s is their short shelf life.

Their play can drop off at anytime due to injury of number of carries. Only the BEST OF THE BEST historically, seem to stay very productive for long stretches of time. So I think some teams shy away from drafting them high or signing them to big deals because of that reason, moreso than because a great RB isn’t valuable to a team.
They are valuable, but the fact that you can draft one every year is also as significant as their shelf life.


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i think you are way off base here no offense
But you left out the receivers and TE’s some of those teams have acquired (ie Odiva, Shepard, Engram, Ertz, Jeffrey, Reed, etc ) and we have John Doe.
this is true especially tightend, rivals allocated picks on them and Dallas is wayyy behind here
knowing Garretts dependence on them though i doubt it will stay that way long

We’ll see but as I’ve stated several times, I’m more worried about this season than last. Typical Jerrah, just like picking up project players to try and show everyone else how smart he is by bucking the trend, now he’s trying to do it with the entire offensive strategy.
this where i disagree, it isnt Jerry at all
this is 99% Stephen, McClay and Garrett
and it works very very well for many reasons at least right now but you still have to have some defense as @Alexander said

I’d personally prefer more diversity and not be so reliant on one player and/or strategy.
i think its easy to speculate that they would love to have a #1 dominant receiver and blue chip tightend and they will but not right now because they went Collins over either and are trying to fill that void with guys like Hurns and Gallup
dont think the roster changes are complete because there are still needs but only so many resources

if Dak is very good this year and they make a strong run maybe we see them address any holes with FA


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Interesting stuff - at least to me it is. I think RBs are still appreciated by their teams, but good luck getting a mega-deal.
so you wouldnt pay Leveon Bell the 20M a year he wants i take it? :muttley:


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If the Cowboy passing game isn't efficient (And no "efficient" doesn't mean have to be in the top-10 teams when it comes to passing yardage per game) then it will not matter how good the running game is.
this is what made the 2014 offense and Romo so deadly
Murray was getting chunks which opened up the game for Romo to pick and choose
and if you had say 3rd & long Romo could get that for you pretty easily
it let Romo be extremely efficient, not a bus driver but a weapon you hold in check until you needed it


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Unfortunately, when I look at the list of NFL’s leading rushers and compare it to Super Bowl Champions, the emphasis on running the football doesn’t make any sense.

Why are the Cowboys focused on running the football in a league dominated by the passing game? The 1998 Denver Broncos are the last team to win the Super Bowl and have the NFL’s leading rusher – Terrell Davis.

Having the running back with the most yards hasn’t resulted in a Super Bowl title for teams in 20 years. Have you ever wondered why the NFL has devalued the running back position? It’s because teams are winning championships by throwing the football.

The 2005 Pittsburgh Steelers are the only Super Bowl Champions – Super Bowl XL – that won with more rushing yards (181) than passing yards (166).

The 2009 New Orleans Saints had 51-rushing yards when they defeated the Indianapolis Colts in Super Bowl XLIV.

The Green Bay Packers defeated the Pittsburgh Steelers in Super Bowl XLV with 50-rushing yards.

The Arizona Cardinals would have won Super Bowl XLIII with 33-rushing yards, if not for a Tony Romo type touchdown toss to receiver Santonio Holmes from quarterback Ben Roethlisberger with 35 seconds left.

Next: Ranking every top-10 pick in Dallas Cowboys’ history
Owner Jerry Jones and the front office has Cowboy Nation obsessed with being the NFL’s best rushing team. Meanwhile, teams are winning Super Bowl championships with little to no concern about the ground game.

In a copycat league, where teams are winning with potent aerial attacks, it doesn’t surprise me that the Cowboys would do the opposite. Let’s hope our way works.
The 92 Cowboys were the first to win a SB with the leading rusher. In fact, it was a point made by some that for that reason they were picking BUF, history.


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This is amusing because the crowd is the only ones winning rings. But there is more than one way to win it all and the Cowboys have not been following the crowd in a more important area than the pass or the run.

The crowd has been paying attention to it's D side of the ball and the Cowboys are late to the party on that. Doesn't matter whether they pass or run if they can't keep the opposition's score under theirs.

Teams didn't just all of the sudden decide to start being pass happy. Not too long ago, you look up the top 5 passing teams and you'd see no more than 2 in the playoffs, if that and never the #1 passing team. The NFL is passing by design and changed the rules to give the coaches an easier and faster way to the end zone.

It remains to be seen if a run first team can do anything and I hate to say that because I love the run game. But without a stout D that can make the stops when they need them, they are better off with a more potent scoring attack. And that is the pass game.